2 Answers

  1. Oh, yes ! Of course, yes! But it is necessary to take into account several nuances. we fill the world with emotion and meaning. The world is what we make it. We endow each object with an entity, and this is akin to an individual. Here is a broom (for example). Let it stand. It is inert. But here came the drunken “half” (it doesn't matter). And the broom (a simple object) becomes a conductor of our emotions, it is no longer inert (without taking into account the laws of physics), it is a conductor of emotions. And emotions have the property of giving meaning and determining existence. And that bundle of twigs already defines your IDENTITY. That is, this subject already becomes a DETERMINANT, imposes its own conventions and parameters. And when everything goes smoothly (the enemy is defeated and realized), there is harmony in the world (full understanding of the content and appearance). This is the feeling of satisfaction. ( I made a little joke, but quite within the framework?)

  2. Not at the moment. I guess not in the near future either. It is possible to simulate pleasure or other emotions, but the car cannot experience these emotions yet. The human brain does not work like a computer or the computer does not perceive information like a person. A special feature of the brain is the ability to freely integrate whole layers of incoming information. When processing information, the brain does not require our consciousness to perceive this or that object as separate and independent components. We simply perceive an object as we see it (we don't need to analyze the object we see to understand what we see) that evokes certain emotions.�

    Some scientists are of the opinion that in principle it is impossible to create a full-fledged AI with real emotions and feelings.

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