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Or quickly believe and pray / meditate. This is in this case to get a portion of ready-made new ones (for the crisis manager/ – vumen) meanings. Sometimes it helps quickly and well, sometimes it just makes it easier.
Another way in the crisis of former meanings is to live in the resulting void. Day after day. Not escaping from alcohol, drugs, or pastafarianism. Do all sorts of your own vain things. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them. Do not panic when there are no answers or they are not happy. Usually, after some time, new meanings are poked out. Usually also-for a while. There are also existential crises related to the essence of existence, contradictions, to which you usually give different answers in different periods of your life. When the old ones do not suit you or have lost their relevance (for example, you lived “for someone”, but the person left you anyway), and the new ones have not yet arrived – this is an “existential crisis”.
Well, to the therapist is very useful. Or a consulting psychologist. Not to say that there are such awesome differences between them.
Ah! Accordingly, those who choose the first option should go to the spiritual leader. To my father-mullah-lama-guru. You can always look for a normal one, but this is always such a problem with a Teacher)
The word “overcome” is so hard. You can immediately imagine some superhuman efforts, hardships and sufferings. If you replace it with the word выбор “choice”, everything becomes much easier. You can imagine life as a hotel. Rooms don't belong to people, they just occupy the most convenient room for themselves. A person comes out of an old room and sees a bunch of doors to new ones. The task is to understand what you like best, choose what you need, and set a goal. Life does not stand still. If you don't choose what you like, you can spend your entire life in the hallway, watching other happy people settle into free suites.
The most important thing is to understand that this is a crisis, not a depression. In my practice, when people came and talked about the crisis, in most cases it was still a medical problem. Of course, my friends, I am biased due to the specifics of the disorders I face.� But still, if you feel a “crisis”, then you should think about whether it's time to see a psychiatrist for a preventive appointment.�
Well, if it turns out that you do not have clinical depression, then you will have a certain amount of time: from a couple of months to a couple of years of absolute tiresomeness, mixed with self-accusations about your ABM.. missed chances and opportunities, wrong choice of education and work…
But then it will pass for at least 10 years.
I think such a crisis can be overcome quite simply: do not think about the meaning of existence, but simply live knowing that 42 is the answer to the main question of life, the universe and all that.;)
But seriously, :isolation, fixation, distraction, and sublimation.
Someone objects to the word “overcome”. Agree. Let it be simpler: You have to live in spite of obstacles. “This is LIFE. Each one has its own unique feature . And the means, “techniques” of living in the individual also have their own, due to genetics, individual experience and constant progressive changes in everything around and yourself. This is life! This is the integrity, consistency of everything-living and inanimate. Sincerely yours, Olga.
I am surprised at such an easy approach of commentators, I am sure that they do not even understand what they are saying.I don't remember who said existentiality is a destiny – a vocation.This is for years!Look for answers in existential literature and philosophy.- Dostoevsky �to help you.Stages of formation of the philistine-esthetician-ethicist-religionist exitonal.
I wonder how simple it is for the 'pcycologists'.But the survivors themselves say that Existence is a being to death, a way out to true existence.
You just need to live, overcoming all possible obstacles, and not reflect, and, moreover, do not engage in empty psychoanalysis.,
which is imposed by information from modern media. Be healthy!
If you have a good command of English, you can read Peter Zapffe's essay “The Last Messiah”on this subject. I didn't find it in Russian in the public domain, but here's a link to Википедию�https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F