85 Answers

  1. Think about the best possible end result.
    Focus on what life will be most useful and interesting for you.
    Ask yourself specific focused questions.
    I want to illustrate this with a little concrete story.

    I met a friend once. We started talking, and he started complaining about his life. Like, it doesn't work, this… In general, not life, but a continuous swamp.
    I asked him only one question: “Why do you live? Well, really, why?”.
    He's in response: “what, kill yourself, or something?”.
    I said, ” No, just find the answer to the question: WHAT DO YOU LIVE FOR? WHY DO YOU EXIST IN THIS WORLD?”
    He says, ” Okay, I'll think about it at my leisure.”
    I told him :” just don't put off your leisure time too far. Because, well, simply, nothing will change for the better. Life is like that rock, without your efforts it can only roll down.”
    He calls me that evening and says:
    – Listen, what a question you asked me! I broke my whole brain, I don't even know how to live now! Really, why? Mm-hmm, and now you know what I got? I want financial independence, I want money. I want to travel the world, but I don't want to work. Here! Probably in order to find a way to get it and live.
    – Well, what-I answer him, – have you already started the search?
    “Well, that's what I'm calling for,” he says, ” and I'm consulting you. What should I do?
    — Well, how… Turn your desires into a goal, define a plan: reasonable, clear, specific. Divide it into some sane steps. And determine what needs to be done specifically for each step.
    That was two years ago. He's currently traveling the world. It earns very well. He started some kind of web design: he makes pictures for the Internet, takes photos in different parts of the world, draws. In general, I found an essay of the desired and possible. Quite happy with himself, enjoying himself.
    What is this question that helped him change his life?
    It's a question of purpose, of personal mission! Let's try to find the answer to the question: “Why do I live?”
    And you will be happy!

    Working with a psychologist or coach can help you do this, although you can try it yourself.
    By the way, I originally described this story here. Take a look, there are more interesting materials there.

  2. You find yourself by being yourself.

    If you can't be yourself enough in your normal daily life, then you need to put yourself in situations where your nature can begin to manifest itself.

    Personally, I was lucky: I found out everything about myself very early, and then I didn't have much choice left.

    I saw the picture in the magazine. There were four people on the raft: a man, a girl, a suspicious character of a bluish tint, and something two meters tall, all made up of blades. It was afternoon. The raft was floating on the river. It doesn't matter where.

    This picture contained a story that was apparently contained in the book that this picture advertised. The book was unavailable to me. It was many more years before I saw it on the counter, and several more months before I decided to buy it. Not because it was expensive, although it was expensive. It's just that I'd already written it. I just wrote a book that had the same moment as in the picture. I was 9 years old.

    Of course, I eventually read the original, but the impulse to write was always more primary and stronger than the impulse to read. This is not an impulse that can be consciously chosen. Especially at the age of 9. It can only be noticed, and you can then succumb to it.

    20 years after my first literary experience, I managed to finish several novels and a not very successful novel, then generally switched to poetry, because poetry turned out to be more accurate, and accuracy in my personal hierarchy was higher than scope. The poems got better, appeared in magazines, and then the book appeared.

    There were also other classes along the way — history and art criticism (as the main source), photography (to make up for the inability to draw), design (to earn money), various journalistic activities (to correct karma and sharpen wording), but the primary impulse and the main thing did not change.

    Later, new pitfalls were discovered on this path: it turned out that it was not enough to find ourselves, we must continue to support ourselves, because the worldly, vain part of the world is one hundred percent made up of something different from us, and all this is trying to attract our attention so that we stop being ourselves and instead be them.

    This initially distracts those who did not understand in childhood. It may also be distracting you.�

    Let's get this all fucked up together.

    Read books. Walk in unfamiliar places, and especially in places that are not intended for walking. Travel in different climates. If you don't want mountains, try deserts. Go to the museum, and keep track of which halls of which cultures and historical eras attract you for some reason. Do something new. Try to take irrational risks. Go to church, eventually.

    The main thing is not to look for thoughts. You won't invent yourself. Look for experience. And do not be afraid to make mistakes, and generally do things that seem to be going to your detriment. Mistakes on the way are not as bad as its absence (breaking your legs is better than cutting your veins). And the movement towards oneself is almost always accompanied by actions directed away from oneself, that is, to reduce one's own benefits, to waste, to sharpen instead of sugary, to turn oneself into a tool through which this purpose can already begin to do something-because this is when excesses and patterns disappear, and the arrangement of real priorities is highlighted most clearly.

    In general, move on. Finding and continuing yourself is a hero's journey, that is, one of the oldest myths of human culture, and it is not something that someone needs, and someone does not-you need to find your own path, and you need to stick to it.�

    And at the end of this path, we are almost certainly waiting for the truth about the conventionality of this path, and the conventionality of ourselves, and all our own destinies, and that even if this path did not really give us anything, and in general it is impossible to have anything, but we went through it as well as we could, and for some reason all this was necessary.

    And then it will be quite good.

  3. Philosopher William MacAskill recommends that you first think about what problem in the world you think is important enough to devote your life to solving it. In choosing one, he suggests paying attention to four aspects::
    – Significance. How much this problem really poisons people's lives. By convention, developing drugs for cancer is more important than for the common cold, because people often die from it.
    – Abandoned. To what extent this problem does not receive public attention. In this sense, it is better to develop a cure for Ebola than for cancer, because everyone is already dealing with cancer.
    – Shifting capacity. As far as it is in the human power, and in particular in your particular ones, to influence this problem in any way at all.
    – Personal inclinations. What you can do and what you love to do.
    He also has a book about this, recently translated into Russian – “Mind for Good”.

    I personally think that this is a workable approach, because it is really more comfortable to live when you believe that you are doing something meaningful and socially useful. But another question is that you still need to dance, first of all, from what you have – what you know and what you can learn – and, secondly, from what you love. You can earn a living by doing anything, provided that you are ready to seriously develop in this area. Any task that you like to do, but someone else does not like to do it, would like to delegate it to you and is ready to pay for it. I like to Google old research, for example, and I get paid well for it by those who are too lazy to Google it themselves, but I wonder what happened there. Although it would seem.

  4. Spend half an hour each day thinking calmly about what you really want. And do this until you find some answer. Perhaps the first answer will eventually turn out to be false, and you will have to return to this practice.

  5. The answer is simple: the purpose of a person is to continue his family. Therefore, we need to look for someone who is suitable for solving this problem.

    But having children is part of the job. The question is, what kind of life will they live?
    So we need to educate them. But even the birds do it.

    The main task of a Person is to make life Better, to build a Better Life for himself and his children.

    All our ancestors solved this most important task. Therefore, we live relatively well.
    But our life is still not perfect.

    Therefore, it is necessary to make it better and better!
    I don't see any other “purpose”.

    All Reasonable Things!

  6. One of the ways to understand what is important is to think about your funeral, because valuables are what you would like to leave after death. Imagine your funeral and a close friend / relative giving a speech. What are you afraid to hear in this speech? What do you want to hear in this speech? What kind of person would you like to be remembered for? As a person who adheres to what principles? As a person who cares about what? Think of a tombstone. What phrase are you afraid to see on your grave? What do you want to see? The answers to these questions may look like “I don't know, I don't care” or “What kind of nonsense”, it's unpleasant to imagine a funeral and you may feel the urge to push away pop – up images-this is normal, imagine the picture again and catch the image that pops up before your thoughts.

  7. To understand your purpose in life, you need to understand two things. The first is yourself, the second is life. By devoting time to introspection and action in the world, you can try out different roles, experiencing different tastes in life. Through this comes an understanding of your place in life, your purpose. If a person understands himself and understands the world in which he lives, he is able to act according to his nature, purpose. So it's just a matter of finding a way to apply your talents in a way that benefits others and gives you pleasure.

    How do I find a destination? First, explore yourself and the world. When knowledge comes, you need to use it and try to gain experience. If you understand what areas you feel best in and where you feel happy , the only question now is how to do it. And this comes with attempts, from the first step.

    In general, finding your destination is simple, but difficult. First, you need to devote yourself to self-development, education, introspection, self-knowledge and knowledge of the world, and then just start working in it in your chosen areas. If you don't try, you won't succeed, and knowing where your abilities will be most useful will ensure that you have the lowest chance of missing and the highest chance of success. When you understand yourself sufficiently and have the courage to act , you can only try and live according to your purpose. First understanding , then action.

  8. Well, first of all, be yourself and don't try to pass yourself off as someone you're not.

    Secondly when you go to work or school listen to podcasts or audiobooks instead of music

    in the third, get out of your comfort zone and try yourself in various fields.

    I'll give you my own example, I used to work in Mac for a month, I realized that this area does not suit me and decided to try myself in business, namely in the retail sector on avito.

    Remember one thing don't keep yourself in your comfort zone

  9. Search. Only search. Search with gusto and without stopping. Look for authorities and never stop being disappointed in them. Search for new people, new acquaintances, new views and worldviews.
    Communicate, communicate a lot, don't be afraid to try things that you couldn't even think of before.
    And the most important thing is to understand that there is value for you. A black Mercedes? A loving wife? Spiritual harmony? Unlimited power? You need to try, no matter how difficult it may be, to find the answer to your questions: “Why am I in this world? What do I want from him?”
    This is a long process that requires constant reflection. Its complexity lies in the fact that, having found a certain point of support, you ask yourself the question: “Why would I do that?” and it's good if you find the answer. But then the same question arises for the next “level” of the same question.
    The further you go in such research , the more firmly you feel yourself in this world.

  10. What is the general purpose? What is the plan of the question? We can talk about the biological purpose of the individual as part of the entire species. You can talk about high matters and delve into dozens of philosophical teachings.�

    Or you can just think that life is a goal in itself, and we are not meant for something. We are given the freedom of choice and should not regret the past.�

    And in general I remembered a good joke on the topic:

    A person dies, goes to heaven. He is met by the Apostle Peter.

    Person: I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a question for you

    Apostle: I'm listening to you

    Ch: I've lived quite a long life, but I still don't understand one thing. Tell me, what was the meaning of my life?

    A: Do you really need to know?

    H: Very much

    A: Do you remember when you were on the Moscow-Krasnodar train in 1973?

    H: Uh … well..

    A: And you also met your fellow passengers in the compartment

    H: Probably..

    A: And you went to the dining car together

    H: Yes..

    A: And there was a woman sitting at the next table

    H: Maybe..

    A: And she asked you to give her the salt

    Ch: And I gave her the salt.

    A: And you gave her the salt

    H: I did.

    A: Well, that's it..

  11. Spoiler alert: There will be a lot of text.

    To begin with, not every person in our life has a purpose.
    In any case, something that can be described in words.
    Yes, there are people with a purpose, but they are born not just like that, but already with a ready understanding of what they came to this world for.__

    And the bulk of people have no purpose other than to learn a variety of things and develop the abilities of the Soul.

    Imagine the Earth as a huge school. In a normal school, there are about a thousand students (and of different ages) and twenty to thirty teachers.
    Here, teachers are people with a purpose – they are engaged in a specific task at school. They work. And everyone has their own specific area of work.

    And students-they learn a variety of things, often completely unrelated to each other, and even at different levels of difficulty. First-graders write sticks and numbers, graduating classes master the Unified State Exam and other difficulties.�

    They, all students, actually have a purpose-to learn, but each has a different one. In this sense, students are different from teachers.
    Well, the most important thing is that it is impossible to determine your purpose with the help of astrology, because it grows from the inside, from the heart, and astrology describes external manifestations. At the same time as Pushkin Alexander Sergeich, several dozen people were born all over Russia. But the purpose was only for him, and all the others remained unknown to anyone.

  12. Watch My little pony, there are a lot of episodes about it, or anime if you don't like poems.
    If cartoons are not for you, then read the classics, there are such questions in almost every work, and what is important, both in domestic and foreign classics, these problems are quite common.
    That's when you master all this (including ponyakh), then either you will not finish very well, or you will understand everything.

    In general, “without ordinary people, there are no great ones.” So people without a purpose do a lot to make it appear in others.

    1. If you are asking about your profession , then you need to pass career guidance tests. Search the Internet. Here, for example, https://www.ucheba.ru/prof, http://profchoice.ru/onlajn-testy, https://smartia.me/tests/ and others. There are tests in the form of smartphone apps. Search for the word “career guidance”. The more questions in the test, the better. Try different ones. The tests will help you decide on the field of activity that is suitable for you.

    2. If you are asking about your purpose, then you need to look for answers inside yourself-what is important for you in yourself and in the world around you, what brings you pleasure, makes you happy and fulfilled, and brings a sense of the importance of what you have done. This is a search that takes time – try different things in different directions and areas, listen to your feelings and analyze. You'll understand in time.

    In short, the case is something that has not yet been done. Look around you and decide what to do.

  13. No way. No, seriously, there's no way you can “find” it until you come to it yourself.

    (For those who don't want to read the scribble, just scroll down to see a short answer)

    For example, I have been fond of bicycles since childhood, riding them, assembling them, repairing them, and generally doing everything related to them. As a child, it was fun, fun and I didn't think about anything, and in general I couldn't imagine that I would want to do this. But it wasn't until recently that I realized that I wanted to build bicycles, build them, make them, fix them, and create something new for them. But in our society there is a certain “framework” and therefore it remains only a hobby.�

    From all this, we conclude, do what you do every day. Of course, there are many factors, but look at everything not superficially, but more deeply and see what gives you true pleasure and interest.

  14. Life's work is a perfect combination of our skills and desires. Doing what works best, what brings pleasure, benefits and income is not a gift of fate, but our personal choice. We all have a craving for some activity that we are constantly interested in and ready to develop in.

    Almost everyone dreamed of becoming an astronaut or president as a child. It is not necessary to rely on children's experience here, since the “first dream profession” is usually a reflection of our first vivid impressions or even the first professions that we get acquainted with, for example, the profession of parents or teachers at school.

    What should I do then? It sounds corny, but just think about what you would do if you didn't have to work.

    Any business, if it brings you pleasure, can also bring satisfaction of other needs. By maintaining your interest and developing in this area, you can learn the skills that will help you turn your “life's work” into a “dream profession”. Any skill depends on the cognitive functions of the brain, so you need to constantly keep the brain in good shape and train it regularly. The online service Wikium offers 44 cognitive simulators aimed at developing attention, memory and thinking. The service itself builds your personal training plan based on the results of introductory testing, and also adjusts the development program to maintain your progress.�

    In addition, Wikium offers a special setting for your development program – ” Wikium.PROFESSION”. It allows you to develop exactly the cognitive skills that are necessary for your profession. As soon as you decide on the business of your life, immediately start training to be sure to succeed in it.

    If you can't find your life's work yet, set yourself a goal — to find it.
    After that, define the tasks required to achieve it. A task is an intermediate task, and there may or may not be several of them. These are steps towards achieving one big goal. Setting and achieving goals is a separate discipline that requires a systematic approach. There are also specialized courses on Wikium, and one of them, Goal Setting, is dedicated to this topic.

    For example, to achieve the goal of “finding your life's work”, you need to solve the following problem: determine what you like to do the most. Set yourself this task for a week and break it down into subtasks.

    Subtasks for each day:

    • during the day, mark the moments when you do something with pleasure;�
    • at the end of each day, you need to write down all these moments, and it does not matter whether it is the fulfillment of work duties, any chores around the house, or a way to relax.;
    • at the end of the week, filter out moments from each day and distribute them according to the degree of decreasing interest (pleasure). Select the 3 most interesting activities.
      Set yourself a second task: identify the needs that you need to address with this “life's work”. For some, it is more important to benefit society, nature, culture, etc. Someone wants to realize their ambitions and hold a high position, earn a lot of money and top the lists of the richest and most successful people in the world. There are also those who are not interested in either fame or profit, and they just want to enjoy life.

    Have you decided on your own needs? The next step is to match them with your interests from the first task. This way you can link the ” pleasant and useful “and understand exactly what area your business is located in.

  15. First of all, you should stop thinking in destructive categories. This has a detrimental effect on your own self-perception, and has absolutely no benefit.

    Look at yourself sensibly. Who are you at the moment? Who do you see yourself as in the future? What activities are you interested in and what do you want to connect your life with? What should I start doing to achieve success?

    Awareness of your life goals and desires comes gradually, as you try yourself in various fields of activity.

    Don't give up on new experiences. Learn from mistakes, and don't be afraid to commit them. Make every effort to be better than you are now.

    P.S � Once, Oscar Wilde wrote: “On the ancient Greek portal of the ancient world was inscribed: know thyself. On the portal of the modern world will be written: be yourself.

  16. This is very difficult, I think we have been looking for it all our lives, it is like a question of what is the meaning of life, even Tolstoy could not immediately find the answer, only at the end of his life he decided that faith and love for God are the meaning of life, then, if we proceed from this , the purpose directly depends on the goal. Serve the Lord's commandments to fulfill and believe, but a person is a sinner and sometimes his purpose changes to a negative vector.

    For me, the purpose is to give birth and raise children with decent, honest and sincere people.

  17. Live on, life does not stop at your 17. Communicate more with people and be respectful with them, in any case, continue better! If you want to get something, you will definitely get it, the main thing is to use the opportunity. Most often, the realization of what you want to do in life comes at the age of 18-25. So live, learn, try

  18. maybe you need to change the approach to your search-the world, as it seems to me, is not a supermarket, so that when you go to it, you can decide what to buy for dinner. It is also not a fairy tale in which all wishes come true. The world is more like a school where you need to learn the necessary lessons in order to find the right path in life later. If you do not understand the meaning of life, then you can choose an activity that will be meaningless and absurd. Change your approach – if you don't have an inner flair for the opportunities that are around, nothing responds, then you need to look in another place( direction). Ihmo. Let you be able to find everything that the “doctor ordered”

  19. I am absolutely sure that there is a purpose. BUT here's the thing: everyone is different. Someone can spend their whole life doing monotonous work, sitting over paperwork, being content with living in a two-bedroom apartment in a residential area, having a rest a couple of times a year at the sea, and it will be comfortable for them.

    But there are other people. If they try to do a job “that they don't like, they” feel uncomfortable. They realize that they are pretending to do this job. And I want to be open to the whole world and present. They understand that they are capable of more.�

    I myself didn't understand this before, and I tried to break myself to become like others. I thought that I should get an economic education and work in a bank or in accounting, etc. But when I changed several places of such work, I realized that I hate it all. This is a real disgust to the point of nausea and severe stress. Years of suppressing myself, trying to become “like everyone else”, have taught me not to listen to myself.

    I once talked to someone close to me about finding a vocation. Like, I can't find a job that I like. And I was shocked when she replied that she did not have and does not need to find her destiny. Everything suits her. The main thing is to have stability and pay on time. Then I realized and began to notice that “people are different: there are those who have an innate need for self-realization, and there are others who are put off by a” two-bedroom apartment in a residential area ” and work from 9 to 18.”

    So, you need to learn to listen to yourself (as in childhood) in order to understand what you like. You already know everything, it's just that under the weight of public opinion, you've forgotten how to listen to your real self.�

    And one more point: with some exceptions, you don't need to look for your purpose as a specific job (“doctor”, “psychologist”, “musician”, etc.), because the external manifestation is “scenery“. You need to look for what you express through your work: “inspire people”, “help people”, etc.

  20. If you happen to be lucky and there's something you enjoy doing, something that excites you, something that gives you pleasure, just do it to the shit, regardless of whether you get paid at first. Do it and do it, become the best at it, and you will not notice how this business will start to feed you.

    And if you have the same problems as everyone else, and most of all you like to watch TV shows with a seagull, then just forget it. You're in the black hole of a shitty teaching system. Since childhood. And there's no way out of here. Well, if you just become a cool reviewer of serials on YouTube, or somewhere else. Or tea. As a reviewer. On YouTube … hmm…

  21. You already have such a baggage of interesting answers that it would seem that you have probably already found yourself during this period, since the publication of the question.

    But I can only share my personal story.

    From the age of 10, I used the technique of my own composition. It may have been invented by someone else, but I didn't know it when I was a kid. And it consists in trying on” the roles of various professions. After all, adults always ask, ” What do you want to be when you grow up?” And not every child at my age at that time could have known this in advance.

    In general, I “tried on” (like trying on a dress or suit) all the possible professions that I knew about at that time (the number of professions increased with age), played the role of this or that specialist in my imagination and remembered how I felt at the same time, “the light bulb inside me lights up” or not. Does this or that profession correspond to my abilities, knowledge, skills (although they, of course, can be developed if you want – the question is – do I want this?), personal characteristics, moral values, moral rules, intellectual and physical abilities? So, I went from a ballerina to a veterinarian and resuscitator. 🙂 But, no matter what I imagined in my head, I always returned to psychology. I was particularly impressed by the TV series “The Pretender”, which I watched as a teenager, where the main character of the film – a brilliant boy Jarod – helped other people in difficult situations. Apparently, this is my path. In addition, strangers constantly approach me on the street or on public transport and suddenly start talking to me, asking me something, sometimes telling me about themselves, about their problems, even telling jokes sometimes. Maybe it's written on my forehead that I'm a psychologist, but I can't read it.:)

    Each profession has its own pros and cons. In psychology, they also exist, but both of them suit me (which I can't say about other professions for me personally, again).

    Something like that. If this method will help you in finding your destination, then I will be glad. If not, then you need to search, search, search.

    Never give up!

  22. You don't need to be searching all your life, you need to build your own life and your own future, the future that you would like the most out of all the options.

  23. Oddly enough, not everyone in life needs a purpose. Many people more or less successfully live their lives without ever asking such questions. However, if this question arises, it is very important and sometimes painful, requires an answer and does not allow you to avoid it.

    Let's define purpose as the goal for which a person lives. A goal is a desired state, a “destination”, where a person wants to arrive at the end of life. This is a time and place where he will feel good, and where he will know for sure that all his life's journey has brought him here, exactly as it was intended! This means that life was filled with meaning, no serious mistakes were made. And if it doesn't, it can be very painful.

    That is why the lack of such a goal is a serious concern. Am I living right now? Do I do things that are good for me and the world around me? Am I on the right road? Will this road take me where I want to go? The metaphor of the road and the final destination is very important in this argument. The road is several decades long, with many forks and turns where you can easily get the wrong direction!

    This leads us to believe that it is very important to find a goal for ourselves, the “right” desired state. So, we must do it! But, in our opinion, it is necessary to observe a certain “safety technique”.

    • Modern life is changing very quickly. The future is coming very fast and can be very different from our expectations. In these circumstances, setting a global long-range goal can be dangerous, as it will not fit into the new reality that has come.
    • It is advisable not to become a “hostage” of a distant and large, but too narrow goal. It may turn out that striving for something specific, you can miss, ignore some other interesting opportunities, unwittingly impoverish your life.�
    • If the goal is too far away and global, then it may not be noticeable to get closer to it, and this is disappointing.
      How to deal with all this practically? It is a wise step to choose goals that are relatively short-term, for example, for six months or a year. After living this period, you will learn a lot of useful things about yourself. You will see if the goal turned out to be realistic and achievable. Are you disappointed in her? You'll find out if you were as happy as you wanted to be when you reached your goal. Are you happier to be with her? Was the journey pleasant? Have you lived this year in pleasure and joy?

    The answers to these questions will form the basis of the strategic vision. You will understand whether the direction you are moving in is “your” direction. If “yours”, you can set yourself a goal for moving in the same direction. If something was wrong, you can think about changes, about correction. This way, you'll be both consistent enough to keep your perspective in mind, and flexible enough to make the necessary changes as you go along.

    That's all, this is enough to find your destination! But maybe you want to dive deeper?..

    Let's dive in.

    A straight road with the right (or wrong) end station to get to is a very linear and narrow metaphor for life. A more voluminous and successful picture is different-moving up a long spiral staircase. We move in a circle, moving away from the circumstances, thoughts and experiences that we have now, but periodically returning to them on a different level. In addition, we rise, that is, develop, improve, and become more complex along with the surrounding life.

    Moving along this ladder, we see only a small section of the path in front of us, which we understand. What is there-far ahead or far above-remains a mystery to us. However, after completing part of the journey, we discover a further section, we understand and learn more. In addition, we really understand that we have risen higher, that we perceive what we see differently, and that new horizons and prospects are opening up for us.

    An important caveat is that after going some way up this ladder, a person changes. This is not the same person who started the journey. This is a person with new powers, new experience, a new worldview. Experiences, thoughts, goals, attitudes towards yourself and life change.

    The important thing is that the person continues to move, he is attracted by curiosity: what's next, and what other features will be available? And there is a deep understanding that life is constantly moving up in a spiral-meaningful, interesting, inspiring! Maybe this is the purpose-to move steadily up the ladder, to develop, to open up new horizons, to set goals, to achieve them, and then to set new ones again?

    It is useful to look at the situation more broadly. Destination is not only a correctly chosen goal, it is also the process of moving towards the goal. These aspects are inextricably linked, as they should be in living systems. A path that is internally perceived as right, true, and satisfying usually leads to good results. On the other hand, moving towards the right goal is usually pleasant and joyful. So, you can search for a destination from two positions: set positive short-term goals for yourself and evaluate your current state, current activities – what makes you happy right now, what things to do and do in the current moment of your life? And then wonder: how are these two approaches related? How can a worthy and interesting goal fit into one picture at the same time, along with the actions that you are happy to perform right now?

    As always, attempts at such a synthesis are difficult, require effort and effort, but are rewarded with inner integrity, self-confidence and confidence in the correctness of the chosen path.


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    1. Overcome your laziness and start experimenting. Try to be like master classes or trial lessons. There are a lot of classes where the first visit is free or introductory and explanatory. Ideally, take a friend with you. It's more fun and easier to think together.

    2. Remember what you liked before

    – liked to make fakes out of paper – sign up for scrapbooking.

    – I loved karate movies – sign up for a karate master class.

    1. Perhaps your circle of friends has interesting hobbies. A friend who goes to boxing, a friend who enjoys rock climbing, a teacher who is a collector, a brother who is a designer, etc.

    Ask a couple of questions for their hobby. They will enthusiastically tell you here and you will be interested to try it at least once.

  24. Whatever you do, listen to your feelings.�

    Try to live your life consciously at every moment of time. Whether you are watching a movie, chatting with a client at work, walking in the park, or being alone at home with a loved one. You should always be present in this particular action and give it maximum attention and understanding of how pleasant you are in this particular situation.

    Stress occurs when we do things that we subconsciously don't want to do. Be aware of what makes you feel bad, uncomfortable, or exhausted after or during the event. Or, on the contrary, joyfully, positively, inspiration and energy boost come. And have the strength (and this is not always easy) to direct your activities in this positive direction.

    Man is a self-regulating being. You can tell yourself everything.

  25. To begin with, a person's purpose and successful, satisfying work are two different things.�

    It is possible to talk about the purpose only on the basis of the fact that there is someone who intended for some reason to exist and each person, and the rest of the world as a whole. And this is a huge topic that requires a lot of effort, effort, time and openness of mind when studying it.

    The question of successful work is much more simple, and here it is necessary to observe several simple conditions.�

    1) Your “product” (in a broad sense) should be useful to people, and your work should be constructive and creative. You need to act out of consideration that the city/country / society benefits from what you are doing. However, this condition does not guarantee demand and demand, but only protects you from the meaninglessness of your work. Condition # 1 does not guarantee demand, because people often do not know what they really need, and are ready to happily consume poison.

    2) Your product should be attractive and fashionable. As a rule, often trendiness is taken as the only and main condition and this is lost, as the fashion changes. Therefore, ideally, you should “disguise” a truly necessary thing for society as a fashionable one and thus sell it. So you will ensure long-term success!

    Good luck!

  26. With the help of astrology, you can. It is enough to make an initial map and look at the planets in the houses, connections, aspects. Some “lost” people are advised to do just that. Astrology can predict the profession of a person (not necessarily corresponding to the ideals or desires) or indicate the area where you need to work, improve.�

    For example, I am advised to do something in the field in which, as it turned out, I really enjoy working. I didn't know that, but it's a clue for me.

    Ask a professional astrologer on the forum, they sometimes answer. Take Astropro or something on the Internet.

  27. To find out what a person likes, it will not take thousands of years to try everything out, because this is definitely the only way to find your vocation, work and have fun, how pleasant these words sound. There is a smarter way to enjoy your work and find out your purpose in life. Whether it's fame, wealth, power, happiness, helping others. Find out what pulls you, choose your profession wisely, and find out what your ego wants.

    IMHO, as they say.

  28. First of all, we must recognize the obvious fact. If you haven't decided what you want to become during your childhood, then you just decided to become a nobody. And you did it. After all, this did not happen by itself. You've just missed out on all the opportunities that you've had in one way or another. Either I didn't notice it or I ignored it.

    How do people usually understand what they want to do? Purely by accident. For example, they have a friend who can play the guitar. They communicate with him and eventually begin to feel that they would also like to learn. They try it themselves, and it turns out that they don't… it was a deceptive feeling. Then they have a friend who is good at drawing. They suddenly realize that this can be interesting, too. They try it themselves, but it turns out that drawing also sucks. And so it goes on until there is some kind of activity that will fully delay. What exactly it will be, it is impossible to predict in advance. Here everything is purely individual. If a person does not follow the path of their parents, then everything is determined by chance. You just need to try a lot of different things. And immediately throw something about which there are doubts. After all, it only seems that doubts are “maybe”. In fact, doubts are definitely “no”.

    But the good news is that there is still a lot of time ahead. And the whole process can be started at any time. Moreover, there are no other options.

  29. Each person strives to either leave something behind, or vice versa, to take the maximum out of life. Some people invest everything in their children, because they are a direct continuation of you. Others devote their lives to travel and entertainment, because the sense of life itself is important to them.

    Some people devote their lives to self-education and then transfer information to the younger generation. For them, the meaning of life is in self-development and supporting similar initiatives in others. Others devote their entire lives to love, maybe it's banal, but you yourself remember these feelings with joy in your eyes – it's beautiful, so why not devote your whole life to this. After all, Romanticism lives in all of us.

    For some, nothing is more important than power and they either get it through wealth (because if you have money, then you have everything ), or through deception and cunning. Others want to help others and also often go to government bodies, but still this is no longer power for the sake of power.

    And someone just lives in his house in the village, having spent his whole life in apiaries, fields and pastures, but this also has its own romance, and you can understand it.

    We are all different and our interests are also different, as well as our priorities in life. I think that you will come to your own path and realize your own characteristics .

    The only thing I can advise you is to sit down in a chair one evening, make a warm cup of tea (always with cookies) and reflect on your path, your interests, who you see yourself in 5/10/20/ and even 40 years. Or write down on a piece of paper what you are striving for(I am sure the list will be large) and cross out a few items every day, those 5-10 that remain, perhaps this is what you should go to.

    Most importantly, do not be afraid if what you are striving for is condemned by society, because it is yours, and it is stupid to be ashamed of yourself.

  30. Listen to yourself and try different activities. Then you can choose exactly the type of activity that suits you best. Interesting stories about how to find your dream job are described in this book.

  31. In my opinion, the ideal way to find a vocation is described by the phrase “fight and seek, find and do not give up.” Try different things, learn new things, develop your abilities and find useful applications for them. The world is big and amazing, and our opportunities are always greater than we can imagine. Therefore, by the way, I consider it a pointless idea to plan your actions for years ahead – if you make such plans, then only to “five-year plan in four years” or change your mind later, changing them to something even cooler: the life of a developing person in our complex world never stands still, so the range of his opportunities is growing exponentially. But this is also the danger of our era – sometimes you have to run as fast as you can just to stay put (like Carroll). The main thing is not to forget that the main competitor in this race is ourselves.

  32. In fact, at the present time, this is a rather difficult question – it seems that there are enough resources, there are skills, there are a lot of opportunities – too many, so where should we put all this?

    I asked myself this question for a very long time and thought, thought, thought… Until I realized that I had spent too much time in my life “thinking” about it. And I must say that it's pointless to think about it. You don't need to think, you need to try, dig!

    There's a pretty simple circuit, which can develop in life – if at the time of admission to the UNIVERSITY you found nothing and decided not to, it is best to arrive at the most cost-effective specialty in the most difficult high school, and while studying in parallel, find yourself constantly trying that you like, and you should immediately act – felt musical talent? Go to schoolcourses! Programming? Try solving labs on the InternetGo and learn from the courses! If you find something like this, you can always leave the university and go the path that you have already chosen exactly, but if not, then at least you will have money on which you can live independently, relax with a greater degree of originality, and in general, they are not superfluous.

    And existential conversations with yourself are best left to those who have already achieved everything – they should:)

  33. The purpose is not a sock. And you don't need to search for it.�

    Be interested, get carried away, search for knowledge and work hard in the chosen direction, and the activity of your dreams will find you by itself. And yes, knowledge and skills are not superfluous.

    My path to the profession was branchy. I didn't dream about it since childhood, at school I was fond of biology, chemistry (Olympiads, preparatory courses at the biofactory faculty, Avogadro Lyceum, etc.): my path seemed sealed. Therefore, I hardly understood why I had to go to music school for seven years because of a stick. I studied little, lazily, loved solfeggio, through tears I performed at competitions in my specialty, and for seven years the choir teacher kept saying that I didn't have a voice or hearing, and I couldn't even go to class. Still, I graduated perfectly well from music school, kindly refused to enter the school, threw out the instrument and entered the chemical Academy.�

    At the same time, she became interested in heavy music, began to sing (despite), engage in active concert activities, recordings, etc. But every gig, I didn't like the sound of my vocals…

    Once I was driving to a concert late in the evening and met a friend who was on his way to work, which surprised me very much (so late!). He said that he works in the club as a sound engineer. I asked them if they had a vacancy. And there was a vacancy. And they took me. I lied about my age. The senior sound engineer didn't teach me much, but after a week I was doing pretty well. Especially draw out vocals.�

    Needless to say, I dropped out of that institute in my second year 2 weeks after this incident. I worked, studied on my own, and after moving to another city, I couldn't find a job other than as a sound engineer. A year later, she entered the Faculty of Audio-visual Engineering, passing the physics exam thanks to the 1st year program of the Chemical Institute. I studied, worked, and worked again. Thanks to his musical education, he was accepted to the Department of sound Engineering. She defended her diploma in digital recording paths with a recommendation to graduate school. Voila)�

    PS: at the Institute, I became interested in digital coding and television. Now I work in the Design Bureau, I deal with video monitoring systems for separating the launch vehicle stages and head fairings. So much for biology, so much for music, and so much for singing. I didn't say goodbye to sound engineering – now I'm freelancing. It's all so interesting, I just can't! Everyone would be so interested.

  34. The beauty and curse of our life is that the expediency of being — both individual and global — is illusory.

    When a person talks about the purpose, he asks the question “why? for what?”, it assumes the existence of a cause-goal. At the same time, goal setting is always prescribed to the conscious subject and is associated with free will and choice.

    The question “why should I buy a chocolate bar?” it implies that the subject (I) can analyze their needs (I want sweets or I go to visit friends and want to treat them) and make a conscious decision, thereby making a free choice. That is, the question” why? ” suggests an alternative.

    By the same principle, the questions “why does the world exist?” and “why does man exist?”are asked. It is assumed that a certain subject has realized his free will in making a decision on the creation of the Universe, the Earth, and life. Such a subject is God. However, as we know, God is an unscientific hypothesis. Science does not ask the question “why?”, it asks “why?”, excluding the subject and focusing on a simple “cause — effect”relationship.

    Why does life exist? Because over millions of years, the evolutionary process has complicated chemical structures, which has led to the formation of biological structures. Cause (chemical evolution) — > effect (living organisms).

    Modern science is increasingly leaning towards determinism — the explanation of world phenomena from the point of view of causal relationships, gradually making a similar revolution at the human level. So, neuroscience largely refutes free will and choice, thereby excluding the question “why?” even at the level of our everyday decisions. I buy a chocolate bar not for what, but why. This is a fundamentally different view of events. In this case, the purchase of a chocolate bar is determined not by my free will, but by a set of reasons that determine my actions: the need for glucose or the desire to be a polite guest. In the end, it all comes down to what is commonly called fate. The world becomes a body of causes and effects that are linked by clear laws, and therefore have no alternative. The only area in which there is a hypothetical possibility of overcoming fatalism is quantum physics, but so far science is guided by the paradigm of determinism.

    Now let's turn to the original question, which from the point of view of science sounds like ” why was man born?”. The answer is simple and involves fertilization and other biological processes. Again-cause and effect. Beyond that, any answer doesn't make scientific sense.

    However, a person's consciousness does not allow him to accept the complete predestination of his own being and relax on this. We try to reconcile the past, present, and future into a clear and predictable picture, and so we interpret reality. The “why” question is an interpretation of causality. And we can interpret it in any way we like.

    We can interpret the reasons that led our parents to decide to have a child. In this case, we will ask them the question ” why?”. If your parents had the intention to raise the president, then you can accept this intention as your destiny. Although most people have children just to have them, without specifics. In this case, the purpose of the child and later an adult is to live, nothing more.

    Faith in God allows us to approach the question of destiny more solemnly, although not more creatively. If you believe in God, you are generally lucky: you take the Bible and get comforting answers to all the questions of genesis.

    If neither the first nor the second model is suitable for you, you are free to choose for yourself. Of course, the deterministic model says that you will not choose anything, your beliefs are predetermined, and the choice of destination is not made by you, but by the laws of physics. However, taking this into account allows you to feel calmer, because in such a situation, the wrong answer to the question about the purpose is simply impossible. Everything you do with your life is the only correct option, because it is the only possible one. So be more confident and realize the purpose that you can and that you like.

  35. Good news. Headhunters say that modern people will have several different careers. Therefore, now it is not necessary to look for the greatest thing of your life, which you will have one and for the rest of your days. And you can try different things.

    If you are currently in great doubt about what to do instead of your work, try to devote more time to your hobby. There are dozens of real-life stories of people growing their own businesses out of hobbies. Or at least it began to bring a tangible income in addition to the salary. Maybe you are a great baker, make delicious chocolates or make homemade yogurt? You can try selling your own cooking products to your friends and acquaintances, or create an online website or Instagram page. Or maybe you write well? Then you can start your own blog. The main thing is to try and not sit still waiting for a great idea to visit you.

  36. I think Tolstoy said something along the lines of don't write if you can't. Write only if you can't help but write. I think this is in some sense the answer. Do you have something that you can't help but do? Something that fills your life with meaning, and you do it with pleasure, forgetting about everything? It was like this: after I heard the Beatles, I didn't want to do anything else but write and perform songs. And as soon as I could, I started my own band. However, if everything is clear,then the question disappears. Just look for yourself, don't stop.

  37. You can understand what you are meant for only when you have a lot of experience in some activity.

    I, for example, didn't realize that my pre – assignment was to train and develop people until I started to develop rapidly in this area, after several years of practice. It was only then that I began to get results that really inspire you, take you somewhere up to your personal meaning and purpose.

    Therefore, the advice is simple – do not try to find a destination while sitting on the couch.

    Get involved in interesting work, accumulate a wide variety of experiences, communicate more with people, exchange ideas, expand your social panorama, learn different cultures and activities, try yourself, learn the experience of real professionals from different fields, strive to be where the future comes faster, be advanced, introduce new technologies, improve your life, work and formalize your experience. As you gain experience, your mindset will automatically ask you the question, ” Why do you do what you do more?”�

    The main thing is to do it.

  38. (I'm also 17 since December 5th)) You need to look at what you want to do in general for the rest of your life. You need a “cause” that you believe in. If a Christian?”Please God. Do you want to help humanity?- Find where they need it and work:))

  39. Try. Whether it's “go to China to learn Chinese”, make videos about transvestites, give birth to children (or have 7 dogs instead) – the main thing is to try and understand your feelings from this.

  40. No one knows 🙂 Everyone just lives, if it is difficult to live by inertia-they convince themselves that they like something. A proven strategy for centuries, unmistakable.

  41. There is no destination. No one on top hands out roles, then, giggling nastily, shuffles people around. Of course, even our distant ancestors would never have believed this. The bottom line is that almost any thing that a person you can imagine can do, you can also easily do it. Quality already depends on effort. At one of the TED talks, the speaker compared this to a Gaussian bell (I must say that the research he relied on was about poker) – entry is easy (the benefit is really that almost everything that many people can do (not just a few) is very easy to repeat (people don't know how to do quantum physics yet, yes), the development of a skill worsens your mastery of this skill (because the brain has to “digest” more information) until this skill develops. And there is already yes, you will have to invest effort so that it, the skill, is at the level.

    I must also say that what we think we are doing well is not necessarily what we are doing really well. For a real assessment of our capabilities, we humans are too subjective and too much based on the first experience or comments of other people on it.�

    There was such a writer-Grigory Oster, who, at one time, formulated a wonderful “harmful” advice:

    “Beat the frogs with sticks.

    It is very interesting.

    Rip off the wings of the flies,

    Let them run on foot.

    Train daily,

    And a happy day will come –

    Take you to some kingdom

    Be the chief executioner.”

    And it is very different from the phrase “do what you like”. Do what you like, study it, develop it. If you can't figure out what you like, choose something you'd like to like, and beat it with sticks, rip off its wings, until you've mastered it enough to start liking it just because you're good at it.

  42. The answer is simple. After all, such a thing is something that you like to do and you are ready to devote at least all your allotted time to it.

    Try it! The main thing is not to be lazy, do everything that seems interesting to you (within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation, of course, if you are from Russia). Take photos, draw, play sports, sew clothes, make movies, etc. Over time, you'll find out what you like best to do and what you'd like to do. The main thing is not to stop dreaming, always implement your ideas!

  43. Life's work is the activity that you have the most interest in, need for, and ability to do.You need to choose what you like best and go in that direction.And first of all,you need to get acquainted with all possible professions in order to find the one from which you would get the most pleasure,and you could invest in it with all your heart.After all, so many people go to the job they don't like,and maybe they have a talent for something else,but due to lack of skills and poor awareness,they are forced to endure hell under the name “forced,unloved work”.

    I wish you to understand what is really important, and go to it without retreating)Good luck)).

  44. Life has no purpose, only a reason. You are not a wrench, calculator, or screwdriver. You are much more versatile. What do you like? What happens? What are you ready to do, even if it doesn't work out? What are you ready to do for free? Somewhere in these areas is what you yourself might define as your purpose.

  45. It's hard to find someone who doesn't know what they want. Unless it's a complete vegetable or a corpse.

    One way or another, we all want something, but some of us can not decide exactly what is the most important thing in their aspirations: we want everything at once, and not only in terms of life.benefits and pleasures.

    People of any age need social games in which they choose a role for themselves. And when such a role is finally chosen and becomes a priority, we can say that a person has found himself in life, made his choice.

    It must be recognized that the role of a parasite-consumer or predator-scoundrel is also a choice of its purpose, which a person makes himself and with the help of which he makes himself, as, indeed, in all other options.

    It is unlikely that it will ever be possible to successfully create armies of active creators and absolutely social personalities, forcing, forcing or enticing people to make their own choice : in any scenario, a considerable part of society will remain in the role of weak-willed parasites or cunning bastards, only masquerading as creators and “carriers of good”.

    This state of affairs is determined by the very structure of the Universe, the principles of its organization: there must always be differences in temperature, energy, impulses, birth and death, so that movement and development arise and do not stop, experience accumulates, new ideas are born.

    From time to time, light and dark change in priority, just as day and night change in everything, not just in our society. But as civilization evolves, there is less chaos and violence, and more organization and mutual understanding.

    In general, to find a destination, if it is interesting for a person, first of all you need to understand yourself, which side you are on – light or dark, understand that they are both equal, and, most importantly, understand that your choice is only a role in the game, and nothing more.
    The main thing here is not the role, but the game itself and its ultimate goal. And just this goal should not be forgotten, realizing that whatever role you choose – it should lead to the ultimate good for all.

    In this case, the person's consciousness is ABOVE the GAME, and he becomes someone already more than the person we are used to-a Person. Mostly within yourself. For myself. Believe me, this attitude is much more important than the qualities and actions visible to others.

    Everything else is really secondary.

  46. and you do not “decide” under pressure, but choose with enthusiasm and prudence.

    Choose from what you like, invent and create what you like.

    life is one substance for everyone, but everyone lives differently, because they treat it differently.

    best of all live those who treat life as an opportunity to realize their creative abilities in practical ways.

  47. I am not sure that in the XXI century it is possible and necessary to talk about the”business of life”. Just because every year there are several completely new professions, and every 5 years a few old ones disappear. We need to be ready to change the field of professional activity and retrain. If you are 18 now, in 50 years (2068) the world will be completely different. What will be in demand, what professions will be relevant, and which will cease to exist, we do not know.

    Here's how to figure out what you like easier. I understand that we are talking about choosing a profession/job. In order to help people decide, there is a set of activities called “career guidance”. Career guidance (short for “professional orientation”) can take many forms. The simplest is informing, i.e., for example, listen to a lecture about what professions are there, where they are taught, and why they are needed (information will also include searching for information on the Internet). More complex forms involve, for example, psychological testing (diagnostics of personal qualities, motivation, abilities, interests and values, etc.) to help you choose suitable professional areas.

    As a matter of fact, career guidance, like any legal service, can be ordered by searching on the Internet, and choosing the place/specialists who made the best impression on you. As an option, consider the recommendations of people who have already passed the career guidance procedure.

  48. Most people in their youth are tormented by such questions. We must try. There is never any result and understanding without practice. Choose several options that you like, try yourself in different ones.

  49. I found my purpose – and I really want to believe that I will stay on this path in life from now on – simply. In short, it's a case in point. In more detail: a drum kit was found in the basement of my house (terribly broken, by the way, and also incomplete), and I did not immediately begin to learn to play it. Over time, I realized that I could not imagine my life without music, and I began to invest more and more effort, time and money in developing my skills, but I do not regret anything – using a hackneyed metaphor, I will say that music has made me more alive than ever: this is creativity, this is a passion, a need for development, this is an activity that brings pleasure, but sometimes a headache.

    So that's what this whole cart is all about. If I hadn't made up my mind from the very beginning (and I was sure I didn't have a sense of rhythm or hearing, which I was happily mistaken about), I probably would have ended up hanging around in this world. Yes, I had a lucky chance, but I, and this is important, was able and wanted to take advantage of it. So my message is: don't be afraid to grab your lucky ticket, even if it doesn't turn out to be a fucking lucky one. A person who always says to himself “this is not mine”, so this is the most “own” and will never find it. Trite, of course, but it is sometimes important to voice and put into words.

  50. It seems to me that the vast majority of people at the age of 17 do not know what to do in life. Someone does not know this at 30, someone at 50. Don't despair. Tip: Don't stay out of work while studying at UNI or college. Be sure to work, try yourself in different roles. Gain experience. This will allow you to more or less understand your inclinations and determine exactly what you do not want to do.

  51. I've already written it a hundred times. Write on a piece of paper what you definitely don't want to do and go from the opposite. //what is the limit of one hundred and forty characters., W

  52. Do what you want to do. Don't do anything you don't want to do. And be patient: it's naive to expect quick results in such global endeavors.

  53. There is no” own ” business.

    To begin with, you should divide the Case by goal:

    • To make a profit
    • To create something (it is clear that later it can bring profit)
      In the first case, the case is selected based on:

    • Of the region

    • Your abilities
    • Your resources
    • Your connections
    • Time to make a profit
    • Competitive advantages
    • Ability to negotiate and manage
      In the second case, the case is selected based on:

    • Of your interest

    • Your abilities
    • The scale of thinking
    • Opportunities for obtaining an investment or other type of financing
    • Your hard work
      Therefore, decide why you want your business. Then evaluate your resources. Analyze the local market or find an interesting unsolved problem. But most importantly, if we talk about profit, carefully look around and look for those needs of people that no one meets. Or they are not satisfied enough. Evaluate them in terms of their ability to meet these needs. If you can, start, try. There will be mistakes, losses, expenses, and successes. You see, some initiative will shoot and become your business. You don't know where you'll find it, where you'll lose it.
  54. OLGA, hello.

    First, about the purpose: The purpose of all people is the same-working outKarma, forDevelopmentSoul, in order to get rid of it in the future and go out on your ownPersonality.

    ToThis category does not include: children, improving the world, helping others, etc. Abstract and systematic tasks.

    (To avoid wasting time on outraged comments, please specify: this is my knowledge and my orientation. You can stay with your opinion and justify it.)

    “Finding yourself” is a dual question. For me, the word “self” implies something deep that does not manifest itself in everyday consciousness and it is difficult to get to this center. In society, this (“find yourself”) means something else – a person and its implementation. Further, I will write not from my own, but from the social attitude to this.

    You can lose yourself only in the case of a strong orientation to external rules and personal ideals: what you need to be, who you need to be, how you need to behave, good and bad qualities, useful and bad habits.�

    Focusing on external assessments and personality parameters, a person ceases to see himself as real. And first of all, it stops seeing its most important resource: the physical body. Arms, legs, head. This is followed by intelligence, interests, skills, knowledge, mentality, and experience. I do not know a person who does not have enough of these basic resources for a full and happy life. You just need to look at yourself again and see them.�

    Very important: it is absolutely impossible to impose social assessments and comparisons on your basic resources. This destroys their foundation and robs a person of Strength.

    Next, you need to re-consider your needs. Primary and strategic issues. The primary ones are the needs for maintaining physical existence: food, clothing, a roof over your head. Everything. there are no others. If the primary needs are chosen from the position of “like someone; like a successful person; to be recognized; to be admired; as expected” – this is the beginning of the end as a Reasonable being, this is a process of degradation.

    Strategic-these are the needs for intellectual, cultural, professional, and creative development. As they develop, their primary needs also change. Exactly in this sequence.

    This is the beginning of the process of returning “to yourself”. To the person you were born with. And only then does the path open up to who you want to become.

    Having identified your primary and strategic needs, you need to apply your core resources to meet them now. And determine what needs to be developed and supplemented in yourself so that you can realize your strategic needs.�

    Very important: When determining what needs to be developed or supplemented, do not categorically evaluate it from the positions: useful-harmful, positive-negative, successful-unsuccessful. This is all nonsense. Choose only what you really need right now and objectively increase your efficiency in moving through life. It doesn't matter how the people around you feel about it.

    What do you need to know and accept?: When you begin to “return to yourself” and develop yourself, you will definitely face criticism from your social circle. Your friends and acquaintances will not allow you to change. especially in the best way for you. This is unequivocal. you should understand that if you really develop and “return to yourself”, at least 70% of your social circle will leave you.

    This is enough time to start working on your issue.

    Good luck

  55. Each of us was a child, and each of us had a favorite game. The one that made you forget everything. When mom shouts from the kitchen: “Baby, it's time for lunch!”, and you do not hear her – so interesting is your game! You are sitting on a carpet in the center of the room, and there is nothing but this game – you give yourself up to it completely. Conditionally, this game is what you should do in life.

  56. You can't find it, but you can create it. Develop the skill of what you are interested in, you will gradually develop in this, set a higher quality bar, then people will start ordering work from you, and so in a few years you will become a professional, and neophytes will consider that “a person has found his vocation”. This idea that you need to look for it is a delusion.

  57. Search. Constantly. If you like something , try it, don't be afraid. A new experience is always an experience, often positive. It will add friends, connections, and skills. Perhaps you think about the time spent? Well, maybe it's better to spend 4 years in an unloved university? 30 years in an unloved job? Isn't that a waste of time? Try it and don't be afraid, zhishchn loves adventurers.

  58. Ask yourself what you're interested in, what you like to do, what you're good at, and what you can do without getting annoyed. Find at least one activity that doesn't cause depression, melancholy, or annoyance.Figure out if you like working with people, or vice versa. Once you have decided, find out what professions are associated with this activity, what you can learn and get a profession.

  59. It is not easy for everyone in this life to understand what role they are assigned and what they are capable of. In this case, of course, it is better not to give up what you started, try hard , the fruits of some business will definitely remind you of yourself, and what happens, as a rule, always motivates you to move on. In any case, do not get hung up and live as you live , it will all come with time, especially if you are still young.

  60. This is one of the most difficult questions. But there is one simple method that can initially somehow get off the ground in studying this issue. We see a lot of people in our lives, and there are some that we admire. There are some that are interesting to us and somehow close in spirit. And if you analyze these reactions, you can outline some likely direction for yourself. For starters, at least.

  61. You should not look for some higher purpose or mission. Just live, enjoy life, love and get to know the world, do what you like, and create conditions for yourself so that you don't have to do what you don't like.�

    There is an incredible book on this subject. Viktor Frankl “Man in search of Meaning”. A scientist-psychotherapist who went through Auschwitz and managed to take out the most valuable life experience from there. From the conditions where a person is deprived of absolutely everything, and the only remaining freedom is the choice of his reaction to external circumstances. The first half of the book describes the life of the concentration camp and the experiences of the people there. And the second is an analysis of all this from the point of view of psychology.

  62. A child with a disability can be perceived as a punishment or a tragedy, or it can be considered a fate-forming element and a reason to change something in this world, find resources in yourself and show how to become happy, despite a lifelong diagnosis. Now, after 4 years of successful rehabilitation, I understand that it was not for nothing that so much moral effort and material resources were spent. And recently I was asked if I would like to share my experience and help other parents, give them hope?

    So I finally understood what my purpose is, my mission in this life. I would like to believe that the project that my like-minded friends and I are preparing will really open up new opportunities for children with special needs and their families.

    And here, in fact, is the answer to the question: do not look for your destination, when the time comes, it will find you by itself.

  63. In my opinion, the best way to determine your purpose is to do what your loved ones want you to do. After all, the purpose of it is to make your loved ones happy and, as far as possible, distant ones too.�
    Parents, if they are good parents, know you very well and can tell you what is best for you. Close friends can also be good advisors in this regard.�
    There is no point in focusing on fashion, public opinion, or economic needs if your future occupation will not please your loved ones.
    There is another way – Vedic astrology (jyotish). Just try it out and decide for yourself whether it suits you or not. But the first method works 100%

  64. There are many search paths, but the easiest and fastest one is the following:

    1. Write down 50 things that you love to do or would love to do if you had the opportunity to do them. Write down those activities that are difficult to break away from and are never lazy. Spend as much time as possible on this list. Make sure to write at least 50.�
    2. From these classes, write down all the things that you have the ability/talent to do that you could become a master at, or that you could do better than most if you learn�
    3. After all, from the remaining ones, write out what is most appreciated by other people or, in other words, what you can earn most from
  65. I was helped to determine exactly one way, Buddhist, or something) Answer the question: What would you do if you had infinite money? For example, I would have fun and travel, my main hobby would be tuning the best cars and racing them, that is, I just need to get a technical education, work with the same cars, other entertainment in my spare time, with experience in 10-20 years I will be able to develop my work in any direction up to business, and almost during my studies everything coincides with my

  66. Of course, there are career guidance tests, but they can show the industry, but not the specialty.�

    The simplest and most difficult way at the same time, observe yourself, how and in what way you act in business. Not What you do, but How. This will show your instrumental character function, the way you solve your problems and challenges in life. You can realize how to turn it into a profession.

  67. Go from the opposite: identify what you don't like. Do you like the idea of living in the country? Do you like face tattoos? Do you like Asian cuisine? Do you like the color brown? (I am by no means suggesting that the answer to all these questions is “no”) This exercise will help you at least discard some of the ideas and things that you definitely don't want to strive for. Perhaps, in the process, you will come up with images that will cause you a uniquely positive response. Remember these images. Go back to them from time to time, watch their dynamics.�

    Most likely, there are a lot of things that you like, but you just can't remember them right now.

  68. Do not be afraid to try different activities, be curious, even if it seems that it is not up to you. Sooner or later, you will stop at something of your own. After all, it can not be uninteresting if you choose your own occupation. The main thing is not to sit still waiting for an epiphany, but to do something, explore the world around you.

  69. I will say this, it is not you who find the purpose, but it is you))

    Wherever you are and whatever you do, your destination will still be a surprise to you.�

    To still speed up this process of finding it, I can only advise you to try everything, everything, everything!!! From drawing to training elephants.�

    Good luck!)))

  70. Perhaps it is worth giving in to impulses a little more selflessly, not “half a bump”, not just with enthusiasm, but with an understanding of the “depths of the issue”.
    The more and more fully you try it out, the more obvious it should become to what exactly there is both a craving and a talent)

  71. It was all very simple. Studying at a special school and knowing English from childhood, I had to go straight to INYAZ, as the institute was then called. Maurice Toreza. More precisely, as we joked as a child in the first grade, we all dreamed of being diplomats, by the fifth we understood that only a few would enter MGIMO. When my parents were a restorer and an engineer, I didn't have a career beyond translation and didn't enjoy it. But the disease also destroyed these dreams, and after spending half of the ninth and tenth grade in hospitals, it was impossible to think about any further education. To be even more precise . then the doctors were confused with the diagnoses and my parents took me to be baptized in the church, where my mother worked at that time at an unscheduled time. �And although I helped her earlier and rather at the official site of the Church of the Intercession in Fili, I realized that the monuments are mine. There was something native and fascinating about them. Having gone on the mend after the baptism, I made the final decision to follow in my mother's footsteps, and I didn't have the strength for anything else. She has worked for more than 30 years. I don't regret it. In this case, it seems that everything is really the will of God. I still love monuments. You need to love what you do and then it will delight you in life.

  72. It is not difficult to understand what you like to do (people above suggested good advice with writing out strengths, etc.), it is always difficult to choose one of several things, and then resist running to a related activity. And the constant question in my head is, what if I did this instead of this, what would change in my life? Maybe I've become more successful and so on. It seems to me that the main thing in the purpose is not the correctness of the path itself, but its implementation. How do we start throwing? When difficulties come and we don't see any results from our current activities. The fact is that if you wait a little longer, the results will be there, but we are always rushing around and do not understand that the task for us was to hold on, and not change course. Purpose is a series of micro-goals that we achieve in one field of our choice. If we successfully achieve them in our entire life, we fulfill our purpose, since its task is to train our soul, will and character.

  73. I'm still not sure if the search was deliberate. It's just that after-school drawing classes were added to a number of hobbies and then won the tender in college. And since the situation in the family taught me to finish things at a very young age, I decided not to give up this pleasant business, where you can think about your own and about everything. There is a university behind the college, and another one in parallel. Then a series of works, where, thanks to the managers, they made it clear what is good and what is bad.

    Advice from these letters is unlikely to work, but my situation looks like this : I do what I like. First of all, the responsibility, interest, accessibility and development of the topic of art and design did not allow me to get out of the vague stream of events, where I ended up.

    “The most common mistake is to go to work where you don't want to, because they pay well there. Don't do that. You will last a maximum of a year or two, then you will send it all up your ass and treat your nerves for another six months. ” – from the previous comment, it was unrealistic to smile about the treatment.

  74. I don't believe that every person has a certain great purpose in life, there is something of megalomania in this. There are several hundred geniuses of the level of Leonardo da Vinci and Zuckerberg that the world has learned about. To do what we want and enjoy, to be useful to the world around us, or at least not to harm – this is what we are looking for. At different stages of life, there may be different purposes: while a woman with a small child-her purpose is to be a mother, the children grow up – she goes into politics. One woman, a resident of Tasmania, eight children, music education, worked all her life as a financier. When the children grew up, she gave up her career as a financier, spent three years copying works by old masters in a shed in the garden – now she is a world-famous pastelist, the highest level of artistic works, recognizable style.

    I can't say that all my goals have been found so far. As a child, I enjoyed drawing, math, and foreign languages. Those activities that put you, I'm not afraid of the word, in a trance. While solving a problem or reading a text in French, I fell out of the world around me and came back up again, experiencing a “sense of renewal”.

    Writing came later – in the tenth grade I won the regional Olympiad in literature. Public recognition tends to push you towards vocations. A few years ago, I started writing methodological articles on the study of foreign languages-as a result of ten years of work in this field. There was a need to systematize observations, share and fight the Russian plague – ignorance of foreign languages after 10 years of study.

    It is also important to understand what you absolutely do not want – I rejected the role of a housewife and an office worker. The choice narrowed dramatically. Hence, the need to study foreign languages was organically met by the market demand for English teachers. At first, I didn't really like it, but because of the hopelessness in life at that time, I had to continue and adapt. Adaptation has not only taken us beyond stress. Gradually, pleasure came, creativity and development began.

    Then there were two years of working in television. A screenwriter and correspondent. I was asked to write a test script, sat down and wrote it, and was offered a full-time job. Writing scripts turned out to be the most enjoyable activity, but I was a temporary correspondent for a month and a half. Screenwriting has been postponed for now, and I'm saving it for retirement.

    Don't be afraid to try – this is the most important thing. “Why not?” – correct question for suggestions that arise internally and externally. The result of any activity at first, to put it mildly, is not up to par. But this is not a reason to listen to the replicas: “You, my child, should not open your mouth, you should sing no further than the shower.” However, to bother people with their opuses and ballads is unnecessary.

    I continued to draw in adulthood, everything turned out to be much more serious than handwriting on weekends. Now painting is already one of the top three main vocations, and is already ready to jump into second place.

    Everything starts with faith, because any business is first an investment. This is kilometers of painted canvas and zero public recognition and material reward. Writing consists of gigabytes of texts that are initially interesting to only a dozen people close to you. University – five years without special remuneration; courses and so on – investment of time and money.

    The search will always be hindered. In my case, there was a lot of family pressure. You can't get away from this for a certain period of time – 10 years of school, 4 years of institute – financial and housing dependence on parents. Not always the family supports, but they do not have to. And how many noble impulses were killed by society! In Russia-every critic, every expert, everyone knows how to do it: “What do you have nothing to do?”, “Paint and throw away”, ” Invest money, and a rainy day will come!”. For searching (and finding!) internal strength is necessary for yourself, as well as adequate self-esteem, the ability to enjoy the processes, not to give up when failures occur.

    If you read the stories of great composers, they are solid “the first opera failed, was thrown and booed”. At first, the Impressionists were so criticized in the press that the comments in our social networks are the babble of a kind teacher.

    Let's not take it so high, not all geniuses, of course. Just live and try – most of the processes in life are reversible! Correlate risks with reality, evaluate investments, if necessary. The reward for this is a sense of fullness of life, nothing more.

  75. Mistakes and failures, more mistakes and more failures, plus experience, plus the rationality that came from the previous points, helped me find my purpose. After going through several areas of activity that “did not go”, I began to note what exactly I was not satisfied with. Then I realized that I was basically not capable of working in a hierarchical structure for a long time. After making a list of everything that doesn't suit me, adding my own talents and interests to it, I started looking for activities that would fit into the established “framework”. And I found it. Win.

    Advice on finding yourself. You will need a pen, a piece of paper, and one hour when no one will distract you. Write it out:

    1. Your strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you can easily and quickly memorize new information, or you can work quickly, or you get along well with children – write everything that you remember about yourself. This will help you understand which professions you can best implement yourself in. Conversely, if you don't know how to quickly find a common language with people, for example, this knowledge will help you immediately cross out professions in which you need to communicate with people on a daily basis.

    2. Your fundamental preferences. Suppose you hate the classic form of clothing, such as trousers and ties. We cross out all work from the white-collar field. Etc.

    3. Your reasonable work requirements (work schedules that suit you, minimum acceptable salary level, working conditions, team composition requirements, place of work, etc.). It is important to be realistic here. It is clear that many people want to do nothing and get paid for it.

    4. If you have a friend who doesn't hesitate to tell the truth to your face, be sure to ask them to write down what you are better at than others, and what you are clearly not good at.

    5. Anything that interests you personally. Most likely, this list will coincide with the list of your strengths, because people like to do what they can do. The main thing is to get rid of templates. If you like task planning, don't think, “no, I won't write this here, because there's nowhere else to apply it.”

    Now that you have a detailed list of your characteristics, you can take it to a psychiatrist. A joke:) Start thinking and writing out all the options for activities that fit your needs and capabilities. When you find a profession that uses your strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to develop perfectly and really get a lot of fun and good money from what you do. This luxury is currently available to very few people.

    The most common mistake is to go to work where you don't want to, because they pay well there. Don't do that. You'll last a maximum of a year or two, then send it all up your ass and spend another six months treating your nerves.

  76. First of all, you should decide what you mean by “purpose”.
    If you're talking about some great mission that you were born to do, then the Dragonborn also didn't know he was a Dragonborn until he met the dragon.
    If your mission is a way to bring some benefit to the world, you need to decide what you think is useful, can do, or can learn to do. Determine the direction and forward.
    Well, in order to find something that you like and succeed in doing, you actually need to do at least something. Try yourself in different areas, look for something interesting for yourself, in this spirit.

  77. Go through the selection funnel:�

    what is interesting to me, what do I want to do?�

    what abilities and natural inclinations do I have? to what extent can I develop them?

    what are the characteristics of my character and what is my personality? for example, am I sociable, ready to make quick decisions, what level of stress tolerance, and so on

    what are the capabilities of the development environment I'm in? where in general can I study? Can I do what I want-can I do in this city? what can the current state of society offer me? For example, I won't become a pilot in Moscow

    what professions are in demand? what will be bought on the professions market in the near future?

    and here we come to a narrow range of professions that we need to “taste”, try ourselves to feel what is suitable and what is not. how to try-internships, lectures, communication with bright personalities, trips… whatever you want. and do not be afraid to make a mistake, the main thing is to honestly answer yourself every time, whether what I did is suitable

  78. “To be or not to be? That's the question! ” – very few people remember what Hamlet says next in his monologue. But this phrase” to be or not to be ” determines our future life. To be kind or better not to be. Be truthful, which doesn't always equal being kind, or it's better to lie and say something comforting. To say something comforting, but, after all, all the same, someone not so kind will tell the whole truth, etc., etc. You can say. that the main thing is to be human. But even human qualities are being overestimated and underestimated at a catastrophic rate, and they are being adjusted to the rules of life of those people. who rules the world at this stage?In such controversial moments, the words from the Nautilus Pompilius song “Tutankhamun” always help me: “If you drink with thieves, fear for your wallet. If you're walking on a muddy road,you can't help but get your feet dirty. If you pull out your hair, you won't put it back in. And your head is always responsible for where your ass goes.”

  79. Reasoning about purpose stems from fear and self-doubt. As soon as they arise in your head, you just need to stop and do what you decided. There are no purposes, their people invented themselves just to somehow protect themselves from their fears for the future. Every choice for them is a choice forever.

    On the site ezopro.ru there is an article ” Talent. This is mine! Or not mine?” Read it, it might help 🙂

  80. To be able and experience the joy of activity, these are still different things.

    And the purpose is a very complex concept. Simplistically, it is considered that your destiny is to do what you know best. But this theory comes into conflict with the esoteric picture of the world, which considers the purpose of a person as passing the most difficult lesson that the soul has chosen when it comes to this world.

    Systemic (otherwise also called karmic) psychology treats purpose as a continuation of one of the generic lines. If your ancestors were, for example, merchants, but the Soviet government took away their honestly acquired wealth, then you have a direct path to trade and you must do it in such a way that you not only do not fall anywhere, but also return the family to its former resources and glory.

    Some particularly advanced spiritual schools associate purpose with origin (supposedly there are higher races among us and not all of us are from Earth, some are from Sirius, for example). In their opinion, a person is born and after a while realizes himself as an alien from another world, and at the same time his destiny. For example, increase the spiritual vibrations of the earth. Here you are laughing, but do you know how many people now live by it?: -)

    Religions do not fit the task at all technically. Man's destiny is to love God and glorify him on earth by his actions.

    And yet, if you look closely at the people around you, you will notice that many of them have radically changed both their activities and themselves over the course of their lives, respectively, their purpose has also changed.

    As you can see, everything is not easy with the destination, but how to understand it? If you are young, then try as many different things as possible and what you want to delve into, get to the bottom of, what you don't get tired of – perhaps this is your destination for the next few years.

    If you have already passed the thirty-year mark, start to really study yourself, the history of your family, and your psychology. Perhaps this will open up new facets of development for you. You will do the same in principle, but not like this.

    If you are over forty, then congratulations, you have entered the age of true self-determination! Now it's time to get spiritual knowledge, study ancient mantic systems, unusual languages, unwritten history, and much more that was not fully understood before, and did not pull. At this age, people often come to real spiritual revelations, a complete change in life, emigration, a change in status and social roles is possible. This is a completely different reading of the concept of purpose, when you start thinking about what you can do for people and leave behind.

  81. If we are talking about a profession, the question is not very relevant, since the trend of recent decades is that people change their specialty several times in their lives. And I think it's very cool. While there are no children, mortgages and other obligations, it's time to try and see what's interesting. Not even what turns out, but what is interesting. Because sometimes doing something that comes easily isn't the best option.

    If we are talking about more global things (who am I?) – I think you should relax a little and understand that priorities can change. And you can also be “someone” in several guises at once: for example, being a startup and a volunteer, a dad and a programmer, a Christian and a biker.

  82. Advice on how to decide is impossible to give. But on the other hand, you can give some tips on how to determine exactly what you don't need.

    1. Think of life as a lottery where you can win or lose. That is, for example, I took up a case, and it may or may not be “yours”. And that's how you play lotto until you meet your goal. And some win right away, as if they are lucky.

    This illusion is very popular because it keeps a person from feeling uncertain and unclear. In fact, the choice is always correct, for one simple reason-it is yours. And no one else's. The question is not whether it is correct or not, but whether you are ready to take responsibility for this choice. People who divide everything into right and wrong simply take responsibility for their own lives when they fail. Despite the fact that it is precisely these failures that are wrong, it mainly helps to develop.

    1. Listen to simple recipes for happiness, universal laws of life and go to “personal growth trainings”. The brilliant minds that people remember and honor for centuries have never been able to express any universal laws anywhere. They expressed very little, even such great ones. And then someone made money, came and wrote a book on how to be happy. Here are 5 rules, do, apply, and everything in life will get better. Yeah, sure, it'll get better.

    There is a law here – the more extensive and simple the rule, and the less relevant it is to a particular situation, the more likely it is to be a naive profanity.

    1. See life as a project. The project must perform tasks efficiently (hello to the so-called life hackers), there must be a certain structure and there must be certain qualities and attributes.

    It's great to schedule your life by the hour, measure how many hours you sleep, and measure your heartbeat using the new app on your iPhone, as well as set goals and be sure that they are important to you. Then there is not much left to analyze, but only to do. Motivate yourself and do, not dream. It's all very well. So you can become a very effective tool, but unfortunately you will have to abandon your personality and cut off the inner, sensual sphere from yourself. Society will certainly approve of such a metamorphosis.

    This is how it looks in a very simplified form. A more sophisticated version can be found in the books of Rollo May, Fromm, Rogers, Bujenthal, and Seligman. In a very heavy, but rich form, you can try on the tooth of Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Mamardashvili. Many of them, unfortunately, did not earn much money and did not come up with recipes for happiness. But they came up with a lot of other things related to such an infinitely complex phenomenon as a person.

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