3 Answers

  1. To test your humor for “smeshnyavost” (why do you need it psychologically, I do not know, deconstructed humor is too non-consumer), you can read “Laughter” by Henri Bergson, so that you have developed such a mechanism of humor gradation from the primitive (children's “violent” humor, familiar to you from Tom and Jerry, Well, wait and so on) to the depth (socially “dissatisfied” humor, which from a marginal position checks society for understanding what it does: there are extremes from Saltykov-Shchedrin, Veni Yerofeyev or Sergey Shnurov to Frankie Boyle, Lenny Bruce, Eric Andre or, sorry, Pasha Tech).�

    That is, the minimum humorous energy of jokes about those who got into “non-standard” (humiliating) situations by accident (they, of course, are better to go first, but if they are repeated 2-3 times they will not be heard without shame) to the open humiliation of those who decided to live in a “non-standard” position as if it were normal. The upper border in our language was often called Yurodiev, and it is surprising that such “stand-apers” from the time of the king of peas are remembered and even, sorry, the cathedralSt. Basil's is, in fact, a church named after the most famous Russian stand-up artist, and I can assure you that there were also KVN buffoons who acted as clowns for those in power. I don't want to say that jokes about the humiliated (especially when they humiliate themselves) are not funny, they just develop a very dangerous social construct and because the hero in them is always “different”, the viewer develops an aversion to irony and even more self-irony, well, everyone is stupid except us and their pain is different.

  2. I recommend reading the books of Edward de Bono. Serious creative thinking, for example. The author considers humor as a vivid example of creative thinking. Explains why and how he came to this conclusion. And why a joke read backwards isn't funny.

  3. Yes, there is, even Freud was considered in “Wit and its relation to the unconscious”.

    From modern psychology, the most famous book by Rod Martin, which is called “The Psychology of Humor” or “The Psychology of Humor: An Intergrative Approach”�

    Testing your sense of humor can be found in the book” How to Measure Personality ” by Wilson Glenn. Here is a link to this test:�psy.wikireading.ru

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