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I don't think enlightenment is a scientific phenomenon, an object, etc.
According to my stupid incompetent idea, we are talking about�
1) a purely subjective experience. Like when you dream that you wrote brilliant poems, or came up with a brilliant idea, and woke up – complete nonsense, its significance from and to your own experiences in the dream filled.
2) the basis is the transition to another system level of understanding what is happening to you, life, etc. This is quite a common thing, in fact. What I mean: for example, parents come with an order to “fix a child” who has “bad behavior”, and then they realize (in a good case) that the child's behavior is part of the general process in the family, a system. Oops! Brightened up. – Or a person talks about his own life and in general in terms of guilt, duty, forgiveness, and suddenly discovers that all this has no meaning and significance, but there is freedom and responsibility, and this is a fundamentally different perception of life in general, primarily his own. – Well, that is, such things can be obtained in the form of formalized training, education, but even in this case, in the end, there is a moment when it “comes”: Ah, THAT's what I was told all the time!!! – “insight”.
3) if we add mystics, that is, fantasies about some esoteric knowledge, which in general, in principle, is transmitted only through insight, experience, experience, then we generally either cut off the educational basis from this process for ideological reasons, or reduce it to meaningful teachings. But we add such representations that are unverifiable (like, I saw that the essence of everything is a stool. Well, here).
That is, in my stupid, incompetent opinion, which I myself quite trust, enlightenment is a moment of awareness of a new systemic level of understanding of what is happening in life, which is mystified and subjectively overestimated by a person and those around him who consider him “special”, enlightened, a Teacher, etc. (well, any extraordinary person can gather followers-admirers, especially if he does not really resist it))
What kind of science? physics or chemistry? математики Mathematics or astronomy? engineering or biology? psychiatry or psychology? And what is considered enlightenment and in whose version ? However, let's put demagogy aside, and I will answer what my mentors taught me. Enlightenment is the complete total and final release of the mind from the smallest manifestations of ignorance greed and anger.
When this happens, our habitual sense of ourselves as a separate person with certain boundaries begins to dissolve. Ultimately, the person with whom this happens no longer feels like an autonomous being, looking from the inside to the outside world. On the contrary, it feels more and more like a deep part of the manifested reality, a natural unfolding process that does not differ from all other natural processes. Meditation practitioners say that as a result, they begin to feel more freedom, ease, and spontaneity. The number of self-referential thoughts in such people usually decreases, but since enlightenment is a long, deepening process, for a while these people still feel trapped in the usual trap of dualistic thinking.
here is an article where the process and result are described in sufficient detail
all about science “
“”In March 2012, I”and twenty other “advanced” meditators participated in an “experiment” at the “General and” women's Hospital. Brigham's 1 and Harvard Medical School in Boston. This experiment was a collaboration between a young Harvard neuroscientist named David Vago and a Buddhist scholar and teacher of mindfulness meditationShinzen Young.
For an entire week, all twenty participants meditated in a “dedicated meditation space” in the functional visualization lab. A couple of times this week, after lunch, we performed various behavioral and psychological tests. But the main thing happened in the hospital. Every few hours, one of the meditators was invited to the hospital and an MRI test was performed, scanning the brain for functional and anatomical activity. (Due to a metal plate in my neck — the result of an injury sustained years earlier — I “did not participate in” the scan.)””
As an answer to the question ” what is enlightenment?” can change science-Eros and Cosmos Magazine, http://eroskosmos.org/enlightenment-changes-science/
Any insight, that is, insight, awareness of information that was previously unavailable due to unconscious prohibitions on its awareness, is the essence of the formation of new synapses in the brain, new neural connections. In principle, this is very similar to closing contacts: they put two wires to each other , and that's it, the current went on, the light bulb lit up.
The so-called enlightenment, widely promoted in Eastern culture and philosophy , is simply a variant of such insight, neural mediation.
It's just that, as a rule, enlightenment is usually attributed only to those insights that led to a radical change in the entire way of life of a person and his worldview. That is, it stuck – so stuck. For example, Prince Shakyamuni took up vagrancy instead of inheriting the throne, and illiterate Mohammed suddenly reproduced an entire book in verse.
Scientific point – absolute knowledge proven by practice or theory. And Enlightenment is first of all the achievement of the Absolute in any head. It follows that Enlightenment is the existence of a living (human)being From a scientific point of view. Abstractly, enlightenment is not the end, but only the beginning of a thinking being.
if strictly from a scientific point of view, then there are two points:
As a result of long and hard work on the problem, collecting and systematizing information, sooner or later the amount of information passes into a new quality. A person shouts eureka and gets for example a table of elements. After that, he just wonders, well, how so, because everything turned out to be simple, how could he not have guessed earlier.�
As a result of the processes in the brain associated with epilepsy, a person is in a high mood of all-knowing. When everything you see seems clear, full of meaning and harmoniously connected with everything around you, even what you don't see or even know, but feel and understand. There are methods of introducing consciousness into such a state and maintaining it. Varying degrees of security
The Buddhist tradition distinguishes between conceptual and non-conceptual thinking. Conceptual thinking is a process in which the mind uses some intermediate tools to become aware of reality. For example: signs, text, formulas, concepts, words, symbols, etc. All these tools have their reasons. In the state of samsara, the movements of the gross levels of the mind are subject to causal processes. Science is concerned with the study of causes and effects, and does not address issues that lie outside of empirical experience. In the state of nirvana (after enlightenment), the interaction of the gross levels of the mind with any phenomena ceases, only the most subtle level of the mind remains, knowing (knowing) reality directly, without intermediate tools, crutches. The mind is aware of reality as it is, without any obscuring, obscuring factors. That is, for enlightenment, a person does not need to see, hear, taste or be able to multiply by three. Enlightenment requires only the mind's awareness of its own nature. If a person has trained the mind so that it becomes impervious to the movements of the gross levels, has given up the mind's attachment to all unnecessary things, then he has only a direct vision of the manifestation of the subtle mind. And since the nature of the mind and the nature of reality are one and the same, a person thus reveals reality without any illusory alluvial distortions. The concept of nirvana cannot be expressed conceptually. The Buddha answered the question “what is nirvana” only: not this,not that. If enlightenment could be described in terms of concepts, all beings would already be in a state of nirvana. Therefore, the Buddhist tradition describes only methods-ways of non-conceptual cognition of reality. Different methods are suitable for different people, so this is a matter of self-search.