2 Answers

  1. If simple, then this concept is from one of the models used in NLP, one of the areas of practical psychology (“neuro-linguistic programming”).

    The model divides people according to the features of perception and transmission of information, initially into three types: mainly through vision (visuals), through sensations (kinesthetics), and through hearing (audials). It is assumed that people of the appropriate type use the appropriate words in speech and plus and otherwise show themselves somewhat differently in communication.

    The model was criticized and complicated (for example, that a person can perceive information in one way, and process it in another, etc.).

    At the same time, in my opinion, the model is quite practically useful: people really speak and perceive information differently, including differences of this kind, too, and hearing this to “speak the same language” with the interlocutor is a good idea.

    One of the modifications of the model at some point was the inclusion of another category: “digital”.

    That is, some people speak, but they don't use any special words about “I see”, “I feel”, “I hear”, or almost don't use them. Well, where are they going? – So we singled out a separate group of people who, if not based on images, then on what? – Well, on logic, rational constructions then.

    But it is important to understand that all these are just models, there are really no visuals or digitals , just as there are no hysteroids, epileptoids, emotives, etc.; there are no melancholics and sanguine people. Models are not true, models are not reality. Models are more or less successful attempts to describe some facets of reality for practical purposes.

    And this is in full accordance with one of the provisions of NLP: “the map is not a territory”, it simply means: “the model is not reality”.


    Well, what's even easier? – Here, elves are fairy-tale characters that appeared in Western European mythology and are also characters of modern fantasy. There are no elves in real life.

    Similarly, digitals are part of one of the NLP models that allows you to notice differences in people in some features of perception and transmission of information in their speech. In real life, digital, visual, auditory, kinesthetic-like elves, goblins, hobbits, and battle mages-are not present. This does not reduce the benefits for us of either of these or other characters.

  2. People who rely primarily on sign systems, logic, and abstractions in their perception.

    For visual artists, the main thing is that the world is pleasing to the eye, the beauty of forms and brightness. For the audience – so that it sounds harmonious and speaks clearly. For kinesthetics – to make it soft and comfortable.

    And for digital people, the world needs to be systematized and meaningful.

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