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If this is a forced lack of communication , when the criminal, for example, is in solitary confinement in prison, then he probably feels bad. ( But others are calmer). If the rest of communication is a voluntary rest from the inner circle , from colleagues, relatives, then in the dosed version it is even good.
But in general, people are hypersocial creatures. Contact with others is our need. Even if a person with Hikikomori syndrome stays in their ” den ” all the time, they are still in contact with someone via the Internet. Even harsh hermit monks they communicate every day-but this is an inner communication in thoughts and prayers to Someone. There is a concept of the “Donbar number”, this is the average number of people you know and periodically contact them and maintain an attitude. On average, this number is 200 people for a person. This means that communication is important for us. And a complete refusal to communicate can be a sign of a mental disorder.
Limiting communication is always bad, especially when it is forced or forced.Loneliness can drive you crazy, and it does.But constant communication, even around the clock, is also fraught with negative consequences.Especially negatively affects the members of a small team who find themselves in a closed, physically isolated space for a long time.For example: in a submarine, on a small ship where there is no separate cabin for living, and finally, on a space station.Therefore, in order to minimize negative consequences, they pay a lot of attention to the formation of the crew, their psychological compatibility.But it's still better to be in a crew than hanging out at sea or in space alone.