2 Answers

  1. Without looking for meaning at all, some people perceive sound waves of different lengths not as just a sound background, but as words. Others in black lines on a white background, like in these, are looking for some meanings and meanings. We firmly say to them: madmen! you are sick of Deep Meaning Search Syndrome!

    But seriously, all science and philosophy is just a search for the deep meaning that lightning strikes for a reason, but for some reason, that winter does not come for a reason, but for some reason. It is clear that everything can reach some terminal stages, ala Chudinov, but so far SPGS is more likely to benefit humanity than harm

  2. It depends on what kind of philosophical concept about meaning you adhere to. If that one. if the author of the original message/text/work of art is only a secondary author, and the creative message comes from God (and God is eternal and inexhaustible), then any document/cultural artifact can contain a (potentially) infinite number of” levels ” of meaning. Then conspiracy theory or mental illness begins where the search for meaning turns into a random process, that is, where the search methodology is violated. Here is an example of a random search for meaning/an arbitrary associative series:

    P1. Harry Potter the Wizard.

    P2. Wizards often wear black robes.

    P3. Black is a sign of Satan worship.

    P4. Magic is a sign of Satan worship.


    Q1. Harry Potter is the propaganda of witchcraft and Satanism.

    What is the error of this reasoning? That it violates the laws of logic and search methodology. Let's think about it – is the color black in Rowling's works themselves a sign of Satan worship? No. Besides, who else wears black? Orthodox monks. Do they worship Satan? No. Then we see “magic is a sign of Satan worship.” Yes, I agree, if we are talking about such genres of fiction as realism or naturalism, and if the author of the work is a satanist himself. And no, if we are not looking at classical literature at all, but fantasy or a fairy tale. Magic isn't always magic. Otherwise, we will have to say that both Tolkien (a Catholic believer) and Lewis (an Anglican believer), who describe magic in their works, are Satanists. Thus, we considered the attempt to search for deep meaning presented above and were convinced that it does not carry any deep meaning, it violates the laws of logic and the search methodology (for example, it does not take into account the genre of literature and the genre of a work of fiction).

    Now I will give you an example of a search for deep meaning, which is successful:

    P1. F. M. Dostoevsky-Orthodox Christian and Russian writer of the XIX century.

    P2. Dostoevsky's reference book in penal servitude was the Gospel.

    P3. In this passage from the novel Crime and Punishment , when Raskolnikov is walking after the murder of an old interest-bearing woman, he hears: “Finally, here is the alley; he turned into it half-dead; here he was already half saved and understood this: there was less suspicion, besides, there were a lot of people moving around, and he was erased in it like a grain of sand. But all this agony had so exhausted him that he could hardly move. He was sweating profusely, and his neck was soaked. “Look cut up!” – Someone shouted at him as he stepped out onto the ditch.”

    P4. The word “cut up” here obviously has two meanings-the first, figurative in the sense of “got drunk”, which means the person who shouts to Raskolnikov, and the second meaning – direct, which literally coincides with the murder committed, Raskolnikov really “cut up”, cut down with an axe-killed two people (and yes, he ” slipped in blood, the axe “slipped”, i.e. cut the victim).

    P5. It remains to find out who owns the second meaning, that is, who is the author of the statement in the second sense. It is clear that this author should know in advance about the crime committed, but no one knows about it.


    Q1. Dostoevsky, as an Orthodox writer, shows that there are two layers of meanings in the words of any person – the first, which indicates reality, and the second, in which God speaks through a person.

    As we can see, the reasoning above meets the criteria of logic (each statement is easy to check) and the methodology of searching for meaning, which is supported by the analysis of the direct and figurative meaning of the message “sliced” is also present. I have shortened the chain of premises (it is clear that we come to the conclusion that the author of the second sense is God because no one can (a) speak through another other than an omniscient being, and (b) know what only the murderer who committed the crime knows. And the fact that this is not Dostoevsky himself is clear from the genre, we are looking at realism, and not postmodernism (in postmodernism, the author can be the hero of his own work, the so-called “meta-literature”technique).

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