5 Answers

  1. Oh, thanks for the question! And I have a counter question – why does IT PAY ? It often seems to us that people are cynical from hopelessness, from swollen complexes, from the need for something-like not from a good life. And if a person has such a worldview and perception of the world-and it is comfortable for him to be so-we call cynical ? So he will not notice either the loneliness that will necessarily accompany him, or the coldness of others, or the condemnation. Maybe that's why he behaves in such a way as to be alone, at a distance from people and in a healthy confrontation with society. A real cynic doesn't know he's a cynic. I'm so kaatsa)

  2. 1) Time is spent on moralizing from all sorts of moralphages

    2) The balance shifts: many people hate you even more, but those who loved you begin to love and respect you even more.

    3) The social circle narrows down a bit

  3. Limited access. A cynic, by definition, sees only the low and primitive motives of people's actions, but does not see anything high, beautiful, or heroic.

    Very often, this does not interfere with your daily work at all, and such people make excellent traders, administrators, boxers or car sales managers.

    They will say that you can live like this, but where do you meet the beautiful in our ordinary life? You can live, of course.

    But talking to such a person about anything other than narrow professional interests is deadly boring. It is impossible to talk about humanitarian issues at all.

    Very often there are experts on everything in the world who explain politics, art, and science exclusively with money. It's depressing and pointless to talk to such people, so when I recognize them, I try to wind down the discussion as quickly as possible. By a strange coincidence, such people are usually quilted jackets, work in small positions and are very talkative.

  4. There is a fairly common version that cynicism itself is payback. There is a common expression in English and some others in the sense that if you look at a cynic carefully, you will find a disappointed idealist under the mask. The payback here is in the sense that you didn't have to be initially fascinated, and then you wouldn't have to be so painfully disappointed.

    On the other hand, cynicism does not help, but rather prevents you from realizing your own potential. In this sense, the individual pays for cynicism every day by not being able to truly find himself and his meaning in life.

    In fact, if you read memoirs, listen to interviews, or just look at the biographies of famous people, most often the emergence of some deep, healthy meaning or purpose in a person's life is associated with accepting responsibility. At a young age, it may be taking responsibility for yourself, your life, and the consequences of your decisions. In a more mature age, it can be responsibility for your family, the health or education of your children, etc. In any case, we are talking about deep acceptance, internal integration of certain values. A cynical rejection of them leads, on the contrary, to the fact that this natural and psychologically healthy path is closed to the cynic.

  5. most likely, he pays by receiving the same attitude from the “Universe”. What a man sows, that is what he reaps.�

    12 Therefore in all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets.
    (Matthew 7: 12)

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