One Answer

  1. I believe that nothing in the world happens just like that. Everything has a reason. People think more about the reasons for committing evil deeds than good ones. For example, if a person committed a crime, it was shown in the news. Everyone who is watching the TV starts discussing what prompted him to do this. And if they don't start, they just say that he is an idiot/maniac/drug addict. This also counts as an explanation of the reason. Next story: a soldier saved a dog from the ice. And – silence, which is broken only by the righteous whisper: “what a good fellow he is…”

    Surely you've seen this happen for yourself or others. And they themselves did good and sometimes evil without hesitation.

    There is such a stable expression – ” people are not against you, they are for themselves.” I agree with it, and even more – I drew it out for myself exactly to the word before I heard it. I also realized that the opposite is also true: “people are not for you, they are for themselves.” Or the maximum for the group that they belong to. All for the sake of preserving your life and genes. Maybe I'm killing all the romance and someone won't like my words. I don't like them myself. Why, you may ask? What's the point? This question is not and cannot be answered. Why and how? There may be an explanation. Sometimes we do things because we want to feel important, loved, and sometimes because we're attracted to them. I agree that people can do good for nothing. By accident , it doesn't happen to anyone.

    And as for what they are, people who do good-just like you and me. In fact, this is what we are. Someone may have a tendency to altruism – extroverts are sanguine; insecure people (yes, that's right), people who are always in a good mood. Everyone has their own reasons. If you call a person kind because they did a good job for you, and then find out that they ran over a kitten today – what do you think? System failure? No, everything is simpler, everything has its own reasons and they can be different. For example, they liked you.

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