8 Answers

  1. From an early age, the educational process forms a moral principle in children, which stores the “standards” of good and evil, good and bad, right and wrong. The presence of standards forms the internal laws of each person, which ensure safety and peace in the soul.

    Conscience is a “tool” that constantly evaluates thoughts, words, and actions so that a person does not violate internal laws and cannot harm himself or others.

    Atheist gentlemen call conscience the internal controller, while religious gentlemen call it the internal judge.

  2. It's not a common word for me.

    This is probably where I think about my values and desires.

    These things are very closely interrelated: choosing between desires that are always multidirectional (that is, people always want opposite things at the same time, whether they realize it or not is another matter) and correlating the consequences of the choice with their values. Including the deepest values: in different ways.

    I have absolutely no need to refer to the precepts of a particular religion. My values and meanings, as well as my desires, are, of course, largely the result of my socialization, my life path. But the key word is mine.

    Bottom line: probably, in my experience, the closest thing to the concept of conscience is the habit of noticing your desires in their inconsistency and making a choice, correlating it with your personal values and meanings.

    The gods, devils, and spirits of the forest are all superfluous here.

    Well, for me anyway.

  3. Conscience is a mental process that evokes emotions and rational associations based on a person's moral philosophy or value system. Often, conscience is the reason for the appearance of feelings of guilt, remorse, when a person commits an act that contradicts his moral values.

    I just don't understand how this concept can be connected (or not connected) with the rejection of the belief in the existence of God.

  4. Tiny son came to his father, and asked tiny:

    — What is good and what is bad?

    This verse captures the essence, but the point is,

    What the parent showed, what the baby saw,

    Too much that adults don't see!

    It's so small and minuscule, imagine yourself as a cat or dog,

    You can't see anything from your mountain,

    and the Child sees everything,

    And if the parent noticed and explained the situation,

    The kid will be able to understand the essence,

    What's bad or good!

    Conscience is an example and nothing more!

    Conscience is society, no society, no conscience!

    Example, Russia, no society – no conscience!

    Every man for himself, every man for himself or for the family,

    NO more than that!

    Survival has become more difficult!

    Parents teach children to survive!

    Raise and produce children without relying on anyone!

    Protect from everyone! From the Russians! From strangers!

    They say There is no army! they say many other things.

  5. The ability to evaluate your actions with an “outside view”, when you put yourself in the place of someone you are doing badly
    In general, this is no longer an ability, but a personal quality that appears in a person during life
    It is clear that this quality appears only on the condition that he lives in society, and not some savage who has never seen people.

  6. Conscience – the ability to evaluate one's actions in terms of the norms of behavior accepted in a given society. And not only logically “weigh”, but also experience psychological discomfort, moral suffering when you realize that you did not do what you should.
    Believers and atheists are no different here: conscience is formed in the process of education and socialization, and there is no evidence that there are more unscrupulous people among atheists than among believers.

  7. Internal compass, adjusted in childhood with the help of parenting techniques and external influence (read books, etc.). Thanks to this compass, you can see the difference between good and bad.

  8. This is a reference question. The opinion of atheists coincides with the scientific one. And in itscientific opinion, conscience is defined as the ability to emotionally perceive the results of behavior analysis from the point of view of its compliance with social norms of morality.

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