3 Answers

  1. What's more important to you?Doesn't EVERYONE love you? If your activity and life are within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and common sense and you feel happy being yourself – then everything is OK. If something is confusing, then it looks like a conflict between how it should be (as it is accepted) and how you want it to be. Or you're deluding yourself and doing the wrong thing. And there is just a period like this – something needs to be given more time. But you definitely won't please everyone.It is not clear in what your essence manifests itself otherwise the answer would be more accurate.

  2. First you need to understand why society does not like such people. Man has survived almost all the time that he is on this planet. And this, according to various estimates, is from 250,000 to 400,000 years. The good times last only 50 years, even though Russia has never had them. So, people still don't understand that these are good times and you don't need to survive. And anyone who deviates a millimeter from certain dogmas is immediately destroyed. Not the least role here is played by capitalists and the authorities, who openly exploit ordinary people, but this is a slightly different story. �

    And I suggest you ask yourself the question: “who lives my life-me or some %Names% from the mountain”?

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