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Personal experience. It is he who gradually, starting from the moment of birth, forms a unique personality in a person. If you imagine two people who always find themselves in the same situations and make the same decisions in these situations (right or wrong), then these people will only differ in appearance (if not twins). Otherwise, they will be the same. They will also make all future decisions in new identical situations in the same way. After all, they learned the same experience from their past mistakes and successes. Fortunately, this does not happen. But it happens the other way around. When twins, being exactly the same at first, get different experiences in the course of life and as a result are not similar in anything but appearance.�
And I mean not only my own experience, but also someone else's privatized one. If different people read the same set of books and watch the same set of movies (in the same sequence, of course), then the initial differences between them, due to their own experience, will be very much smoothed out. Moreover, it happens that their own experience in some field is initially zero. For example, the majority of ordinary people's own experience is limited to everyday issues. They have no political experience. Therefore, their political views are mainly determined by where they get their political information from. People who read the same newspaper, watch the same programs on TV, listen to the same radio, or regularly visit the same Internet resources think about the same way. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as”brainwashing.” But in reality, no one flushes anything. The similarity is explained by the fact that initially the experience in this area was zero or almost zero. If it were significant, the “flushing” would affect everyone differently.
If I don't say what most people think, then I'll take the cons, which has already happened to me many times, but this question is interesting to me, so I'll answer it.
All people are a copy of someone, but not a complete copy. A person takes something from one, something from the other. Sometimes it takes more, and sometimes it takes less. There are no 100% complete copies. There are only people who have coincided together for some interests. If a lot of their interests coincide together, then they are called similar to each other. People don't have 100% matches for all their interests and opinions. There are certain interests that attract a lot of people. This is called fashion. A small group of people who haven't picked up the trend are being called weird, stupid, and so on. Therefore, many people say that society is a herd, but this is not entirely true, because in the herd that ran after fashion, you can find a person who will coincide with you in any interest, although you are far from fashion. All people are individual.