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Below the text is the political axis. Left-right often means economy:
Left-planned economy, collective / public ownership of the means of production, or just some state regulation of the market economy.�
Right – private ownership of the means of production, state-owned corporations, or a market that is more free from state regulation.
If left-right is considered as the social axis, then:
Left-wing social progress, for example, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, restorative justice (when a criminal is tried not to be a criminal, not just being held in a cell for a certain period of time), sex education lessons (when people are taught the inevitable interest in sexual organs, so to speak, and are taught to protect themselves so as not to get pregnant earlier than desired) , etc.
Law – social conservatism or traditionalism, for example, prohibition of abortion, preservation of traditions, preservation of the traditional family (husband-wife), etc.
Bottom-up – politics and human rights:
The top is authoritarianism or totalitarianism, a great limitation of human rights in general and the individual in particular, and nationalism.
Lower – democratic or anarchic, more human rights in general and the individual in particular, and internationalism/cosmopolitanism.
For example:
Stalinism, Maoism, and generally socialist regimes with the suppression of dissent are classified in the red square.
Social liberals, social Democrats, anarcho-communists and greens-to green.
Classical liberals, libertarians and anarcho-capitalists-to yellow.
Conservatives, fascists, most nationalists, theocrats (the power of one religion) and traditionalists-to blue.
Yes, each ideology is different in some way, and conservatives are not fascists at once, and anarcho-communists are not liberals, their difference is shown on the map by the relative distance/proximity to one or another axis. For example: the Liberals are closer to the lower OY axis than the Social Democrats, the Conservatives are closer to the OX axis, while the fascists are on the upper border of the map.
I hope that it will be clear now)
This scale will help you (if you still know English, I'll give you a link) – https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2 (this must be copied to a string, the link will not open from here), the Russian version of the test is truncated and clumsy here – https://political-coordinates.org/test_ru.html. The meaning of this scale is that relatively speaking, there are 2 political axes (you can draw them yourself, the x-axis and the y-axis.). On the x-axis , we have the economic position of ideologies-from the left to the right. The left is Social Democrats, communists, “greens”, progressives, etc., they are in favor of increasing taxes, reducing the private sector or abolishing private property, increasing the influence of the state on the economy and strict planning of economic processes. The rightists on this axis are liberals, libertarians, conservatives, anarcho-capitalists, anarcho-individualists (well, fascists and Nazis, of course), and some nationalists. All these groups are in favor of large capital, expanding the rights of owners, reducing the rights of employees, low business taxes, and flexible process planning. In the center of this axis will be nationalists, reformists, right-wing social Democrats, Christian Democrats and other centrists in general, who will try to combine right and left positions. The social Liberals will also be here. The meaning of the center is that they are both for low taxes and at the same time for social security or for increasing the state's share in the economy – and at the same time supporting small businesses.
Now we take the Y-axis. �The Y-axis is the contradictions of ideologies in the political spectrum. We will have “authoritarians” on top, that is, those ideologies that value state and national security higher than the freedom of the individual and society, and “anti-authoritarians” on the bottom, who value the freedom of the individual and society higher than national and state security. “Authoritarians” include the ideologies of Stalinism and Maoism on the left, and fascism, Nazism, conservatism, and nationalism on the right. “Anti-authoritarians” include classical Marxism, Western neo-Marxism, anarchocommunism, anarchocapitalism, anarchoindividualism, and libertarianism. “green” ideology or “environmentalism”, gandhism (anarcho-pacifism), etc. Leninism, Western social democracy, modern liberalism, national democracy, and so on will be in the middle between the two advantages. The center, as you might guess, is where “equally” is used, that is, they try to maintain a balance between state interests and the interests of society.