4 Answers

  1. Nelly, an affirmation literally translates as “affirmation” (Lat. affirmatio, from affirmare – “to affirm”). These are short, positive verbal attitudes that are instilled into the subconscious mind by systematic repetition.

    It is believed that this method is esoteric and became effectively used after the appearance of Luza Hay with a history of his recovery from cancer. But this method originates from the research of the French psychologist Emile Couet, who lived at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Studying the power of imagination and hypnosis, he proposed a method of autosuggestion based on repeating simple positive phrases. Therefore, affirmations can be called a method of self-suggestion.

    But affirmations are not a miracle pill or a magic wand, but a tool that you need to be able to use correctly. First, you need to learn how to compose them. If a person considers their formulated dreams and rumors to be affirmations, then this is nonsense. You can repeat for as long as you want: “I'll get a whole suitcase full of money,” but in reality this will not happen.

    Through systematic repetition, any positive thought can be built into the brain, if it is consistent with the subconscious. Gradually, it will be imprinted in the subconscious, that is, it will create a stable neural network and automatically begin to influence the psycho-emotional state and behavior.

    For example, if there is a negative attitude “I am poor”, you can not replace it with the phrase “I am rich” – the mind will not believe and will not change anything. But the installation “I am able to provide myself with everything I need” will be much easier for him to accept. When the quality of life in the financial sector improves, the statement should be changed to “I am a highly qualified specialist and deserve a high salary for my work.”

    In order for affirmations to work, you need to make them according to certain rules:

    • you have to believe what you say;

    • make affirmations in the present tense, without the words ” tomorrow, soon, I will, I will, etc.”;

    • exclude the particle ” not ” and the negative “no”. Instead of “I'm not afraid… – I'm not afraid of…”;

    • constantly use the pronoun “I”, “me”, “me”;

    • conciseness and concreteness of a statement that can have 7 words +/- 2;

    • only positive statements that motivate you to change yourself.

    Only if the person knows how to correctly compose affirmations and constantly pronounces them(listens) for at least 30 days, you can ask about the effect of this method.

    Since 2000, I have been constantly using this method of self-suggestion and I have no doubts about its effectiveness. But even I have some problems with the correctness of making statements. The main thing is concreteness, because our mind is not able to understand the vague philosophical reasoning about everything and nothing.

  2. Affirmations don't really work on their own. If you repeat to yourself every day “I am so-and-so” and you understand with your head that you are far from such, then there will be no special effect.

    Affirmations work well with working out the problem: suppose a person has complexes because of their appearance (they may be completely normal, but someone suggested to them that they are a freak), so first this situation is worked out, and the installation that they are a freak is destroyed, and then affirmations are added that help the person to accept themselves and fall in love faster.

    If you don't work out the problem, the result of repeating it will be temporary. Therefore, about 5 points.

  3. 1

    Affirmations do not work, because words affect the consciousness, and changes in a person come primarily from the unconscious.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately), just making ridiculous mumbles like “I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich…” won't improve your financial health.

    But the study of emotional problems with a psychologist and directed actions-quite!)

  4. Affirmations don't really work on their own. If you repeat to yourself every day “I am so-and-so” and you understand with your head that you are far from such, then there will be no special effect.

    Affirmations work well with working out the problem: suppose a person has complexes because of their appearance (they may be completely normal, but someone suggested to them that they are a freak), so first this situation is worked out, and the installation that they are a freak is destroyed, and then affirmations are added that help the person to accept themselves and fall in love faster.

    If you don't work out the problem, the result of repeating it will be temporary. Therefore, about 5 points.

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