10 Answers

  1. Not the most terrible lines came from the hands and pen of the storytellers-writers of the brothers Grimm, I can tell you. I once got a book – “Turkish fairy tales”. Brothers Grimm-nervously smoking, standing on the edge.

  2. Well, first of all, Grimm's fairy tales weren't fairy tales when they were written.

    The brothers were the first in the world to collect and publish folk folklore.

    So all the horrors of the German towns of that time were passed down in families from generation to generation.

    And, by the way, gingerbread witches and tom thumb boys sent to the forest-echoes of those events when cannibalism was almost the norm in a lean year. The Church was forced to fight this, but the great plague solved the problem dramatically. And if in England they abandoned slavery (serfdom) in favor of free agents – peasants, then Russia and old Europe went in the direction of slavery. The labor force was finally tied to the field and the village. It doesn't matter if there was anything to eat.

    By the way, it is easy to judge the scale of the famine by the waves of immigrants to America. Just look at the modern replica of the Caravel “Santa Maria” and you will understand that the famine was such that death was generally perceived as commonplace.

    And in the time of the Brothers, the mobility of the population was over.

    So about the children. There is a book “The Secret World of childhood” by Osorina. She was the first to open the door and introduce fears into scientific circulation.

    In short-normal fairy tales. It's enough to remember children's terrible rhymes like “The children in the basement played Gestapo” and stories about a coffin on wheels and a black hand – you can relax.

    Today, the role of horror stories is increasingly covered by news about dismemberment and cartoons. And so, yes, no one seems to actively dispel the intestines in the wind.

    It is believed that Grimm recorded the criminal chronicle of the Middle Ages.

  3. I enjoyed reading all the fairy tales mentioned in the comments to this question. in my opinion, such questions are stupid to ask .Each of us is an individual. Everyone will take these fairy tales in their own way. I also read and reread the fairy tales “One Thousand and One Nights”. Yes, there is eroticism and cruelty. But fairy tales always end well . after all, these are just fairy tales. Well, who is not given, then-sorry

  4. I think that people who were read fairy tales as children are more likely to grow up with a developed imagination than those who were not read fairy tales. Moreover, it does not matter whether they were fairy tales: the Brothers Grimm, Andersen or folk… There is magic in fairy tales! Animals can talk in them, good conquers evil, vices are ridiculed, feats are performed.

    Children should not only read and retell fairy tales, but also be given the opportunity to compose themselves. You can play a game: I'll start a fairy tale, and you can continue… When telling a child's story, ask them leading questions, enriching the story with the surrounding space (what nature surrounded the action, who was next to the fairy tale character, what the acting characters of the fairy tale were wearing). This way your children will learn to express their thoughts correctly and beautifully and build sentences into a story.

  5. VERY nervous. The original fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were written on the basis of fairy tales of the common people. And their main task was to intimidate them with a hostile environment and teach them to obey the authorities. As for the “bedtime stories”, they were built on the principle of “the further, the more terrible and naturalistic”. The later you fall asleep, the more terrifying you'll have time to listen. A happy ending is not provided.

  6. Thanks to these fairy tales, I learned to read, because it was incredibly interesting to learn the continuation, and my mother often fell asleep reading them. Specially created a Youtube channel where I tell their fairy tales in the original translation

  7. What if there were real Russian fairy tales? Collection of Afanasyev, original without edits ? Also very creepy works. In general, the fairy tales that we know do not reflect the entire layer of this genre. Take Peter Pan. This is a terrible mess. An analog of “babaika who steals children”.

  8. I was read original (simplified, there was a collection of fairy tales and several small separate books) fairy tales (not just the Brothers Grimm) as a child, you know, when I was little, I wasn't particularly afraid that my Stepmother danced on coals, and the prince in Rapunzel fell into a thorn bush and went blind… Even Bluebeard didn't frighten me much (I liked this fairy tale the least, I didn't understand it). It didn't make me feel any better, it wasn't scary, it wasn't fun. I didn't grow up to be a cruel person, I'm not evil, I feed stray cats on the way home, I finished my skinny body… I am 100% an ordinary person. I think how a child will grow up depends not on the books and movies that he reads/watches, but on the situation at home, on the street, and so on.

  9. I remember one book of fairy tales from my childhood-healthy, brown, with absolutely creepy illustrations. After only 40 minutes of searching, I found it on ozone
    unfortunately, most of those infernal illustrations in the Internet I could find, but everything was bleak, atmospheric and become stories-dance in red hot shoes with spikes through the heart, pobivanie protein stones and stuff
    although I remember this book still, some tangible harm it did not cause, just a collection of kolostralmilch (by the way, as such she thought), which once again would not open

  10. Just like ordinary children, they might have been afraid of the blue beard, but with growing up it would have passed.

    A person is more influenced by the environment in which they grow up, rather than the information they receive.

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