2 Answers
In my deeply subjective opinion, “reason” should not prevail over feelings, but it does every second, which is why we are the most contradictory and unhappy creatures on earth.
It seems to me that the functions of the mind include, among other things, the function of separating some feelings from others (for example, fleeting ones from more thorough ones), predicting the outcome of certain decisions made, and the ability to organize one's activities in such a way as to achieve goals in the best possible way.
Feelings, in my understanding, are the basis of everything in general. It is especially important to learn to understand what you really like and what you don't like. Feelings are the basis of goal setting (if you choose a goal that is disgusting to you, then it will be more difficult to achieve it by a couple of orders of magnitude), at the heart of choosing partners. And in general, emotions and feelings, in many ways, are the “fuel” of life, the main and almost the only motivator. At the same time, it is very important, I repeat, to learn to understand your feelings, which is already a function of the mind.What prevails here? Ideally, the mind and senses should work together and not contradict each other. I don't even know which is more disgusting and depressing-a man of reason with crushed feelings, or a man of spontaneity without a king in his head.
To be happy, indulge your passions, desires and fleeting impulses.
For the unfortunate, there is only a hopeless road of wisdom, after which they will never be able to return.
Reason must prevail. Not your instincts, but your mind. At any moment, you can think and act better and more competently than to act impulsively and stupidly.�
Short and clear.
There is an excellent book, How We Make Decisions, by John Lehrer. The essence of the book is that you need to combine the mind and feelings. Sometimes you should let your mind think , sometimes your feelings. Because the idea that ” The best ideas can't be chosen by your feelings is a myth. The author explains how sometimes emotional choices can be better than rational ones. Because even our rational thinking is not so rational. I advise you to read it, after reading it, you will only have to decide when to take over the mind, and when to give the choice to your emotions
As an answer, I will give an excerpt from a workshop on gestalt psychology. It makes it clear that the mind and the senses are not really opposed to each other.