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One American told me that he can only talk to Scots in person, because when you see a live Scot, you can guess what he's saying by facial expressions and gestures, but on the phone it will just be a stream of some growling sounds. In Scotland, in addition to Celtic Helik (which is the second official language of the Highlands region), whose speakers are vanishingly small, the so-called scots has also formed, which is considered by many linguists to be a separate language of the West German group (a group of West German languages, a subgroup of English and Scottish). And so it is that it has a strong influence on the dialect of local residents, which sounds very different from English and more like Flamish or some Norwegian. In 2011-12, BBC Scotland (which has its headquarters in Glasgow) aired several seasons of the comedy sketch show Burnistoun, whose characters speak a dialect. It seems that just in the pilot version there was a famous episode about a sound-controlled elevator in Scotland, which was made in America and does not understand the Scottish accent
Although here for example the dialect sounds much more strange:
It is advisable to formulate such questions starting not with the phrase “how to stop”, but with the phrase”how to start”.
Accordingly, I see here two variants of the question that you can try to answer:
How to start being indifferent or friendly to what is currently annoying?
How do you learn to communicate politely even when you are angry?
In my opinion, the answers to both questions will be similar. In both cases, you should not just get into situations of irritation, and then get upset that you lost your temper again. And it would be nice to relive the situation after the emotions have subsided. To do this, it is ideal to record yourself. Will you succeed? Don't know. I can try to suggest some options.
It was very useful for me to communicate on Internet forums, on annoying topics (it helped a lot with the second question). Here you can reread already in the cold footsteps, and, at times, you can reread even before publishing your answer. In this way, you can train an internal translator, who later becomes fast enough to translate a sharp thought into a polite form right on the go. (Here's a vivid example of what should start working: youtube.com)
Another interesting option is to train a slow, slightly drawling speech (Matroskin the cat). This way of speaking allows you to say rather harsh things to the other person's eyes, but at the same time not be perceived as an argessor.
As for the full answer to the first question, it seems to me that without training the ability to put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, it will be difficult to achieve tangible results. How do you learn to put yourself in the other person's shoes? Start doing this. Think about past conflict situations from the point of view of the opponent: “How does he think?”, ” He believes that he is doing everything right. If I were in his place, how would you approach me so that I would react kindly? ” and so on.