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I consider myself not smart, but reasonable. I don't always know the answer, and if I'm not sure, I'll think a few times before making my point. If I am sure that I know, then I will answer so that it is not 100% and I am ready for discussion and argumentation
There is such a good test in this regard:
Smart people learn from their mistakes.
Stupid – doesn't learn.
Analyze your mistakes and if you find at least 3-4 cases when you step on the same rake, then you can consider yourself smart, but … you are only on the way.
A stupid person almost always denies that he can make mistakes or step on a rake at all.
Considering yourself smart or stupid is not reasonable, if only because everything is relative… So relax and do what's interesting. Interesting-read books read, not interesting – do not force yourself, just to prove something to someone.
To think of yourself as smart is to put an end to yourself.
It is not possible to know every type of activity 100%. Someone can take at least a teaspoon of something, but they can add something.
It's wrong to think of yourself as smart or stupid. The first is incorrect, if only because a person constantly needs to develop, all his life. If you've already decided that you're smart, then that's it…stopped in development. It is also stupid to consider yourself stupid, sorry for the tautology. Stupid because there is always something to strive for, something to learn and try to comprehend…
Depending on my actions, thinking about them later can make me feel both stupid and smart. And I'm a fool much more often than I'm smart.�
But I separate tactical stupidity from strategic stupidity. All people achieve results in different periods of time. Everyone has different tasks. No two people are exactly alike, even in the whole world. This means, among other things, that each of us inevitably turns out to be a fool in a huge number of areas that are less important to him than the area on which he focused his efforts.
And when you solve your strategic task, this result justifies a lot of stupid things that you do along the way.
A smart person understands that by calling himself smart, he insults others, and answering “I'm not smart” – flatters himself that he is not better (in the eyes of other people). Therefore, it is not even a question of whether a person is really smart – this question cannot be answered. I usually say “xs” and that's the end of it. But someday I'll take over the world, hehe.
Yes, especially in your field. However, this does not mean that there are no people smarter than me. And in my area, and in others, of course. Besides, I don't tell everyone how smart I am! But objectively evaluating your intelligence is the right thing to do.�
It especially helps not to expect (and even more so – not to demand) from others the same level of”intelligence”. And do not talk to others in a mentoring tone.�
I realized this only when I became a high-level boss and now I am responsible for the intellectual work of the whole team. Now the phrase ” Damn, how much can you mess around?! This is five minutes of business!”I'm just saying it in my head :- ) Because that's five minutes for me, and a day may not be enough for everyone else. And this is not because they are bad employees, no! It's just that everyone is different. And on the mind, too.
P.S. Although my favorite phrase about many smart people is “There is a brain – there is no mind”. Because smart people are often such fools! :-
Society doesn't like people who recognize their power. Smart people who say they are smart are just as despicable as beautiful people who talk about their beauty. There is a theory about intellectual arrogance, which states that the most competent and intelligent people are very arrogant, but they hide it well. So, most of the people who believe and say that they are not smart, lie to others or to themselves.
I have a habit of idealizing some words, so the word “smart” is a combination of erudition, reading, common sense, and analytics. I do not consider myself smart in my understanding, but I strive to be such a person. I know that it is difficult and long to achieve this, and it is not a fact that it will still be possible, but it is already worth a lot to try.
Probably not smart. This is purely my opinion (please correct me if you find it incorrect):
A smart person is someone who, in addition to owning information, can actively use it. And at such a level that it brings benefits and yet that this knowledge can be disseminated and has its own considerable scale.�
I don't consider myself smart, but I can select information and own it.