2 Answers

  1. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the definition of the term “personality” – the number of theories about personality, as far as I know, has long exceeded a hundred. Therefore, if we take the most general definition, then a person is a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual, a product of social development (socialization) and the inclusion of people in the system of social relations through activities and communication (Wikipedia).

    What can be seen in this definition? First, it is a stable system of socially significant traits (for example, such as a name, social role, things that an individual owns, etc.). Well, dolphins do have names, and this is a serious prerequisite for the formation and identification of a person. As for property, everything here is in a very rudimentary state and apparently only communal property, and not personal, and most likely”property” here can be conditionally understood as schools of fish that they graze and possibly territories. However, it is personal possession and disposal of things that is a sign of personality. In this sense, primitive people, leading a communal way of life, did not immediately begin to distinguish themselves from the tribe. It was impossible to have one's own opinion, as well as one's own tool or other thing, because the subject was completely dependent on the entire tribe and the tribe owned everything, and in this sense, many personality theories even completely “reasonable people” deny that they had full personal freedom and therefore were not individuals at that time.

    As for the activities that also characterize the individual, dolphins, just like primitive people, in fact, have only hunting and games. And in the very so-called early version of human hunting, without adaptations and collectively. Dolphins do not create artifacts…. although it is not yet clear how they are doing with their language. According to one version (for as one ethologist said – if dolphins have a language, then they make a huge effort to hide this fact) from the point of view of linguistics, dolphins have a six-level “language” (sound, syllable, word, phrase, paragraph, context, there are their own dialects) and 186 different whistles are counted. This suggests that the language may be at the earliest stage of formation. In the earliest human pro-languages, there were up to 140 phonemes, which gradually disappeared as the language developed, so in modern languages there are an average of 35 – 70 phonemes. the lower forms of language organization were simplified and complexity gradually rose to higher levels. So, modern computer science at the lowest level has only 0 and 1-that is, in fact, two phonemes.

    It is also assumed that dolphins can have sex, retire for this and enjoy themselves. Moreover, it is claimed that they do this intentionally, and in a very diverse way. The same type of activity.

    In general, from all of the above, I would conclude that dolphins have an early predilection. Characteristic of our distant ancestors, who may have lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. I.e., each of them understands that they live in the ocean and they have a name (unlike, say, wolves), but they are not completely free to start doing anything themselves. Their whole life is connected with their pack, and if the pack goes to the ocean, then the dolphin cannot hear a voice in itself that will tell him: “Roma, you must stay at this shore. There is such a kind girl who lives there, whom you saved this summer and she loves you! Let your friends swim in the ocean, and I, the dolphin Roma, want to stay here and swim with the girl at the pier. I understand that I have to go with them, but I want to stay more strongly.” Here is such an internal dialogue, which is capable of any “average” person, dolphin has never led.

    The maximum, I think, that a dolphin can think (in the sense of personal freedom) It goes something like this: “Roma sees us sailing away. Into the ocean. Into the ocean. To meet the sun. To meet the sun. To warm waters. There's a lot of herring in there. Roma wants to swim faster. To meet the sun. Roma is happy. I'll swim faster. My place is with Masha and Misha. Hey, Sergey, Vanya, follow me, keep up. We're going after Misha. Hurry up to meet the herring. We are waiting for a big hunt! ” that is, all his emotions and motives are tied to the pack, to the events that occur with the pack as a whole… it's not really a person.. this is still a collective unconscious, and therefore the most internal dialogue will not be as free as that of a modern person… there will be fragments of dolphin-like conversations, the dolphin will hear them in itself, the brain scrolls them to it… but a dolphin may not think deeply about itself.. for there is almost no need for it. There is a need for him to help the pack, maybe to play the role of bait or leader, but he can't distinguish himself from the pack at all. They can't write a song on purpose and give it authorship… so that other dolphins would know that this song was sung by Roma. Moreover, he can't do something and tell Masha that I did it. And Masha, accordingly, will not look at this thing and think ” Roma did it, he came up with it and did it. And I didn't do that.”… And it is these thoughts that begin to raise the core from the deep unconscious, which we call the Self in our lives.

  2. Yes, in recent years, the most commonly accepted definitions of personality are associated with social relationships. Personality is determined by actions that may have certain consequences for relatives.

    I won't bore you with details, but in the dolphin community, the same 5 “Eisenberg signs” that characterize humans and dogs are fulfilled. The dolphin community fully corresponds to the concept of “union”, defined by the famous ethologist Konrad Lorenz. So it turns out that if there are full-fledged social relations, then there can not be no personality.

    What is important is that the dolphin's personality should be measured not by human standards, but by the standards of the dolphin's social structure. Whether a person assigns a name to a dolphin is completely irrelevant. What matters is that they have what Eisenberg called ” personal recognition.” Well, of course, the concept of property is not included in the definition of a person.

    I can also analyze the dolphin's personality structure in much more detail – synthetic psychology is universal. If you are interested, go here: krivolapchuk.ru.

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