7 Answers

  1. The finiteness of life gives you the audacity to live, to love, without fitting into someone's framework. We live again!! That is, it shades and supports you.

    And at the same time – it makes no sense, of course. You will die, everything will end for you, the memory of you will drag on, even your immediate descendants will be lost for a couple of generations.

    If you become famous, it means that the memory of you will be erased a little longer, but it will also be lost.

    For a non-believer in eternal life, there is no objective meaning to life.

    But this is not a drama at all: it seems that the need to find meaning in us, as biological and social beings, is sewn into the psyche. And we simply find in different periods of our life different temporary, subjective meanings that give a greater fullness of life, taste, joy and interest; as well as pain, longing and darkness ; in short, everything human.

    So it seems, Filippo, that you have stated in your question a dialectical pair: both priceless and meaningless, and therefore fascinating and unique.

  2. I think it's neither. The size is not important for either the price or the meaning. Essential content. How did Malezhek sing there?

    I have a cuckoo for 100 years of my life.. Oh, how small that is..You'd better make me happy.”. Happiness even for a day.

    Only happiness for yourself is not an end in itself. That's what will bring so much happiness, yes. After that, it's not a pity to die.

  3. The finiteness of human life gives it precisely a HUMAN dimension, for nothing in the world is aware of its mortality except man. “Things”, the natural world, do not know “being-to-death”. Death (not the physical act of dying, but a certain “horizon” of our being) “creates” our being ” here and now (Dasein). It is precisely after realizing one's own mortality that a person creates culture-religion, art, society, etc. – by putting the world in “symbolic forms” (E. Kassirer), trying to “tame” or “conjure” it. Yes, in this sense, a person is an “exile”, an “outsider” in the world; consciousness rejects him from the world, he can “envy” the world, but remains innocent of it.:”If I were a tree among trees, a cat among animals, this life would make sense, or rather, this problem itself would not make sense, because I would be a part of the world.” (“The Myth of Sisyphus”) It remains for a person to “bear the burden of the world”(alien to him!) on his shoulders – and this, perhaps, can be considered the meaning of his life. To see in the finitude of human life its pricelessness – “there are a lot of hunters, I'm not one of them.”:)

  4. Priceless, because something finite, unique, inimitable must necessarily be so.
    Meaningless, because on the scale of the universe, the meaning of life for most of us tends to be the meaning of the life of a one-day butterfly.

  5. And what meaning would eternity add to your/my / his existence?

    Imagine: everything is exactly as it is now, you go to work in the morning, come home in the evening, have dinner, watch TV/book / computer, go to bed, go to work in the morning…

    Only there is no restriction. You will not die at 70, and even at 90 you will not die, you do not need to retire, you are immortal.�

    And apart from immortality, there are no miracles – no genius, no kindness, no world peace.�

    Mortality (rather, fear of death) and meaninglessness are not the same thing. These are two parallel problems, sometimes from human helplessness and horror merging into one.�

    Here, in my opinion, the opposite rule works: the fullness of life makes its end less disgusting and frightening.

  6. Priceless – because it is one, just so unique and ultimate. Whether we believe in life after death or not is not so important in this formulation of the question. This life will end like any process in it. If you imagine the most pleasant thing in life that it never ends, one day you will get bored with this, you will want something else. It's about the same with life.

    The infinity of life could make life meaningless-although, frankly, it all depends on the individual: someone and 10 lives is not enough, and someone can not understand what to do with one, and spends it in vain.

  7. I think that life does not end with the death of one individual, and the meaning (or value, as you like) of life is given not by some stage of it, but by the carrier of the species Homo Sapiens. Because only people try to evaluate/make sense of their lives. All other living beings live and reproduce (continue to live in descendants), without thinking about the questions of their existence. At the same time, their life does not lose its meaning, does not devalue.

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