5 Answers

  1. Signs of falling in love:

    1. I want to see the object of adoration as often as possible, and even better to be constantly with him.

    2. All thoughts are only about him, and therefore it is sometimes very difficult to focus on something else.

    3. If earlier special attention was not paid to appearance, now you start to preen yourself to look perfect in the eyes of this person.

    4. He is so interesting to you that you start to get interested in his hobbies, so that there are common topics for conversation, reasons to meet.

    5. When the object of sighing appears in the immediate vicinity, you start to get very nervous, your language seems to be slurred, and your thoughts are scattered in different directions, you are not able to formulate a more or less adequate phrase to start a conversation, your behavior is very different from everyday life.

  2. Why are the answers so difficult? You can tell a few exact feelings when you see this or that person, and when I say a person, I mean a man or a guy (feminists, sorry).�
    For starters, the suspect's mood improves when you're around, and he's a little confused. If you communicate with them on a social network or using a mobile phone, they will always be ready to give you their time, but if they can't, they will notify you.
    p. s. if your hero really fell in love – don't spoil his life

  3. I remembered “I'm in love, no doubt. but in whom?” ©

    falling in love is energy. pruschaya downright “from all the cracks”. You become more active and confident, much more receptive to information, especially, of course, of a “personal nature” – hood.literature, movies/cartoons, stories/problems of friends and acquaintances. Roughly speaking, you become sensitive and not indifferent. But everything is not without drawbacks, and in the case of falling in love, this is a complete and impassable “stupid” in communicating with the object itself – here confidence disappears, and there are interruptions in activity. Well, that's in my experience. So, of course, you can understand much easier – you laugh when the “object” laughs, get upset when he(she) gets upset, and in general you are more or less dependent. something like that, perhaps.
    although I also agree with the answers above)

  4. That's for sure…., I have such a stupid state right now and I'm not a girl…. Horror but I like these feelings emotions and this love sympathy … Fear is not clear what….

  5. Endorphin is produced and “butterflies” in the stomach at the sight of it, although the same butterflies can also be caused by a collision with a person. someone you didn't want to meet, or who you were thinking about in a weird way, or who you were thinking about seconds later.

    I fully agree that you are starting to get interested in the area of his hobbies in order to get to know him better. If it's online, you'll read all the boring text he wrote ,his blog, and more. If it is real, you will look for other sources of information and “absorb” it entirely. You'll listen to the songs that he listens to, especially the most stupid and disgusting ones that he once played.�

    Usually, simple sympathy disappears if you do something more interesting, a hobby. But if you think about a person even during your favorite activities, this is it. This means that he is the most exciting factor at the moment. Just don't include the cheeky guy who crossed your path, you can also think about him day and night:))

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