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An interesting selection of diseases. Alcoholism – may be a secondary diagnosis in schizophrenia. Depression can be the result of an endocrine malfunction. And about aggressiveness – you need to specify what you mean by this concept.
By nature, we are all aggressive. Each of us has a fair amount of aggression. Someone spends it a little at a time. Someone shoots her once, but accurately and loudly.
There are also variants of psychopathy, when a person does not understand and does not notice that his actions are aggressive towards other people.
By the way, psychopaths often abuse alcohol and chemicals that change the state of consciousness.
This is what I mean, alcoholism and depression can be the result of other diseases that can be inherited from their relatives.
Alcoholism may not be inherited by genes, but it is absorbed as a way to cope with the anxieties of life (instead of solving problems-anesthesia of your feelings about it). Read about codependency and chemical addiction in the family.
Depression – like psychosomatics, by the way, can also be part of the family system, where thanks to this disease you can get what you want.
Aggressiveness (if it is not due to the background of a psychiatric diagnosis) – may be the result of holding back the expression of their dissatisfaction and indignation. If you hold it back for a long time, then it will break “like a hamster” – and all the tension will flow out in the form of rage.
Therefore, again, without a genetic background, developing in a family where it is customary to deal with your anger in this way, the probability that the child will also deal with anger is high.
Let's just say that you can get some vulnerability to all these conditions, or a predisposition, innately and by inheritance. Actual development depends on the environment, of course.
We can say that this innate vulnerability (in scientific terms – diathesis) allows the owner to acquire alcoholism, depressive disorder or chronically impulsive aggression faster and with less difficulty than those who do not have it. All other things being equal. Where you'll find them, of course, these other equals.
I can share my life example. She gave birth to a son from her husband who liked to drink well and even had not long binges
Then he could not drink for 3-4 months, but I waited every day for him to break down. I went to my mother because it was unbearable to be drunk with him. And so I was able to survive 6 years. He was then transferred to another region for drunkenness. And there, at the age of 33, he died of alcohol poisoning. She was constantly afraid for the future of her son, and deliberately married a non-drinking man. The son of course drinks, but works. My persuasions and examples do not help, immediately says goodbye and leaves or stops the conversation if we talk on the phone. Hence the strained relationship with his wife. One thing pleases likes to work with his hands although he has a higher education. I believe that genetics are passed on to children from their parents
All these vices are not hereditary, but they can be inherited. But if this is accompanied by the conditions of your life, the genes of drunkenness, depression and aggression may not manifest or appear weakly.
We acquire tendencies to what our ancestors had ( skills, habits, character traits, appearance) hereditarily, but we can really fight these tendencies if we don't like them or develop them if we need them, for example, the talent to draw. Justifying your destructive behavior by saying that a close relative was an alcoholic is not reasonable, but it should be borne in mind that there is a tendency to this and it will be more difficult to grasp the measure of what is acceptable than people without a hereditary tendency to alcoholism.
In short-yes, the tendency to depression, alcoholism and aggressiveness can be inherited.
37% depends on genetics and 63% – on external factorsDepression�.�
Alcoholism is 50% genetic.
Aggressive behavior depends on genetics by ~40%.
All three predispositions can be checked using a genetic test.