5 Answers

  1. Why is it ubiquitous?! Psychoanalysis is alive and well, and it has a large share of the market for psychotherapy services. I can't say for sure , but he remains one of the main players.

    As for resistance, resistance to change is simply part of human nature in general. Psychotherapists of all directions face this, managers face it, and we ourselves, along with our own decisions to start running/quit smoking/take up English, face it.

    Some people just perceive psychoanalysis as archaic, long, expensive, and unsubstantiated.�

    And some – as the only serious, truly profound approach, and even just scientific (well, the latter, perhaps, except by the adherents themselves))�

    As for colleagues, too-who looks contemptuously: our kung fu is cooler than your kung fu, who-with respect and curiosity.

  2. Funny question. Is it true that the rejection of psychoanalysis is caused by a fundamentally unobservable resistance? I believe that rejection of psychoanalysis cannot be caused by resistance to knowledge about the unconscious, because this is an unverifiable explanation – I learn about resistance to knowledge about the unconscious when I see that a person criticizes psychoanalysis, therefore, resistance to knowledge about the unconscious is equal to rejection of psychoanalysis, therefore, rejection of psychoanalysis is caused by rejection of psychoanalysis. The explanation is circular, so it is false by definition – a phenomenon cannot be both cause and effect .

  3. Well, first of all, I don't notice any “widespread rejection of psychoanalysis.” This is rather an element of your own reality. I know a lot of psychoanalysts who successfully conduct practice, I know a lot of clients of psychoanalysts. There are people who do not accept psychoanalysis, just as there are people who do not accept other therapeutic approaches. There is no need to talk about any mass character of this phenomenon.

    Second, what is the “knowledge of the unconscious”? Psychoanalysis is an unprovable set of hypotheses, so there is no need to talk about any knowledge in the same way. Psychoanalysis is one of the abstract models of the functioning of the inner world of a person. Gestalt is a different model. There are people who do not accept one or the other because they do not want to rely on unprovable and unscientific models. But certainly not because they fear or avoid some nonexistent “knowledge” or”truth.” I myself do not accept certain elements of psychoanalysis because I consider them far-fetched and unfounded, and not because I resist certain Knowledge.

  4. Well, I wouldn't talk about widespread rejection. Just today there are many directions in psychotherapy. Most of them, by the way, are more or less the development of the ideas of classical psychoanalysis. In this sense, psychoanalysis in its original form is somewhat outdated today, just as any scientific direction that has developed is becoming obsolete.

    Nevertheless, psychoanalysis exists today. I don't really know how today's psychoanalysts work, but I think psychoanalysis is also developing. And for sure, since the time of Freud, it has undergone many changes, becoming more modern.

  5. The rejection of psychoanalysis is part of the general “rejection of brain therapists”.

    There are indeed many psychologists who do not accept Freud rather than his psychoanalysis.

    The case is as follows:

    Freud got into too intimate and even sacred-in the relationship of mother and son, father and daughter.

    These complexes of Oedipus and electra also have little practical meaning in our time and are not obvious to many who have dissected the soul.

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