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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
In general, yes. We are a biological and social species. Outside of culture: the transmission of speech, skills, or even minimal socio-cultural attitudes and skills, no individual is formed as a healthy adult representative of the species.
At the same time, the transmitted sociocultural attitudes generally change in the direction of greater value of human life and respect for the right of a person to develop and express himself in his own way-within the framework that it does not infringe on others.
This is not an easy process. The film of civility is thin. People can be massively turned into xenophobic monsters, a mob of vigilantes. – Humanism is about tolerance, liberalism, freedom and responsibility. And also about kindness; not “Good”, but kindness. And about vaccinations, and clean hands, and antibiotics. And their availability. And about education, too.
Everything is not easy, there is no such thing that the world is black and white. But in general, the human world seems to be becoming an increasingly safe and friendly environment for humans. This doesn't guarantee anything in the future, but it's a trend…
First, you need to understand the definition that is given to the word “Humanity”, and only then clearly consider the question asked.
humanity (from Lat. humanus is a system of attitudes of a person towards social objects (a person, a group, a living being) determined by moral norms and values, which is represented in consciousness by feelings of compassion and compassion and is implemented in communication and activity in acts of assistance, complicity, and help.
Based on this definition, it can be said with perfect accuracy that a society only becomes humane when there are solid reasons for the very structure of society.
If a society is in a state of socialization, then there are all the reasons for showing humanity, since society itself welcomes mutual assistance, compassion for failures, and joy in success, and puts the value of a person in the first place.
If a society is in a state of antagonism, a struggle for survival, a struggle for markets for products, a struggle for primacy in everything, then such a society has completely different values that glorify individual success, market capture, enrichment and enjoyment of individual life, then such a society cannot be humane in principle.
If we talk about the personal qualities of people that allow them to show or not show humanity, then they have not changed since the initial moment of human appearance.
There are people who show all the qualities of a humanistic attitude towards other people, and there are those who do not show any humanity towards other people.
Yes it does. And statistics confirm this. Reducing the overall level of violence is an important trend in the development of modern society. This is reflected in the reduction of violent crimes, the reduction of wars, and the more lenient actions of authoritarian rulers. Of course, this is not true in some countries, but in general it is true.
More humane are people whose plans are realized, goals are achieved, and ambitions are met. People who are happy with their lives. The rest are forced to show humanity by the state, in order to ensure a more or less acceptable level of security and preserve the possibility of functioning itself.
Of course not. They are increasingly suppressing adequacy and instincts in the majority, in the slaves, and instilling pseudo-humanitarianism. People are increasingly disconnected from themselves and from each other, which translates into ALL the ways in which a Single Organism of Nature tries to bring harmony – disasters, diseases, wars.
Humanism is a purely cultural phenomenon, it is not inherent in man immanently. As a conscious social concept, humanism was peculiar to only one culture – the Late European one (the same Eastern cultures did not have a special reverence for human life). Its spread is the result of the global Westernization process.
Formally, if we ignore the threats of the future, then definitely yes. It is enough to trace the evolution of such a phenomenon as the death penalty to come to an unambiguous conclusion that humanity is striving to abandon irrational cruelty.
If you dig deeper and deeper, you will also have to recognize that there is a general tendency not to turn a blind eye to hunger and extreme poverty.
The problem here is that by helping everyone, humanity is driving itself into the trap of such a lack of resources that humanism can become an impossible luxury for almost everyone. Although it is possible to predict where this trend will turn, I don't want to due to the obvious answer.
THEORETICALLY, IN WORDS, humanity becomes more humane as it develops in the humanities.
PRACTICALLY, IN FACT – humanity does not become more humane as it develops very dangerously in military-criminal technologies and directions-mountains of the most dangerous weapons have already been created that can instantly destroy all life on earth.
BOTTOM LINE-humanity is in a very dangerous trap / maze/dead end-the way out of which has not yet been found…
The answer lies on the surface.
You just need to compare the picture of our country in terms of the relationship between parents / school and children, between employers and employees in 2020, and the picture, say, 100-120 years ago.
And then read how it was 200-220 years ago.
It was the same 500-1000 years ago, when people were being stolen and sold at slave markets in Rome, Istanbul, and Baghdad.
And the answer will be clear.
No. Humanity does not become more humane over the years.One of the reasons for the sad prospect is the lack of convergence of interests of the family, society and the state in most countries.
Another reason is competition.
A strong reason for hindering the humanization of humanity is the fragmented thinking of the younger generation and the lack of targeted education.
The main reason that humanity does not become more humane over the years is the general goal of the World Government to reduce the population on earth.
The more the brain develops, the less emotional a person becomes. Therefore, more calmly perceives the shortcomings and advantages, actions, misdemeanors, mistakes of other people. This implies a humane attitude of people to each other and to other species. So in the future, a humane society of people is quite possible.
As it develops, and first of all its intellectual development, any living organism becomes not “more humane”, but turns into an ideal killing machine.
Humanity, as it develops, turns from just an evil boy with a rock or stick, who could give a maximum of punches to someone, into a cold-blooded killer with nuclear weapons, who does not even think about the number of victims when achieving his goals. What kind of humanism can we talk about here?
Today, you can start a “small” war in a small country just to get a few dollars richer, condemning thousands and millions of people to hardships and death. Is this humanism?
You can talk about developments in the field of medicine, about humanitarian actions, etc. Here, but all this again is solely for the sake of money. If these actions do not bring any money, then no one will talk about any vaccines, humanitarian aid or the problem at all.
As it develops, humanity becomes not humane, but cynical, cruel and completely indifferent to the pain of others.
Here, a banal, but illustrative example: today a person will drown, but instead of helping him, they will shoot him on camera for the sake of likes… Is this humanism?
How can all of humanity be summed up, collectively defined by one characteristic?
For example, I, you, Hitler and eight billion other people are humanity.
Then what is the average humanity rate you will give us? Please indicate the general trend towards humanism (spirituality) among us?
No. In the general mass, in the majority, humanity is morally (in humanity) rapidly degrading.
And only a smaller part, more or less healthy, which is mainly the Church of God and the spiritual elite of society surrounding It, separated morally and ideologically from the “world of this world”, i.e., the destructive spirit of the majority, remains humane and improves in humanism (spirituality, morality).
There is a clear separation of two opposing tendencies, with most of humanity developing into anti-spirituality (anti-humanism): egoism, self-love, vulgarity, hypocrisy, cunning, self-serving “thoughtfulness”, meanness, deceit, debauchery, cruelty, “manipulation of others” , etc., i.e. to vices, and only a smaller part, dissociated from the larger one, develops into virtues, i.e. in God's properties, i.e. in love, self-giving, altruism, humility, meekness, prudence, kindness, etc., i.e. humanity.
So, our world is waiting for an end without fail and soon, as an old man growing old in his sins, the beautiful moment of the second coming of Christ (parousia), the universal resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment of Christ, at which God Himself will witness and confirm the forever voluntary choice of each person (and for the part of humanity that opposes God, excommunication from God is natural, and for the part that loves God, eternal closest union with Him is just) between the spirituality of God and the condemned Satan with his spirits, slaves, and all those who voluntarily resemble themselves to him, and to the life of the age to come (i.e., eternal life of the immortal angelic Christian gods).
Amen to that! Yea, come, Lord Jesus!
As practice shows, only in the destruction of their own kind.We have learned to kill faster and more painlessly than before.Otherwise,as they were animals, so they remained.
No, it doesn't. These are fairy tales. People are competitors to each other. What do they do with their competitors? Correctly eliminated. Well, where is humanism here? Save and care only for those who are profitable. So it has always been and so it will always be. People don't improve.
Humanity is a relative concept . Do not let a healthy child be born, make a turnover, or give birth to a disabled person knowing about it in advance. Driving loshad-shoot or throw to suffer (the outcome is clear-death). And now about the main thing: 3 million coffins have been prepared in America , about four hundred prisons and protected special zones have been restored and rebuilt . Russia – 85 million coffins ready for delivery ??? This is more than half of the Russian population. The road to the humanities is paved with nails . And that's putting it mildly …
Difficult question… On the one hand, there is a “softening of morals”, so that a single person, no doubt, becomes much more humane.. On the other hand, society “as a whole” remains as merciless to “losers” as it was in the Middle Ages. “Allowing” both individuals and entire nations to calmly “bend over on the side of the road”.
Humanity is not a manifestation of development. Capitalism becomes outwardly more humane, without actually changing its brutal nature. Then what characterizes humanity? In the case of the same capitalism, it recognizes the economic feasibility of taking care of a person as a profitable labor force. It/humanity pays off faster and more than the war for workers ' rights. She/humanity is more profitable for him. In moderation. Quite calculating.