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Subjectively, I believe that the place in life at the birth of a person and in his childhood, as a rule, is determined by parents. Sometimes, unfortunately, the state. They, up to the period of a child's conscious understanding of the spiritual and material foundations of the surrounding world, form an idea of the circle of his personal freedom, rights and responsibilities. Help them find their creative and professional interests. I think that by the age of 14-16, a person must decide on a personal basic worldview about the absence or presence of a soul in the materialistic or religious understanding of this inner essence. The answer to this question and its implementation in thoughts and practical actions will quickly indicate the horizons and time limits of personal space and moral guidelines. Well, and then a personal choice on the fundamental life fork “go here..”or” don't go there…”, often with the opposite understanding of these spiritual and moral signs by a significant number of people living in the neighborhood. This choice will determine the understanding and attitude towards your own family and your children. In fact, the earthly circle of life is closed. Well, there “bake pies or sharpen boots”, or “surf the vastness of the Universe” – these are less significant, but also important circumstances of the place of residence, upbringing, training, creative or labor preferences, value orientations and your own dreams. I think so idealistically. #other people's errors
All questions of this nature should be redirected in a different direction: how can I achieve a state of clarity? The place is already there, you are there, but to see it, you need to go to a certain state. Feel yourself, feel the world. There is always a lot of energy in “your” place, there is creativity and enthusiasm. In childhood, everything is easier, a person just does what they like…
Try, try, and try again. There's no other way. If no one took care of you as a child and did not reveal your obvious talents in time (and everyone has them, they just sleep), then you yourself need to highlight these talents in yourself like a spotlight. And to do this, you need to try yourself everywhere and everywhere. If you remember that you were able to draw a drawing as a child , sign up for an art club. Do you like to sing in the shower? Go to the vocals. Always wanted to go ice skating-go to the ice rink. Do you like animals? Visit the shelter and participate in charity events. Really, try to implement even the craziest ideas. Now it's so easy to try yourself in something, because there are a lot of free trial classes (+ Internet and all sorts of tutorials). Usually, already in the first minutes, a feeling of “mine/not mine”may appear inside. And if something doesn't work out, what's the difference? You will still gain experience, have an interesting time, and learn something new. At a minimum, whether you like doing it or not. All your acquired skills and knowledge can still be useful in life. There are no mistakes – there is only experience. One day you will have an insight that will lead to another, and maybe the third time you will finally feel a response in your soul. Don't be afraid to sound silly or weird, but listen to yourself first. Live your life. Take more risks, do more. Connect with people, exchange ideas, talk, express yourself in relationships. �You have an amazing chance to explore the whole world! The more you try, the more you will get to know your real self. This is the only way to determine your place in the sun. The process can drag on for many years, but do not chase the result, think of it as a game. Enjoy the changes that are happening. And remember: what you're looking for is also looking for you 🙂 Good luck!
Sincerely yours, IMHO.