13 Answers

  1. This is one of the classic questions discussed in the history of philosophy course. The difference between a sage and a philosopher is that the former thinks he knows how things work, while the latter understands that he doesn't.

    Therefore, the former gives out aphorisms about how life works, and the latter-educates the skill of critical thinking. It was the latter that brought together such ancient thinkers as Thales, Socrates, and others. It is also known that Socrates is credited with the phrase “I know that I know nothing”, and this is what characterizes the philosopher as a person striving for wisdom, or seeking wisdom. And about Thales, ancient sources say that he was given a gift as the wisest of people, and Thales gave this gift to the local temple, because, in his opinion, only the gods can possess wisdom.

    The achievement of a philosopher is that, unlike the average person, he understands the limitations of his knowledge, understands the complexity of philosophical problems. And the philistine, like the wise man, of course, is sure that the answers to all philosophical questions are simple, obvious and do not require special intelligence or intellectual effort. Therefore, the average person often prefers a wise man to a philosopher – after all, he does not understand why this critical thinking is necessary at all, when the answers are so specific and so obvious, and to realize that his “obvious” answers may not be at all obvious to the neighbor across the street or that the obvious answers may be wrong – this is not enough of his intellectual level.

    This, by the way, annoys many in philosophy, because the philosopher, unlike all sorts of “producers of wisdom”, often does not give specific answers to the questions posed. Why? Because philosophy is not so much interested in the answers (the philosopher understands that many of his questions may not have universal and final answers at all), but rather in the method of working with these questions and analyzing what answers to these questions are possible in principle, and what are the consequences of each of these answers.

  2. A wise man knows how to live. Or he thinks he knows [which is basically the same thing].

    The philosopher loves this knowledge [or “knowledge”] and likes to dig into it.

    A sage can be a philosopher at the same time, a philosopher can be a sage at the same time. But it may not be. These sets intersect, but do not coincide.

    What unites a sage and a philosopher is reflection. If someone speaks some wisdom, but does not reflect it and himself, he is not a sage. A preacher, maybe even a prophet, but not a wise man.

  3. The sage has practically proved his very high level of Intelligence and Culture – he is a Superphilosophist.

    A philosopher is a candidate for the very high title of Sage.

    Sages are unique, philosophers are numerous.

  4. If philosophy is understood literally as “The Love of Wisdom,” then the answer becomes simple and elegant. The same way I differ from my wife. She is a woman, and I love women.�

    A wise man is wise. A philosopher loves wisdom.�

    But in fact, the question with a trick, yes))

  5. The sage seems to the profane to be the one whose words they do not find objections to, the philosopher-objects to himself, leaving everyone to choose the right truth for him…

  6. “Wisdom is not gained by multiplying knowledge, but by melting it in the furnace of a loving heart. Wisdom does not come to those who seek it, but to those who do not prevent it from coming. “The SAGE goes about his business without resorting to action, and teaches without resorting to words.”Lao Tzu. A philosopher is a person who loves wisdom, who is in love with the Divine, with the incomprehensible mysteries of existence, with the Beautiful and its manifestations, with nature, with people, and with all living things. These are their differences!!! With respect.

  7. The sage looks at the earthly and the heavenly.
    The philosopher looks only at the heavenly in isolation from the earthly. The sage will always give the right advice to the questioner. The philosopher does not give advice, he is in search of truth.

  8. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. And wisdom is “one of the measures of the degree of knowledge of the surrounding world, discussed, as a rule, in the context of the desire to deepen this knowledge as a specific property of human intelligence.”

    That is, a real sage is always a philosopher.

    Another thing is that not all philosophers today are real sages!

  9. These concepts probably have a historical context, and their meanings change over time. I think that in our time the concept of a sage belongs to the ancient classics of philosophy, and the concept of a philosopher has several meanings – a professional philosopher, an amateur philosopher, and just a demagogue. Therefore, the question in the author's statement is unlikely to have a correct answer. If we mean by wisdom the knowledge of truth, and by philosophy the scientific discipline, then it turns out that modern philosophy is very far from wisdom. Those who studied in the USSR remember scientific communism and other propagated isms and the “philosophers” who imposed them.

  10. etymologically, a sage is an expert, and a philosopher is a curious person; and in those senses that may not overlap at all with the subject area.
    a wise philosopher may be helpless in ordinary social life and simple everyday problems, and a wise man may share a wild marginal philosophy.

  11. A sage, unlike a philosopher, does not have a specialized education ,a sufficient level of training, theory and practical reserve, and it is not always reasonable to be wise. The philosopher operates in his speech with judgments, speech and phrases that he has acquired during the time of receiving his communication with teachers in the process of obtaining knowledge in his specialty.

  12. The sage is a practitioner, and the philosopher is a theorist.

    Philosophy is a science that studies just the sages, their lives, actions, behavior, words and thoughts. Therefore, a true sage is “bread” for a true philosopher.

  13. The sage's goal is not to build a complete picture of the world, but to learn the most important truths and apply them in practice. The sage is always guided by conscience. Therefore, there can be no wise scoundrel.

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