One Answer

  1. What is the difference between a program and an instinct?

    Love is more than that.

    People have innate needs to love and be loved. Different people have both to varying degrees.

    And they realize these needs in different ways. Depending on your upbringing, on different specific situations, on your mind, on the state of your psyche at the moment.

    People don't have instincts! There are unconditional reflexes, conditioned reflexes, innate needs, reason, and a culture that conveys the accepted ways of realizing these needs.

    Please see my answer and comments on the other answer here. There are links where you can study the opinions of scientists.�

    So, does a person have instincts?

    You can also use the search for the word “love”:�

    This issue, of course, was discussed. For example:

    Is it true that love is just a chemical process or something?�(responses and comments)

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