3 Answers

  1. If only. Totally unrelated concepts. I've met a bunch of programmers who worked on “and so it will come down”, so much work then you have to redo them, that sometimes you curse to the seventh knee. Some-kakerstvo is generally a disease, in my opinion, of any sphere.

  2. Usually programmers are perfectionists, creative and creative people, so an IT company needs a couple of them, because there are times when “head-on”,” and so it will come down ” does not always work, and such a programmer can find a new solution.

  3. Definitely not. Perfectionism is a childhood programmer's disease that, over time, turns into a chronic form, worsening only occasionally.�

    Software product development is always a compromise between quality and resources spent. In some places, the balance is shifted towards reducing costs (startups, state-owned enterprises), while in other places, they try to invest in software quality (financial and IT businesses).�

    You don't have to fight with yourself, just remember the theory, sit down and calculate how much your ideal code (and ideal QA, yes) will cost the company, and how much the average error costs (taking into account the probability of its occurrence). The results of calculations will show that paying for perfectionism is simply not profitable, and the customer acts rationally. And you can't argue with rationality.

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