7 Answers

  1. Logical error) �

    Nationalism and racism are not forms of discrimination, just as religious beliefs are not a form of discrimination.�

    Nationalism, racism, and religious beliefs can become grounds for discrimination if they form the basis of discriminatory behavior. Then nationalism and racism turn into national and racial persecution, and religious beliefs become religious intolerance.�

    If I don't like Negroes, but I buy Mbape or Pogba for my football club, it means that they are good players, and I am a good manager. And no discrimination ) And if that's the only reason I don't buy them, then I'm an idiot.

    Patriotism has nothing to do with all this at all. Patriotism is an ideological construct used to encourage people to behave in the right way, when there are no other resources to encourage them or they are unwilling to use them.

  2. If the object of worship is the state, can this later develop into discrimination against people based on the object of worship, which is the country?

    Maybe, but it will be a slightly different form of discrimination than discrimination based on race or nationality-closer to the form of discrimination based on religion. Because the first type discriminates on the basis of inherent qualities, and the second on the basis of acquired, and it is assumed that they are consciously acquired.

  3. Probably, as we said above, it is not entirely correct to confuse these concepts, but there is probably some form of discrimination in Russia, where staples and patriotism have eaten through the brain so much that some citizens consider themselves better than citizens of another small country, which has squeezed out one peninsula, and only on the basis of their passport; or better than another country, with which

    Such a phenomenon can often be found on the Internet, what guides the thoughts of these people? Is it possible to be better than someone just because of the territorial belonging to a certain country?

  4. Personally, I liked and remember a statement on this topic by one of the Soviet Jewish dissidents (I don't remember his last name, unfortunately), who returned to the USSR from emigration during Perestroika and glasnost in the late 80's. When asked by a journalist if he was a nationalist, he said: “Yes. I'm a nationalist. But not in the sense that I consider my people better than others, but in the sense that I consider them no worse than others.” It seems to me that it is very difficult to object to such a form of nationalism, for me it is simply impossible.

  5. This is a good question, but the problem is that it is not views or attitudes towards the Motherland that are discriminatory. The policy of their implementation is discriminatory. In this sense, you are absolutely right. Patriotism (in quotation marks or without) can be used to harass or discriminate. So it was, is, and will be.

  6. Patriotism in a healthy form is a factor that holds society together and stabilizes the mood of the people. Patriotism is something like self-esteem, self-esteem of any nation. You wouldn't argue that your pride, your self – esteem, is a factor in discriminating against others, would you? Yes, this can happen if you humiliate everyone you meet. If it is in a sensible form, then the opposite is true.�

    Do not confuse the concepts of racism and fascism. These are all very different concepts. And nationalism, despite the fact that it accompanies, is also a separate concept. All these things can exist separately from each other and even be hostile to each other. Patriotism-all the more so.

    Usually discrimination is done by vicious individuals. Spiteful=unsatisfied. At the same time, usually stupid. And here, any form of nationalism or patriotism is usually something like a mask, an ideological cover, under which a meager personality is hidden.

  7. Judging from the translation of the word discriminatio – “I distinguish”, then yes. But in reality, patriotism and nationalism are not discrimination. Discrimination must include negative attitudes, intolerance, and bias towards certain groups of individuals. But neither patriotism nor nationalism often includes these points, and racism and religious intolerance are built on them.

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