5 Answers

  1. I think that in poverty, that is, in a situation of chronic lack of funds to meet even ” basic needs, happiness as such “(I mean peace of mind, enjoyment of life, the desire to do something, follow the call of the heart, etc.) is extremely unlikely.�

    Well, who did not understand-imagine – you have a chance to eat meat once a month, usually you are interrupted, for example, by chicken backs, so as not to eat completely transparent soup..Herachite at work for 14 hours the devil knows where and in what conditions, at home a child who wants to eat, get dressed and some kind of entertainment, and you do not even know what it is to buy new clothes, so you dress in second-hand stores, and in the cheapest piles..Cosmetics, �care?�

    No, �you haven't heard. ..Personal life? What is it all about?

    Maybe you'll get sick, too…

    In short, here's a sketch of poverty. It is unlikely that a person will be able to feel happy at the same time…

  2. I think that there is no place for happiness in poverty. When you can't afford adequate clothes, good quality food, barely make ends meet, communal housing, an apartment, work like a horse, no vacations, what happiness?

    Then bursting with anger and envy that others live better and can afford more.

    No, I am convinced that in poverty, any happiness is doomed to failure.

    So I would choose to be rich alone. I'm very comfortable with myself.

  3. It is better to live in poverty but live in a good family and enjoy life while it is there, and if you go in a rich way, then you will soon want to go into poverty, it is better to live in joy than in richness but loneliness, loneliness is like the punishment of the 17th centuries.

  4. Funny question… Happiness for everyone is a very relative category, you need to write specifically, the answer to the question depends on it. Wealth and poverty are also relative. Here's a look at my answer options, which are very different depending on x, y, and z:

    1) If you had a choice between 1,000,000 rubles / month alone and 5,000 rubles / month with fame and self-fulfillment in terms of the business of a lifetime, which would you choose? – the first one

    2) If you had a choice between 500,000 rubles / month alone and 50,000 rubles / month with fame and self-fulfillment in terms of the business of a lifetime, which would you choose? – the second one

    3) If you had a choice between 1,000,000 rubles / month alone and 5,000 rubles / month with a loved one whom you love more than life? – don't make people laugh, no one needs you with 5,000 rubles / month, except for a homeless woman from the railway station!

  5. Depends on what you mean by “happiness”?

    Too philosophical a question, because in fact, we are all alone. And happiness can be found in many things. And money is a resource that will help fill your life with emotions, impressions and thus happiness.

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