4 Answers

  1. Since Buddhism is a teaching about the mind, happiness and suffering are understood as products of the mind. Suffering in Buddhism is dissatisfaction, anxiety, the result of a mismatch between the mind and reality. You've probably seen funny memes, two photos with the captions expectation and reality. And here the difference between these pictures becomes a cause of displeasure. That's about the experience of this feeling and is suffering in Buddhism. An important sign of suffering is the mind's dependence on something, or otherwise attachment to something. Another sign of a suffering mind is an illusion, a false understanding of the world order. Suffering and liberation from suffering is the foundation of Buddhist teaching. It is briefly expressed in four truths: 1) there is suffering, 2) suffering has a cause (sense desires), 3) suffering is not eternal, it can be removed, 4) there is a way to remove suffering – this is the development of wisdom (understanding reality as it is), morality (not causing harm to yourself and others) and discipline (training, training).

    Happiness in Buddhism is freedom from dissatisfaction. Freedom is an inherent natural quality of the mind that can be developed independently. Such a free state is described as a certain sphere of being, which cannot be described in any other way than to list what is not there:

    UD 8.1 ” There is a realm where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no wind; no realm of limitless space, no realm of limitless consciousness, no realm of non-existence, no realm of perception or non-perception; no world of this world, no next world, no sun or moon. And there, I tell you, there is no appearance, no movement, no abiding; no passing away, no arising: [it is] not established, not acting, not supported. This and only this is the end of suffering.”

    This state of mind is also described as satisfied, but the pleasure in this case is not sensual, but the pleasure of calmness, peace, the absence of any pain, the achievement of the desired result.:

    MN 59.16 Cessation of perception and feeling

    And what other pleasure, Ananda, is more sublime and refined than this? Here is a monk who has completely transcended the realm of neither perception nor non-perception, enters and remains in the cessation of perception and feeling. This is a different pleasure, more sublime and refined than that.

    And it may be, Ananda, that some wanderers who have other beliefs will ask, ” The hermit Gotama speaks of the cessation of perception and feeling, and yet he describes it as pleasure. What is it? How can this be?” When they say this, they should reply, ” Friends, it is not true that the Blessed One describes pleasure only when there is a pleasant feeling. But when something pleasant is achieved anywhere and in anything, the Tathagata describes it as pleasure”

  2. Be content with little, calm your mind, develop your mind. To prove by studying that the world is changeable and illusory, this confirms our dream and that 30% of our life we are absent. As soon as the passions subside, stupid goals disappear, personal life energy(health) remains, and suffering disappears!! and there will be time to see the beautiful world( in all its manifestations from the small to the cosmic level) and find happiness. Knowledge is power.

  3. Everything in this world is different, so the teaching (religion) of sage Gautama is different from other religions. For example, the four main religious concepts of happiness are as follows. The individual must be freed from vanity and pride, which are the cause of suffering in relationships with other living beings, as well as the eradication of ambition in the field of their activities. This liberation can only be obtained by surrendering to the Lord and recognizing him as the Supreme Governing Person or our Father. Moreover, there is no need to renounce one's activities at all, but one should simply regulate one's activities according to the rules corresponding to the service of the Lord, with the highest goal of participating in pastimes that satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for the prosperity of His creation, that is, the universe. It is this “highest goal” that serves as the concept of happiness.
    The concept of the Buddha's teaching is somewhat different. Happiness consists in moderation, victory over selfishness, as well as in harmony with nature and living beings. Pride and vanity are also recognized as the cause of suffering. However, the absence of higher goals, such as serving for the prosperity of the universe in Buddhism is not revealed. Therefore, there is no such concept of the highest happiness in this teaching. That is, the goal of the Buddha's teaching, this liberation from suffering in the form of complete renunciation of activity, in order to stop participating in the wheel of samsara (being), has from the point of view of other religions all the signs of utopia and egoism. This concept of supreme happiness distinguishes Buddhism, for example, from the four most common religions.

  4. It is no different, since the practice of the Buddha has become a standard religion, reading books, mumbling religious texts and imagining that something will be given for it. And not just something, but exactly what bubnilka wants. And since this desirable thing often cannot be in principle at all, then what is is declared to be this most desirable thing. And the usual religious lies begin in three throats. And this is called “Buddhism”. Especially in the blunt-nosed Russian version.

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