5 Answers

  1. As they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but in our real world, you need to distinguish between kindness and weakness. In no case can you be kind to the detriment of your own interests, because they will sit down and go. But the weak, the needy, or those in trouble MUST be helped. And in order not to become a victim of bad people, you must learn to firmly say NO. And the most important thing is to understand at what point you need to refuse, so as not to aggravate human relations! ❗ ❗

  2. It is bad to help people in evil deeds, to be kind to evil. In this case, you become an accomplice of evil. But to help in good deeds is fine, it is serving the good

  3. You can't get very far on kindness. I used to be much more willing to help people than I am now. Kindness should not be one-sided, otherwise the other side will become parasitic. If you have helped a person, then he should also help you if possible.

    For example, classmates:

    1) I help a classmate by giving them tasks to solve. It does similar actions in the future. This, as the person in charge wrote above, is a contract. Mutually beneficial. You are good=he is good.

    2) My classmate. I helped her when she asked. A couple of times I asked her for help, but in response nifiga. All sorts of excuses “I can't, tomorrow, in a week, remind me…”. And this was not only with me. This is an example of a parasitic relationship. They need to be stopped.

    3) Another classmate. We passed each other almost point-blank, but she was in no hurry to greet me. But in the morning I consistently received a message in the VK with a request to throw off the dz) even the name in the diminutive-affectionate case wrote) An example of parasitism on kindness.

    Thus, if we consider these relationships and project them onto other relationships that are similar to them, then it turns out that you need to be kind in moderation and have your own interest in getting a feedback. Pure altruism is inappropriate.

    Naturally, each case requires an individual approach. To help a seriously ill person and not demand in return, in my opinion, is absolutely normal.

  4. Not always. Do good/need to help:

    1. Strangers (who haven't been helped before)

    2. In response to the equivalent good (including-to children in response to the good that was done to you)

    3. In other cases-occasionally as a surprise.

    In all other cases, you need to respond in the same way that they did to you.

    Only with this strategy of the majority is a healthy society that is resistant to selfishness and communication errors. Here is a beautiful computer simulation on this topic based on game theory, where this is dealt with in great detail in fine detail:


  5. Helping people and doing good can't be bad by definition. Helping people and doing good = being good and doing good things = good. Good is not bad. That's the logic )))

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