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Anger cannot be removed. No way. You can learn to get angry less often by convincing yourself that X is not important, or by reducing your stress reactivity (with lethal doses of alcohol or tranquilizers), but this will not remove the anger, but will only reduce the number of stimuli that provoke anger. When the stimulus does trigger a stress response, the anger will be presented in its entirety.
You can reduce the frequency of aggressive behavior by training yourself to deal with the resulting anger. The function of aggressive behavior is to relieve discomfort, so it is a form of avoiding unpleasant experiences. You can learn not to get rid of the resulting irritation and anger. This way, you won't eliminate anger, but it will reduce its impact on behavior.
As I understand it (very mundane), anger and its derivatives are the body's reaction to external stimuli. Something with rodney is like the difference between a painful prick and a light stroke, if we are talking about physiology, then the analogy is this.
In any case, if you perceive anger as a reaction to discomfort, you can simply change your attitude to this discomfort.
Example: they stole a cupcake, if you value it, then anger is inevitable. But if you perceive it as an unnecessary object, then there is no point in being angry, just like for example at a passing bird. (It's not important to you – you're not mad at it.)
That is, the option is to change priorities. It is unlikely that he is the only one, but still
I believe that evil and aggression are the result of misunderstanding and ignorance. That is, the more competent you are in certain areas , the less angry you are. You can be angry that your stomach hurts, or you can remember that everything in this life is not easy – go to the doctor – understand the root causes of pain and get rid of it (unless of course it is not a late-stage cancer). You can be angry that the car will not start or pick up the engine and fix the breakdown. Also, many people get angry out of fear. That is, they do not understand the causes of certain events that may cause them discomfort. For example, you were abandoned by your wife, you are angry at her, at her lover, that is, you hang the responsibility on others when you are to blame, because, perhaps, you did not meet her needs, bullied, did not pay attention to her. And all that remains is to draw conclusions, accept and grow from what you were to a stronger person, taking into account all the mistakes.
As a result, you can get rid of anger by knowing and analyzing not only yourself, but also the world around you, and accepting what cannot be changed, but fighting what can be influenced by conscious efforts.�
�I hope my answer will help you.