15 Answers

  1. Is it possible for the body to grow?

    Is it possible to increase your understanding of yourself and your life circumstances?

    Is it possible to develop your personal characteristics: randomness, organization, self-confidence, etc.?

    Of course, it is possible.

    What is my answer based on?

    Let's define this concept of “personal growth” in order to define it and make it at least a little more understandable.

    Today, this concept is very widespread in psychology. The impact of different approaches has made some adjustments to the idea of what “personal growth”is. However, the fact that it is popular in psychology and thoroughly researched in various scientific approaches is beyond doubt.

    I adhere to the classical Russian school of psychology, which originates from the works of L. S. Vygotsky in the context of cultural and historical theory.

    Within the framework of this approach, personal growth is the development and complication of personal qualities due to the enrichment of the subject, during interiorization (assimilation from outside, adoption from the environment) with new meanings and meanings.

    As a result, new beliefs, attitudes and values of the individual are formed. A person has a new understanding of himself and the surrounding reality. You have the ability to make your own decisions, take responsibility for yourself, show commitment and create new cultural values. This is how personality formation occurs.

    On the other hand, within the framework of humanistic psychology, such a concept as personal competencies is widely spread: personality qualities that we can observe in human behavior. For example, such as: responsibility, organization, focus on results, determination, resourcefulness, etc.

    Can they be developed?

    Modern science gives an unambiguous positive answer.

    Starting from educational pedagogical technologies and ending with modern psychotherapeutic methods, all of them are aimed at improving the personal characteristics of a person.

    And it is precisely the change in certain measurable parameters of the individual in the course of such an impact that is personal growth.

    And even without this, every time you overcome the difficulties of life, think about your actions and actions, draw some conclusions and start looking at the circumstances differently, getting more positive results, you realize your personal growth.

    There is no mysticism or anything unusual here, just a development in which we become a little wiser and more Human.

  2. In this regard, depending on how you define your personality, this term has many variants. If we still rely on the basic understanding in modern psychology, then personality is a unique psychological apparatus of an individual for adapting to the environment, formed on the basis of innate and acquired properties. There are more complicated transcripts, but this one will suffice for now.

    So, in accordance with this-it is implied that a person is something: 1) Formed, i.e. this structure; 2) Having quite noticeable, albeit broad criteria for “quality assessment” – that is, the very degree of adaptability and adaptation potential.

    Thus, a person can grow quite well, in the sense of developing, becoming more complex, improving, and so on; just like, for example, an organism or an organization. The very phenomenon of personal growth is quite valid for science and studied by many psychologists (and not only).

    On the other hand-I roughly believe the subtext of the question about the so-called “personal growth trainings” is still there. And here I have to agree-personal growth with trainings of this kind is practically not connected.

    The fact is that the individual grows by overcoming the resistance of the environment. This, for clarity, is primarily the environment in which this person is mostly located. And trainings are an artificial environment, first of all, and secondly, rather short-term. Although many people get hooked by attending these trainings and marathons systematically, it doesn't really change the essence.

    The maximum effect of TLR, which, unfortunately, is rather rare , is the awareness of ineffective behaviors, the acquisition of effective skills in return, and the initial motivation to apply them in life. Usually, however, it all comes down to banal entertainment, shocking and scam.

    Simply put, personal growth occurs if it occurs within the framework of everyday life and quite ordinary activities, work, communication, etc. And if it does not happen , then, as they said in Latin:”There is no progress – there is regression.”

  3. If I could understand exactly what this means, I might be able to answer your question. But then it would hardly be possible to make money on it. Uncertainty is the foundation of this industry.

  4. Of course, yes!

    However, you need to understand. that personal growth is only about the worldview and nothing else.

    It is the expansion of the worldview that will allow a Person to look and see things, phenomena, events, and people's actions more objectively, that is, from different “sides”.

    In addition, it is the worldview that allows a Person to take a firm position in this World and change it only at their own discretion, and not follow the advice of all sorts of gur and other “smart people”!

  5. Of course it is possible. After all, in essence, this is the comprehension and assignment of the experience gained and lived, and the opportunity to receive new ones after its assignment, developing in one or several selected directions.

    Without proper work with your experience, including the ability to gain new experience by appropriating it to yourself, no matter what it turns out to be, personal growth is impossible.

  6. Yes. A person living through various situations makes difficult choices and of course grows as a person. Share with a friend candy in childhood, then school, army Institute. Do not act meanly, do not pass by, do not betray, ask the enemy, do not get cold feet, help-this is all about growth. And not just pump up the courses, breathe in your personality

  7. It is possible in cases when a person is ready for it. What is a Person in my understanding? This is what our physical body is filled with. The formation of Personality occurs by means of experience, which forms certain programs of consciousness. Through the prism of which the Individual identifies the external world. Reacts accordingly, makes sense, makes decisions, and acts accordingly.

    A person has talents that need to be revealed, qualities, abilities, and uniqueness.

    But there are also many attitudes coming from childhood that have shaped it at the moment. And to move to a higher level, you need transformation, maturity – this is essentially the “so-called Personal Growth”

  8. Each person goes through certain stages in their development: physical, mental, emotional. At birth, we are given a temperament, and a lot of everything we acquire throughout life: life experience, professional skills, etc.

    Sometimes a person is completely satisfied with the course of life: everything goes like everyone else – school, institute, family, work, children. Someone goes all his life this quiet way, goes as it goes. And this does not mean that he is lazy, does not dream, does not make plans.

    Sometimes a person feels that there are some internal brakes and limiters and wants to break out of this state. Sometimes there is some significant event that radically changes the attitude to life, the perception of events, and the decision-making process. Sometimes it's a psychologist, a coach, or a trainer.

    I will say for myself, I was not able to pass the personal growth training. A very long time ago, the son of my mother's friend passed such training. He was so clumsy, tall, muddy, lethargic. The only guy in the 90's in the accounting department. He didn't seem to have anything to do with it. And he was sent for a whopping $ 500 for this training. Two days. After these two days, he went through a few more steps. They gave very peculiar tasks: to get a passport from a person on the street, to get flowers at the market for free, and so on. I was terrified. What was my surprise when a year later he became vice-president of the bank, he had a girl model. My mom immediately sent me to such a training session, but I only made it through the first day. It was enough for me to tell strangers about the most terrible thing I'd ever done, to go around telling them to their faces whether I trusted them or not, and to hear the same thing said to me.

    Well, then I personally did not grow up))), although I doubt that this is the case. Just someone needs this growth, someone does not. I grew up in 10 years – it was my time.

    So, yes, it is possible. You can just call it personal growth, or you can call it a normal stage of emotional, professional, and life maturity. And everyone does it in their own time. If necessary)

  9. To answer this question unambiguously, you need to understand your desired end result . But if you answer in the classic version, then yes, of course.

  10. Subjectively evaluating and comparing in your experience is possible. For example, this week I read 3 books, and last week I read 1. What is the growth rate? Height. However, it is tempting to compare these figures not with yourself in the past, but with other people. And it seems to me that often people do this comparison for the sake of feeling a little more powerful , a little stronger, a little better. Although, in fact, it's like measuring the average temperature in a hospital – it's also pointless, because other people are a separate world, they are at their own pace, rhythm, speed. Why then compare yourself to others? A good reason to understand and explore this in yourself, often there is some kind of heartfelt and very touching story behind it 🙂

  11. Sure. Personal growth for me is getting rid of negative qualities and strengthening positive ones. And in everything-from the ability to keep your back straight, to thinking about the common good. But it is unlikely that guru seminars will help you personally grow. I've been there out of curiosity. Well, at least he laughed heartily…

  12. Naturally, personal growth is possible and even conscious and significant growth, if there is an innate curiosity and there is no excessive conceit.

    The first can be developed gradually, and the second can be severely limited, and the earlier you start, the better the result of personal growth will be.

  13. “…but no chains have been thrown on you your will is stronger than any torment in the heart of the world, there is no human sorrow perfection is the goal of earthly paths.”Personal growth” is perfection-our goal in life. A person comes to this world with a specific task, which consists of a person's karma, the number of rebirths and the spirituality of the person himself. The knowledge of the truth of life ends a person's earthly life, his soul passes into other worlds. With respect.

  14. Everything that is called “personal growth”,” self-development “used to be called”get smart”. Yes, it is quite possible to get smart ,but without willpower, no, it is impossible.I won't cite myself as an example.😜

  15. Well, the man smoked like a train, drank in the evenings, did not get along with his wife, did not see his child in his eyes. And so on from day to day.
    And then bang and hit him with a stroke. Half my body failed. He lies for a month and thinks – what is it now, my relatives will take care of me, or what, and I lie like a vegetable? No, that won't do. I need to get up, get up!
    So a person had a dream. I recovered, got back on my feet, and didn't start drinking or smoking again. But the habit of sports remained, and with his son, he now spent time every morning training. And with the money that used to go to drink, he began to buy gifts for his wife. She herself from such attention suddenly grew fat, and lost weight for her husband.

    And it was possible without a stroke, right?

    The whole point is that a person in everyday life forgets to think about what he is doing, and such a person has no growth.

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