3 Answers

  1. This is no more true than “if people are killed, it is because people allow themselves to be killed.” We can't and don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be the strongest, most agile, most strong-willed, most intelligent, and most attentive. And no matter how good we are, there may be someone who is better – someone who can hit us, someone who can cheat us, someone who can steal from us, or someone who can hurt us. In addition, the amount of our time in this world is limited and we can do some things precisely because we are spared the need to continuously increase our defense against possible threats from outside. We are spared because we have built for ourselves a society in which a person is no more to blame for being offended than for being robbed.

  2. Words do carry with them a certain connotation, but there is no escaping this, another question is how much you respect yourself, appreciate yourself and are ready to defend your opinion in front of someone.

    People, in turn, are different and not always sincere in communication and unfortunately do not disdain to manipulate feelings and therefore do not be too polite, otherwise you will not be perceived as characterless, and this will devalue all your efforts and authority

  3. In principle, yes.
    Although, of course, they do not allow this to be done on purpose, and most likely do not realize it at all.

    Rather, there is a vulnerability in the psyche of most people. This vulnerability causes these people to be hurt by other people's words.
    You can live with it, you can fix it, and then the words of other people will not hurt.
    Or you can correct it partially, and then the words of one group of people (for example, close ones) will hurt, but the words of all the others will not hurt.
    Some people do this purposefully, while others do it on their own (and this is exactly what Julian Avramov described in his answer).

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