3 Answers

  1. The magic of altruism is that a resource that is redundant at one's own disposal looks much more valuable in the eyes of those who need it. In this connection, it makes sense to donate a small part of it to the sufferer, rightly expecting similar behavior from him. As a result of a series of similar self-sacrifices, both participants are in a big plus. It is the expectation of reciprocal help that is the driving force of altruism. Which directs at least some costly actions on this basis to the circle of close people who will be within reach in case of a comparable need.

    I don't quite understand what is meant by pure altruism, but personally I don't see any dirt in it as such. As far as everyone is self-serving and selfish in the framework of this issue, I do not undertake to argue.

    Perhaps the author just wanted to hear an example in which self-interest and self-esteem are not traced. Perhaps as such an example, help in determining the location of the nearest stop for a lost stranger would be useful. And at first glance, these destructive lights really do not shine here. But I'll be damned if any of you don't expect strangers to kindly give you directions if you get lost in the neighborhood.

    My answer, by the way, is also an act of pure altruism – I spend my free time sharing my experience, selfishly waiting to see your self-pleasing lois. And both sides benefit. But the time spent not awarded with lois – this is real dirt)

  2. “Altruist “is a word we hear and pronounce much less often than”egoist”. Selfishness is a definition that we understand perfectly well, often encountered, hindering us when we believe that we are being neglected and insulting when we ourselves are caught in it.

    However, if we think about what happens in nature, we will find that it functions according to the laws of altruism. For example: the cells in our body live and work for the benefit of the whole organism, and animals sacrifice themselves for the survival of their offspring or community.

    So, there are at least two types of altruism. Psychological altruism means acting for the benefit of others, regardless of our own interests. Biological altruism refers to behaviors that help the survival of a species, but not a particular individual who is an altruist.

    Living a life, going through a series of events in his life, a person gets a certain experience, comes to the answer to questions about who he is and why he is here. Perhaps the transition from one state to another, from selfishness to altruism, is just what each of us should learn.

    Is it possible to combine two seemingly opposite concepts – altruism and selfishness? In general, it's simple: to argue that there are two extremes (rabid egocentrism and absolute altruism), and the third supposedly is not given. However, the continuum between egocentrism and altruism implies any number of human states that are closer to one extreme, then to the other.

    In general, we, more or less normal people, make decisions based on both our desires and the reactions of people around us. And, probably, this is the “golden mean” that does not allow us to slide into rampant selfishness or absolute altruism.

    Here and now

  3. If a person has a strong sense of empathy, he is able to put himself in the place of another, while he has enough time and energy – he can easily help strangers. Some people do this for a small monetary reward (like doctors who work for meager salaries and do not leave their patients). Some people are engaged in volunteering, sometimes putting their lives in danger. Sometimes volunteers run away from the routine, especially if they go to Africa to save children, but still quite often they are driven by altruism, at least from time to time.

    I don't agree with the answer above that altruism is expecting someone to help you later. Altruism does not expect any response at all. This is more like a” drug of kindness ” – if there is too much of it, you can forget about your own needs, so it should be moderate, as well as selfishness (when on the contrary, you forget about the needs of others).

    A real – life example: I helped a blind elderly man I didn't know get off the train in the subway, and put him on the next train he needed. What did I get out of it? A rush of positive emotions. Plus, we talked while standing on the platform and he made me laugh with a joke. And I didn't expect anything at all in return, and besides, he might very well turn out to be displeased or snide.

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