4 Answers

  1. My mother hasn't spoken to my wife in three years. And who feels bad about it? Parents are parents, my wife is just my wife. If someone is not loyal enough to me not to criticize my choice of life partner, then this person's opinion is worthless. Personal life is also personal, so that a person builds it himself with whom he wants.

  2. Why should my parents ' opinion be authoritative if they can't respect and understand my choice of a loved one? If you listen to your parents in everything, it turns out that you are not living your life and thinking with your own head.

  3. It depends on what the reasons are. My young man (now, like, former) was not liked by his parents for no good reason (not an urk/narik/drunk) and showed himself as a person of exceptional qualities (patient/kind/helps people). So, they were radically opposed. Why would I leave him just because my parents didn't like him, if he was normal?

    I'm not going to meet a convict or a prick myself, and if the reason for hatred is tattoos, physique, or behavior, then you shouldn't listen to your parents here.

  4. There are two families in a person's life: the first is the one in which he was born, the second is the one that he creates himself.�
    There are many reasons why parents are against relationships with this or that person: they see a more worthy candidate next to you, the subject of your sympathy/love leads, in their opinion, the “wrong” lifestyle, personal hostility, and so on. But often parents have a negative attitude towards the companion of their child because they cannot let their child go to the very new family that he should build himself.�
    It seems to me that a reasonable person should be grateful to his family for all that they have done for him, but at the same time understand that now it is his turn to make a choice in favor of his new, own family. Therefore, it is very stupid to disown a loved one because of the rejection of his parents.

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