3 Answers

  1. I remembered the words of Confucius: “Do what you like and you won't work a day in your life.” And indeed, while you are doing what you love, time flies by, you get emotional satisfaction, and you also get paid for it.

    However, there is a downside: if you do your job too well and selflessly, your management will have a desire to load you with some more work, perhaps even shift some of their functions to you, because from their point of view, you either underperform, or they do not load you with work, since everything works so smoothly)))

  2. A person has two main needs: to love and to achieve/surpass, and in order for a person to be healthy in every sense, it is necessary that both of these needs are met, in accordance with the ratio in which they are expressed in the person. You can also distinguish 3 main areas, the attitude to which (love-achieve) will determine whether a person is happy: family and relationships, work and part-time work, hobbies and habits.

    thus there may be several successful scenarios: 1) you love your wife/husband and children, you are happily married, you also adore your hobby, for example, and work is only a way of earning money for you 2) you are in a codependent marriage (this is a variant of relationships where there is no mutual understanding, but there is affection for each other), children as an indicator of the success of relationships, work also does not inspire you much, you are there only because of vainglorious interests (money, promotion), the only outlet is your favorite hobby 3) you adore your work, colleagues are your family, there are relationships, those who are not yet ready to grow into something more, in terms of hobbies, there are numerous friends with interests in areas in which you are more or less versed. of course, some other versions are possible, you can choose other words, but the scenarios will be about the same. Day by day, we get more and more used to a certain way of life. this is the main drama – to find harmony between the way you are used to living and the way you want to live. and what we really love, we are often afraid of, so we have to live a life that is not interesting, this is called the comfort zone, and as you know, all miracles happen on the other side of it. there is no secret of happiness and success, just do not be afraid, as you know, not the one who has never fallen is strong, but the one who has managed to rise, everything is exactly the same, no matter how banal it may sound)

  3. Strictly speaking, we don't owe anyone anything in this sense at all.

    And yet, in my experience, people who love their work are happier as individuals and stronger as professionals. This is natural, because they spend their energy not only to fulfill their job descriptions from now on. They are constantly thinking about what else to do, they are constantly learning, just because they are getting away with it, it is not a burden to them. As a result, they grow faster.

    But there is a downside. Not all people are like that. Unfortunately, there are not many such bosses. In this regard, you often have to find yourself in a situation where you are not only not helped… wouldn't hurt at least…

    But in general, it's worth it, I think.

    What's not worth it is endless advice on how to love your job. It's useless. Either you like your work or you don't. Sometimes you haven't figured it out yet. It happens that you didn't get involved. It happens that your qualifications do not allow you to properly perform your duties, and there is no pleasure from this. Finally, just the blues happen. However, most often, the fact that you don't want to go to work is a wake – up call. If it doesn't go away and doesn't have a very specific reason (a conflict with work, some kind of force majeure), then you shouldn't buy books on motivation and read articles on how to love your job. You might want to open a headhunter instead.

    But the main thing, by the way, do not think that something is not up to you. If you don't like one area of activity – don't be afraid – try to change it to another. Although, of course, you should always approach this seriously and responsibly. But that's a different story altogether.

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