2 Answers

  1. We are the actions of the laws of physics, biochemistry, physiology, and other branches of medicine that describe the structure and functions of the body . Everything that we do is subject to the laws of physics, all processes in the body are described by biochemistry and physiology, as well as other branches of medicine) So, everything is scientifically based)

  2. Give me a full definition of the word “will”. This is also a kind of psychological, biomechanical, and physiological process. You can develop the ability to overcome the body some of the restrictive barriers that nature has provided to save the body. On the other hand, the laws of physics are also a relative concept , and they may soon reveal something that will turn physics upside down and everything will turn out to be fundamentally wrong. There is a very interesting fact from history: it used to be believed that it was impossible to run a mile faster than four minutes. And all this was confirmed: doctors proved that muscles can not develop such speed and everything like that, not the point. And one fine day, a wonderful man ran a mile out of four minutes. Most surprisingly, at the next Olympic Games, all runners ran faster than four minutes. Draw conclusions.but it seems to me that there is a limit to the body, crossing which you will die or put your life in danger.

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