23 Answers

  1. Whether it exists or does not exist is a matter of being, that is, ontology as a philosophical discipline. Strict science does not operate with these concepts, it operates with the concepts of “detected” and “not detected”, which actually means that objects fall into the field of human perception.

    How real is what is given to us in sensations is one of the main philosophical problems. For science, the reality of the surrounding world is an axiom, that is, an initial statement that has no foundation.

  2. What a difficult question.. Science, which I love very much, if it does not harm anyone, answers many questions. Electricity, Internet, airplanes – all this is science.

    People's perception of knowledge can change over time. For example, it used to be believed that the Sun and the whole world revolves around the Earth. Or even that the earth is flat.

    But I believe that there are some things that are beyond the control of science. Now. And maybe you don't need to know something? Safer.

  3. Because scientific research “takes place in personal perception.” And everyone knows how effectively consciousness is able to pass off the perception of a mental-sensory illusion as objective reality(dreams, hypnosis, hallucinations…). Therefore, nothing guarantees that what is happening is not an illusion in an unmanifested consciousness (non-existence), except the belief that it is not an illusion.

  4. Bullshit.

    The truth is that science STILL can't explain a lot of things.

    The world is huge and no matter how much we learn the answers… unknown will still have to break the head of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

    It is promoted in religion that there is nothing unknown and priests know the answers to all questions.

  5. Not true. First, science, as such, does not raise this question at all. it studies what is there. But there is also mathematics, which is-as it were, not quite a science, but, as it were, a super – science. And in mathematics, the concept of “exists” means more than just that. what can be specifically felt, and “possible”, “conceivable”, “does not contradict the accepted axioms”. For example. Mathematically, one can prove the existence and even uniqueness of a solution to a problem (for example, the Cauchy problem, which is the solution of an ordinary differential equation under given initial conditions, or the Sturm-Liouville problem, which is the solution of partial differential equations), without specifying either the solutions themselves or even the method of finding them. Moreover, even the method of finding this solution may not even exist (and this non-existence is proved no less mathematically rigorous) and the solution itself “exists”, even if no one knows it, and even in principle cannot find out. This is the word “exists” in mathematics.

    There is also such a hypothesis – about the multiplicity of worlds, and the “weak anthropic principle”. This is not quite science, but philosophy and metaphysics, but nevertheless. According to it,” there are “(here, damn, – and here” exists”, aha) countless worlds (domains, universes, realities) with completely different physical laws (all conceivable and unthinkable), and among them there are many (even the vast majority) “zero”, where, stupidly, – just nothing. No matter, no fields, no consciousness… But there is no one there to even realize these worlds. And a conscious mind (no matter if it's human, divine, or devilish) can only be found where there is something-yes, there is.

  6. According to the principle of relativity of realities, being and non-being are also relative.

    For example, for virtual worlds, we, the creators of these worlds, do not exist. We are for them out of the World, i.e. in non-existence.

    And for our world, the Creator of our world does not exist, He is also in the Out-of-the-World, i.e. in non-existence.

  7. Of course it is true, because science (at least as we know it today) does not ask itself such a question at all: neither about being, nor about what is, nor about meaning. Science is concerned with describing and measuring everything it encounters. Maybe she is looking for the causes of phenomena? And yes, and no: in fact, science is not interested in ” why did this happen?”, but in “how is it arranged that this happens?”

    That is, no ” why?”, and even more so “why?”: a really scientific question is ” how?” To reach such a level of abstraction as non-existence – one cannot do without one dimension of existence: here you need to understand the measured, measurement and measuring in one move.

  8. The science of the Western religious worldview is at the tail end of religion's ideas about the primacy of God consciousness. Because according to religion, God is light. Then Western science has defined the state of the Cosmos as a state of energy. From which then, by cooling and thickening, the dust of being arose.

    And since Soviet science was heavily emasculated by the Trotskyists in power, especially by Kosygin after Stalin's death in 1953,the theory of the primacy of energy still holds sway.

    Therefore, no one is going to go further than the concept of the Soul as equivalent to human Consciousness.

    Science has reached a dead end and cannot clearly explain how human thoughts and consciousness are formed. Everything is taken on faith in a miracle, as in religion.

    And now it is very difficult for people to accept that all life on the Planet Earth really came from primary living cells.

    How is it that in laboratories it is impossible to create viable cells from chemical elements, and in nature there are complex biological organisms that can think independently, and people are still constantly improving physically and mentally.

    PLANT LIFE AND LIVING LIFE ON EARTH BECAME POSSIBLE only thanks to the radiation of the Sun, the electro-magnet of the Earth's Iron Core, the birth of water in chemical reactions and the creation of an air atmosphere. ALL THIS SYSTEM HAS CREATED A LUMINOUS ETHER ON THE PLANET EARTH, which gives energy to EVERYTHING ON EARTH:

    Article by Pyotr Akovantsev about the LUMINOUS ETHER OF THE EARTH: https://yandex.ru/q/profile/trqtc9mu2t74b079nczagujjn0/

    The amino acids joined in a circle, enclosing water, oxygen, and carbon in this circle. Amino acids began to combine into proteins and closed this circle with their shell. Proteins decomposed to create internal water and lipids (fat cells). The proteins also created a fat membrane around their shell.

    The inner chain in the course of chemical reactions, releasing heat, broke the protein around itself and two halves of the protein were obtained inside the protective bubble under the membrane. And when the two halves began to finish building themselves a whole ball, the two proteins finally separated from each other. And the reproduction of proteins under the membrane began. But if the bubbles with proteins were not separated, then double decomposition and intense heat release took place inside the bubble, in which one chain was connected to the other and a double chain of amino acids was created.

    As evolution has shown, the double chain of DNA is more progressive. And such proteins, merging with other bubbles, took a single chain of amino acids.

    So the bubble's Memory DNA was formed and was able to create its own copies, and the proteins were able to attract other proteins to themselves, releasing their waste products into their bubbles. The waste cemented the cells and formed a shell around the tender cells. The waste burned holes and came out. And in some holes began to enter oxygen and particles of plant waste.

    In general, well-coordinated multicellular living organisms began to form. These multicellular organisms, which have more energy and magnetism, began to attract and introduce young aggressive proteins and bacteria from the surrounding water. Proteins-viruses and bacteria found protection and food in the body and multiplied, Then the cell died, but viruses and bacteria, coming out, became mutants and this survived.

    The essence of human existence is that the memory of human DNA was able to form the Brain, in which the Energy of the BIOFIELD was able to create Clots of Energy of Brain Centers, and not only in the Brain.

    How the circulatory system creates a BIOFIELD there is an article :

    “The circulatory arterial-venous system (AVS) as a galvanic cell-electric field generator”


    A person is born to move from crawling and climbing a baby to walking upright, freeing his hands for work. The hands were able to create something. When your hands work, your brain gets smarter. The earlier a child learns how to use their hands in various skills, the smarter their brain becomes.

    And getting practical experience, a person begins to compare CAUSE AND EFFECT. In a logical judgment, it is already possible to get a CAST of REAL REALITY. And this IMPRESSION is the THOUGHT.

    But THE IDEA IS BORN FIRST IN THE FORM OF AN ENERGY PULSE in the Brain Centers, first in the Sense Organs, then in the Brain Centers that can act independently. Then the impulse is transmitted to the Medulla Oblongata, which gives birth to new cells and phagocytes.

    But a LOGICAL THOUGHT is finally formed only on THE BASIS of ALL THE ENERGIES OF ALL THE BRAIN CENTERS OF THE ORGANS AND THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. This is how Long-term Memory is born – the CONSCIOUSNESS of a PERSON and the formation of his PERSONAL JUDGMENT about events and phenomena of Nature.

    The Bundle of Thought Energy accumulates new Thoughts in the Long-Term Memory of a person's entire Life. And it is stored in the Nuclei of the Thalamus of the Brain.

    This Bundle of Energy of Long-Term Memory remains after the death of a person and passes into the Luminous Ether of the Planet Earth. And there the Bundle of Energy unfolds into a New human body, but in a Different Energy Dimension in the Energy of the Luminous Ether of the Earth.

    In this Luminous Ether of the Planet Earth live all the people who once lived on Earth. Therefore, in this sense, we can talk about the infinity of the life of Humanity on Planet Earth.

    When the energy of Past Life Memory runs out, a person is reborn on the physical level of Planet Earth with improved or degraded DNA. It depends on how creatively a person worked, and not just drank and ate like a social animal. And again, a person must live and gain life experience and make his energy of the Biofield powerful in order to be born again in the energy of his Memory.

    And so, round and round, people improve their physical and mental activities until they reach the development of the Creator.

    At such a high level, such people are able to instantly move from the physical effective level of the Planet Earth to the energy level of their Memory and the universal Memory of humanity to the Noosphere, where they directly receive Enlightened Knowledge and know how to act and what to do to transform and improve the Planet Earth.

    Why do villains bother people in every possible way? Because villains want to stay in people's memories. This is the only way they can move to the energy level of well-off people, and not fall into the twilight of non-existence. Therefore, they say, do not dwell on the bad, live happily with the good and then your energy will not be littered with alien ones.

  9. If SOMETHING is meant as the opposite of NOTHING (non-being), then this is true. It's not just science that can't explain this.
    It's all about logic. It involves a linear chain of inter-explanations. Something is explained by something. But at the very beginning lies the axiomatics. This is something that cannot be explained by anything. It's taken for granted. If you do find what you think is an explanation, you will need to explain what you are explaining. In the beginning, either an axiom or an endless chain of explanations…
    However, you can abandon the logic… But then the connection with reality will also be doubtful…

  10. Science answered this question at the beginning of the 20th century. These are experiments on the study of particle particle-wave duality. Depending on the conditions of observation, atomic objects manifest themselves either as a wave or as a particle. Therefore, their state and trajectories can only be described in probabilistic terms. Particles (reality)- these are wave patterns. Changes in phase, frequency, period, and amplitude of the particle field are not observed. Reality is a part of non-existence and, as it turned out, a smaller part. Today, scientists are conducting experiments to detect dark energy and dark matter (non-existence), which manifested themselves only through the gravitational influence on the baryons that make up our reality.

  11. Science cannot find such elements of matter that are responsible for the emergence, in insensitive things, of such a new qualitative property as sensuality – the ability to feel an impact.

  12. non-being exists relative to being. if something doesn't exist. then it can not be indicated and at least somehow indicated.that's all .what comes into your field of view or view already exists.

  13. our senses and even the capabilities of electronic measuring devices are very limited.Everything that we cannot feel and measure exists independently of our perception.Another question is how we feel about this boundless world.considering ourselves the crown of creation, we are just grains of sand in this world .What we think of as non-being is a being beyond our mind's comprehension.

  14. This is not a scientific question. Science deals with reality and answers the question ” Why?”. Art is an area of sensitive reality by means of imaginative thinking. Ethics examines the principles of practical activity, and means-values and ideals. Religion turns to teleology, answering the question ” Why?”. But philosophy explores the question of being and non-being. This is its sphere, and the tool is speculative reflection. Each of the spheres of spirituality has its own tasks and tools.

  15. The modern scientific understanding of space is wrong, muddled and as stupid as the ancient idea of the Earth, on the turtle and elephants, and completely abstract, because it does not have a precise and logically correct definition…

    The exact definition of space is possible only in mathematical values, physical characteristics and properties. Only then will you be able to clearly and accurately understand what it is and why it is so, and not in any other way, and such a definition already exists!!!

    The universe with all its structures – originated not only in space, but also from space itself, because the exact definition indicates not only what space is, but also its special criteria-absolutely unchangeable opposites, which determine the only real possibility of the origin of all energy, in a completely accurate definition, both space itself and energy, with a single cause and a unique possibility for unlimited time conservation, and, of course, the Universe – it has not only a certain shape, but also a space-bound limit, from the moment of origin. It is precisely and only because the Universe has an origin – it has a limit, and a magnitude, and a complex shape with a constant interaction-providing it with an unlimited order of changes in time and preservation in space, but not such an origin as in Bada Boom, but-a clear and absolutely accurate definition = from what? why? and how?…

    Everything, without exception, always happens, is located and changes – in space, and even time, and space has a completely accurate and only correct definition – in absolutely unchanged values, characteristics and properties. It is impossible to leave the space, it is impossible to remove it, as well as it is impossible to exclude it, or replace it with something else, and only it makes it possible to distinguish any details, any quantity and different quality… All events, experiments, anything, without any exception, can occur and change only in space, but science still does not know its exact definition and designation, and this is the main scientific error and problem…

    SPACE can have an exact definition – only in mathematical values and physical characteristics, otherwise it will be just another abstract and erroneous representation in which there is no understanding of absolute values and unique features – the unchangeable basis of Everything, without exception, as it is now in modern science!!!

    Space is always different from everything else, from everything that is necessarily and always in it, happens and changes, but no scientist still knows this… – what mathematical values define and denote space? what are the physical characteristics of space? what are its properties and what are its features? = that is why modern science still has mistakes, paradoxes, a lot of stupid theories, paradoxes and hypotheses…

    Even if you firmly believe in the Big Bang theory, and even if you accept and agree with this stupid and completely illogical assumption about the origin of the Universe from this Bad Boom, because no one will ever be able to give an exact answer – from what? – and why?, which means logic = THERE is NO and will never be!…, then, try to understand something else – WHERE?, then, this Big Bang happened…, because even in the picture you can not get rid of space, you can never get rid of it, but stupidly, and still do not notice it. Only when you can, and want to, understand what exactly this very place is, this is-where? the very place WHERE everything is always located and happening, in a precise definition, only then will you be able to accurately, correctly and accurately understand everything else!!!

    One of the physical characteristics (visual) of space is absolute transparency, that's right, space is not black, not white, or anything else, but it is only = absolutely transparent. So, even now, you can see it, but you don't notice it, and just because it is just like that, you can not only see everything that is in it, but also distinguish in any other way everything that you can, And it is precisely and only space that gives you the opportunity to understand the difference of everything, from the smallest to the largest, from the closest to the most distant, and try to understand the most permanent and unchangeable place – where it all is always located, because space is always = a volume that has a clear and precise definition!!!

    Without an accurate understanding of the definition of space, it is impossible to accurately and accurately understand everything else, what exactly is the source of energy and gravity, although it is elementary, which means that it can be created and used for sure, right now, what is the absolute basis of any atom, or without which it is impossible to create a single atom, what is a full-fledged unit of information, what is a black hole, from what, how and why the Universe, all the planets, Stars and Galaxies came from, and in what exceptional sequence it All happened – and it could have a unique chance for successful preservation, namely, the preservation of a consistent order from randomness, with unlimited change and development in time, like many other things, and this is a separate topic-what was before the origin of the Universe? as well as many other things…

    Science still has an erroneous and incorrect understanding of the minimum and maximum, where negative and positive infinity is the stupidest misunderstanding of a clear and precise definition of real infinity and the invariable difference from any infinity. Erroneous and incorrect understanding of zero, as well as incorrect definition of the opposite of negative and positive values, that is, completely incorrect and incorrect numerical designation of the coordinate system, etc…. Errors in the very basis of all scientific understanding, both in mathematics, and in some physical laws, and in other sciences, which as a virus do not make it clear-the absolute evolutionary sequence and relationship in the existing reality… In modern science, until now, there is no exact understanding of the absolutely unchangeable basis – space, without which this whole World is impossible!!!

    Everything has an exact and logically interrelated explanation, precisely because there is an absolutely accurate and only correct definition of space = a space formula that I am ready to explain, show and prove, but in Ukraine-there is no science and no scientists, and stupidity still prevails over reason, and this topic with reasonable evidence and accurate explanations of completely new practical possibilities, there is nowhere and no one to present, so this topic has never been discussed anywhere, although it is very extensive, incredibly interesting,and more promising than all existing ones combined… Without a precise definition of space, it is impossible to understand everything else correctly and accurately!!!

    Space is the absolute basis of everything, without exception, without it there can be no origin, no existence, and even more so life, and it is everywhere the same, absolutely the same and unchangeable-both here and now, and in any Galaxy, even the most distant, and far beyond the Universe… This is the only real opportunity to learn absolutely accurate answers to all fundamental questions and understand the entire logical sequence and continuous relationship in the existing reality!!!

    Space is absolute, everything else is relative!!!

  16. Everything that we count as non-existence is immaterial or subtle-material existence-far from always understandable to our minds.Science will soon have more opportunities and tools to study “non-being” and being

  17. Naive, science can do everything, but it has done an order of magnitude more, and what you ask in general is yesterday for it and the routine boring work of today, but knowledge is not given just like that, for their understanding you need to develop yourself, otherwise for you it will be either nonsense or mysticism to which you will treat either with hatred or with a servile
    Non-existence is a physical process that you use constantly without realizing it, and a physical place in the World, but what's the point if we say that it is located in hyperspace beyond the space of qualities where we live in one of its structures, and your parts are dragged away with your connivance by parasites like all the gods to squeeze out of you just through non-existence, potential through hell and heaven beyond nothingness, although now fairly destroyed, well, after which the parasites could not consume what is thrown out into other worlds that are themselves parts of a larger-scale formation that your parts are building, this is essentially part of our everyday life.
    There is no malicious intent in this, the process itself is a physical realization of the mathematics of returning the point to itself and one of the elements of our development and the development of the World, but parasites and all the troubles are already the result of our irresponsibility, which has turned a delightfully beautiful and wonderful process that brings joy and happiness, into the usual dope of fighting the idiocy of heroic butting heads with the same assholes in the fight against evil for good to change the owner of the good to their beloved, after, if they survive, realizing that neither the struggle nor the good makes sense.
    In general, nothing new, everywhere everything is as always, as here and now, only worse.

  18. WELL, YOU REALLY MADE ME LAUGH, but this is elementary science for yesterday. Moreover, you use it every day without realizing it
    Science knows this, and knows much more, engage in self-education, creating your mind and soul capable of realizing this, and also protect them from parasites like all the gods, whatever they take away, otherwise there is no way, otherwise it just won't explain it to you, but it won't fit here and how dope for your poorly developed razuvem will look.
    That's all, work on yourself, then draw conclusions.

  19. The object of materialistic science is “that which is given to us in sensation and does not depend on our consciousness.”

    Therefore, “Non-existence” is not an object of scientific study

    “There is no trial.”

  20. Natural science deals only with what has already been discovered and, moreover, is discovered by repeated repetition, all other things being equal.

    The subject of natural sciences is only that:

    “It is given to us in sensations and does not depend on our consciousness.”

  21. The truth can't. To answer this question, you need to know the source and cause of everything that exists. Puffing “know-it-alls” look very pathetic when they give answers to these questions.

  22. When we say science, we represent people who represent this or that direction in the study of a particular subject. If a person can't create anything, then how can he explain what he doesn't know? Nature has given people all the benefits for a wonderful life on planet Earth. Everything that exists requires no explanation. It's there! But man is a violent being who seeks to destroy what Nature has given him.He cannot create, but he has successfully learned how to destroy.People who are engaged in science are not looking for knowledge to explain something, but are looking for how to destroy what is. I'm sorry, but this is my vision of this so-called science. With respect.

  23. ARE you wrong? Science is able to explain all the processes occurring in the universe-a single law of the material world-the law of gravity.

    The universe was, is, and will be forever. By the way, non-existence is the state of matter during the transition from one state to another.

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