2 Answers

  1. I think many people will not like my answer, but who even said that you should love your parents? There is a law : honor your parents! This is a yes! And it is necessary to love a person for the fact that he is a person! Respect for parents is an absolute moral obligation, love (as a state of mind), manifesting itself as a sacrifice, for each (there are conditions) person is the only meaning of life. The absence of feelings for parents is not a pathology of the soul, it is not heartlessness. Rather, on the contrary, if anyone objects, I can provide reinforced concrete proof. And they always cry for death about themselves, except for believers who doubt the salvation of the soul of the deceased, but this is another question.

  2. Why on earth do you think there are “selfless” feelings? At least, unselfish from the point of view of survival and reproductive success in the broad sense of the concept (at the level of distribution of “their” and “same”genes, and not only and exclusively “their” ones)? Normally, feelings, including love and altruism, are” sharpened ” by selection and serve the aforementioned survival and reproductive success. That is, they are basically selfish.

    Do you like your parents? Are you attached to them? Ready to help! Will you mourn their deaths? So what else do you want from yourself? Transform from a living being into an angel of heaven?

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