11 Answers

    1. Believe that there is no) – Excellent protection, many people use it. Quite psychotherapeutic.

    2. Through analogies. With what is already in the experience. 14 years ago (oh! exactly the same!) at the training on thanatotherapy, V. Baskakov also started with this. Death-separated by commas in a row of analogs.�

    • Falling asleep (going to a place where you are no longer aware of yourself).�
    • Breaking up with people. – From leaving summer camp to breaking up in love.�
    • Moving locations.�
    • The stages of life go away forever. – I used to say goodbye to myself “until I was forty”: never again, never again… Now I look in the mirror at the face of a 49-year-old man, and I understand that with all the conventionality of dates in a year, another part of the continent will collapse into the ocean: I will never, never, never be “up to fifty”)�

    • Your children grow up. And not only that, but it's enough that none of my children will ever be wonderful three-year-olds again… Never-the first steps… The youngest, the twins, are six; soon they'll be teenagers, too. But here are some – like today, when one of them climbed on my lap in the movie “Storks” in the movie, and the second one carried a purse with her all day – a toy tiger cub Ricky-such is already everyone.�
      We break up a lot, all our lives. We have to laugh at this experience.

    Personally, the experience of falling asleep and the experience of the last days on a beach holiday tell me more than others. When you already know everything here, and everything is in the second round, and you are fed up, and you know how to enjoy what is happening, but it's time… and it will pass…�

    But there is another truth that I can tell you about my acceptance of the inevitability of my death. “And you, of course, have your own.�

    And that's great: Well, we are not vegetables, and not monkeys, so as not to worry about this topic at all. Deciding over and over again how to deal with the fact that your death is inevitable is one of those things that make us human in whatever sense you want.

  1. And why put up with it? Does this change anything in this issue? If all thoughts are about this, then the WHOLE life is already in this experience! So go there! Or is masochism cuter? Wait and enjoy the fear? Live the wait and enjoy it! And there is an option to start Living, rising above the dominant of survival, pragmatics, torsion in the themes of family-work-hobby, starting to live with the curiosity of the Playing Creator and Master of Your Life, turning EVERYTHING you meet into material, questioning ANY of YOUR ideas, including about death.

  2. I'm already in my late 80s. In addition, there is a real threat of getting cancer. It's like I'm at a crossroads: if you go to the right, you'll find life after death. to the left – complete disappearance: there was a person in the world and he is not there, and there is nothing, For the first you need faith, for the second humility bordering on stupor. I'm somewhere in the middle, standing stock-still, neither back nor forth. I want to believe in the world above. but the earthly world does not let go. When the sickness begins, it will be so bad that you will beg for death, and when it gets better, you will be happy again that you are alive. So, there is no answer.

  3. But such a state of “non-existence” has already happened to all of us! We were gone until the moment we were born! Do you remember? There was nothing and bam-mom's smile and “Agu”. That is, it turns out such a cycle: There is nothing-life-there is nothing…Why shouldn't the cycle continue?Of course, this is very similar to Hinduism with its rebirths and karma. But still. Why not?

  4. No way. All the previous answers are just tips to distract yourself or deceive yourself. In fact, if you are tormented by this every day, then you will not be able to accept it on purpose. Such a situation is possible only when your indifference to death arises by itself, of course, but not the fact that such a moment will ever come.

  5. And how to deal with bad weather, heavy rain, or a hurricane? Maybe it's easier to take it for granted, and then you don't have to accept it. It is better to spend your energy on life, on some joys, and not put up with anything.

  6. Engage in self-examination. You have to see what you are afraid of in death?Death for you is just a collection of ideas, thoughts and ideas . That's all. You are not afraid of anything else.

  7. Sincerely believe that earthly death is a transition to another world. In the Buddhist and Hindu religions, after all, it seems to me that there is common sense. People got this information from somewhere. We, in our earthly body (I mean all of humanity), on the scale of the universe, are still such illiterate babies that we do not know about the world and 1 %.

    Therefore, it makes sense to hope that our guesses about the universe, about the existence of many worlds and dimensions, are true.

    To believe that the Earth body is just a shell that wears out, or by chance (and there is nothing accidental in the universe) becomes unusable. And the energy lump (soul) moves to another world (maybe to another planet, or another dimension).

    But suicide is considered a sin. Why? Because it is not the universe, but man himself who takes upon himself the responsibility of interrupting the existence of his body (shell). And then the universe has a problem where to put his energy lump (soul) for a while. What happens to him, we don't know. But it can be assumed that he is temporarily given a shell (body), which may not last for a long time, or as a punishment will be spoiled (for example, a sick child is born and soon dies).

    So don't think for the universe. We're really just cogs. We must accept the fact that the universe has already come up with everything for us a long time ago. But we are still part of it.

  8. I have good news for you.

    Death is not inevitable. Each of us is potentially immortal, and not in the religious or” spiritual ” sense at all.

    In fact, death is not a natural phenomenon, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The simplest multicellular creatures, such as hydra, corals, etc. do not die “of old age”. Many fish and a good half of plants do not die “from old age” (they simply do not have a dying mechanism). Let's look at what “death” is, what are its physiological causes.

    “Natural death” from old age is no more than the failure of certain organs, not at all inevitable. Often we do not see the reasons for wear and failure of a particular organ – but with proper care, timely diagnosis and treatment, a person is quite capable of living up to 150 years.

    Next, aging. The cause of many health problems. Aging is a planned genetically hormonal process, combined with the destruction of DNA (accumulation of errors during replication). Processes that can be reversed. Yes, we will probably never be forever young 20-year-olds, but it is quite possible to hang at the level of eternal 40 years. By the way, some jellyfish can “grow back”, like the same Benjamin Button. But something is bothering us.

    The latter is cancer. You will be surprised, but death from cancer is death from immortality, such is the paradox. Cancer cells don't die. Basically. They do not have such a mechanism, they can only be killed. Their rampant growth and exceptional voracity kill the body. But if the tumor is removed and placed in a nutrient solution, it will live indefinitely. The cells of Henrietta Lars, who died in 1951, are still proliferating (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeLa). Thus, there are already cells in our body that do not die on their own. By the way, if I'm not mistaken, there are neurons in the human nervous system that can persist throughout life, if not most of it.

    In general, it is only a matter of time before we can secure immortality or a life so long that death can become a conscious and completely satisfactory choice for each person. The main thing is that the “immortals” do not destroy humanity, as cancer cells do =)

    Of course, few of the readers of Question will live forever. Probably no one at all. But the probability of immortality is there, it is not equal to 0. And this is hope.

    If you still die, then all is not lost either.

    There are much less scientific (if the above can be called such), but still not religious and, theoretically, feasible theories about life after death.�

    Russian cosmist philosopher Nikolai Fyodorov believed that the real goal of humanity is to resurrect every single one of its descendants and populate the cosmos with them. Moreover, he put all this into a slightly modified Orthodox system of values. Like, heaven is possible only from Earth, and hell and sinners are not in principle, because when everyone is resurrected, there will be no sin.�

    Do you think this is nonsense? Not quite. First, an important condition for the possibility of resurrecting the long-dead is the achievement of immortality by a person. And as already mentioned above, this is most likely a matter of time. Of course, even after this, the probability of resurrection after death obviously tends to 0, but the time allotted to humanity to solve this problem will tend to infinity. So that one day you will become aware of yourself again and shake hands with your great-great-grandfather…n*[pra]…great-grandfather, still more likely than paradise and rebirth in a frog)

    Personally, I use the parting trick (dead and gone forever without a connection-there is no difference), when you need to survive the death of a friend, and the non-existence trick (I was not, and I didn't care, I won't be – I won't care), when you need to realize your own death.

  9. Just think about it. Death is a change of state. And besides, no one is afraid of the fact that before birth it did not exist)

    what is inevitable should not affect the person, as well as what can be solved

  10. Well, easy enough. Think about how many people lived before you were born and how many will live after, imagine yourself as a cog in the rampant machine of evolution, understand that you (all of us) it's just stardust. Nothing depends on us, on the cosmic scale. Something like that.�

    Besides, death is wonderful. If something dies, then something is born.

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