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Different characters experience things differently. There is no one recipe for everyone. Someone helps travel, “out of sight, out of mind” or plunging headlong into work-a distraction from the experience.
Someone knows that reason and emotions compete in the field of consciousness, and is able to answer the question ” Why suffer so much?” with the words “We can, we don't have to.” It is not given to everyone to reject emotions by a strong-willed decision.
Someone feels humiliated and “stuck” in the experience of parting, because they are holding back with all their might their desire to humiliate in return. He needs to find a socially acceptable way to express hostility, and get out of his retribution fantasies.
Someone after a breakup experienced a feeling of “no one needs”, fell like a stone to the bottom of the deepest despair and spends the rest of the mental resource to hide their depression. To survive a breakup, it is vital for such a character to feel like “we” again with someone who understands him.
And then-time does its job. All difficulties are temporary, and emotional difficulties after a breakup-too.
Let's see what is meant by the question ” How to survive a breakup?” The real desire is to stop experiencing the painful feelings associated with parting. As soon as such feelings disappear, the person will assume that they have experienced a breakup.
Since the problem lies at the level of feelings and emotions, the solution lies at this level. There are special psycho-techniques that remove painful experiences. It is these practices that need to be studied!
You can read for example thisSimple practices that will take away heartache
And this is true if we are talking about a truly meaningful, close relationship. Living through a breakup is similar to the process of experiencing grief or loss, and it can take a long time (up to one year is considered the norm). �
The answer to the question of how to survive a breakup is both simple and complex – to survive.
To be sad about what didn't happen, to be sad, angry, and offended, to face your powerlessness, to feel gratitude and tenderness for the good that was in this relationship. The spectrum of emotions can be very different and contradictory.�
Find an opportunity to share your feelings with people close to you who can listen to you and just be there for you without judging or criticizing your experience in any way – this presence of another person can be very supportive.�
Try to articulate exactly how you feel, and in what connection. Try to analyze how valuable and important these relationships were, what they changed in your life, what you learned, and what experiences you made for yourself.�
Remember that the feeling of emptiness that may occur during the breakup period is normal. This is due to the collapse of the meanings, goals, hopes, and plans that were born in this relationship. And it takes time to replace them with something new. Постарайтесь Try to be attentive �and listen to yourself and your desires, understand what and from whom you want now-and do it.
It may be that between you and the person with whom you broke up, there are many unsaid questions and questions. For example, you don't understand why they behaved in a certain way in a certain situation, or you have some unspoken feelings.�
If this is the case, “then it would be good to find an opportunity for dialogue to” discuss and clarify these points so that they do not hang like a dead weight. It will also help you move on.
The most effective way is to simply distract yourself (go to work, literature, movies, friends and do what you really want in life) and in no case contact this person, if possible just stop communicating and that's it.
At the end of a relationship, you can see different paths. �
Why is it important to experience this completion? What, in general, does “worry” mean?�
Maybe you've already experienced the completion of something? What methods did you use, what did you do, and what turned out to be useful and helpful? Some of them you can apply in this situation of completion, invite from past experience. I come up with the metaphor of a first-aid kit that is in the trunk of your car. These are the resources that you already have. You just need to remember where the first-aid kit is located and decide what would suit you right now.�
You can also think about what completion means to you.
Is there anything you would like to do when this relationship ends?�
I'll invite you to answer a few questions that may help you find and relive your journey of completion:�
Can you somehow thank this relationship? Say “thank you” to your partner for something, thank yourself for what you did well/did you feel it during this time?�
What good things will you take from these relationships in your experience? You might have acquired some skills, new valuable qualities, and pleasant memories.�
How can you say goodbye to what has passed?�
Maybe start or, on the contrary, stop doing something/change something? What image comes to mind when you think about saying goodbye?�
I hope that you will find a path that is right for you. I wish you good luck!