34 Answers

  1. Recently I heard a Chinese proverb, I liked it:

    “Before you start improving the world, look at your own house three times.”

  2. “Wait.”

    She helped me out many times.

    And again: “Nothing satisfies hunger like food.”
    In the sense of ” each case has its own tool, each problem has its own solution.”

  3. Well, for example, ” truth is the god of a free man.”.. I can't get away from the charm. Although both the character and the author are amazing scoundrels.

  4. …as far as possible, one must rise to immortality and do everything for the sake of a life that corresponds to the highest in oneself…

    Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics. 1177b 34 — 1178a 1.

    For someone who has realized himself, this is the only way to happiness.

  5. I've heard a lot of phrases, individual words, but I've never heard a thought.

    The wisdom of this thought has already been mentioned:

    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev said: the thought uttered is a lie. It sounded like this in his verse:

    …How can the heart express itself?

    How can someone else understand you?

    Will he understand how you live?

    The thought spoken is a lie,

    Blowing up, you will outrage the keys,

    “Feed on them and be silent…

  6. There is no such single thought. Approximately, there are about a hundred of them, and for different people at different points in their lives, one or another of them seems to be the wisest.

  7. In my life, there are three wisdoms that most often help me: the famous words of Hippocrates “Everything is good in moderation”, the saying “There is no silver lining without good and good without a silver lining” and the proverb “Everything has its time”.

  8. I'm responding to a call. I recently answered exactly the same question. I repeat the same thing, but in a slightly different way:

    “I know that I know nothing” (Socratic dictum)

    Phrase source: V. S. Nersesyants “Socrates”, 1977.

  9. For me, this is beyond any doubt:

    “And I turned, and saw under the sun that it was not the swift that got success, nor the valiant that got victory, nor the wise that got bread, nor the wise that got riches, nor the skilful that got favor, but time and opportunity for all of them.”

    Ecclesiastes 9: 11

  10. Don't expect anything and there will be no disappointments.

    The less we have illusions about what we expect others to do, the less we will be disappointed.

  11. The Prayer of St. Francis: “Lord, help me to change what I can change, accept what I can't change, and distinguish the former from the latter.”

  12. Buddhists say that to maximize the development of their abilities, it is necessary to get rid of desires.

    However, the Buddha himself said: “The whole secret of existence is to get rid of your fears.”

    I came to this “secret” myself, but since the Buddha has already said it, then let this thought belong to him.


    Even the most terrible situation, when it would seem everything, life is destroyed, you look – very little time has passed and the situation has improved. And the biggest triumph also passes….

  14. If you think you need to change something, you don't. There is just a feeling to change something, but there is doubt. A person can't make up his mind. But time changes. The person understands that the best has happened. Why he was afraid to change something…

  15. “Don't be afraid of the future. Look at it, don't be deceived by it, but don't be afraid. Yesterday I went up to the captain's bridge and saw huge waves, like mountains, and the bow of the ship, which confidently cut them. And I asked myself, why does the ship overcome the waves, even though there are so many of them, and it is one? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a purpose, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always go where we want to go.”

    /Winston Churchill/

  16. In my life, I have heard and read, as well as learned several hundred wise thoughts. There is a lot of wisdom in the sages of the East such as Moisei, Lao Tzu, Khayyam, Buddha, etc. One of the many wise thoughts is: “The best knowledge is ignorance about your knowledge.”Lao Tzu. With respect.

  17. “Know yourself, you will become generous and brave! The one who has managed to comprehend himself will discover the riddles of all hearts! Alio Mirtskhulava. Perhaps the saying is not verbatim, but I read it in my youth, caught the essence, and so I live. It is interesting and exciting, life reveals all its colors and gives you the joy of being! Be happy Earthlings!

  18. There are many such thoughts and quotes in nature… Each one fits a certain mood, emotions, and thoughts. For example, I liked the expression ” Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.” Or “When we're young, we think we know everything. As we mature, we begin to realize that there are still many things we don't know. And only in old age do we finally realize that we know absolutely nothing about our world!”

  19. At each point in space =there can be an infinite number of worlds. And there are also gaps in space. That's nothing, either. Odorless is also a smell.

  20. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Well, a compliment to her: “what is stated without proof can be rejected without proof.” It sounds, at first glance, not very good, but, in fact, if you follow these simple rules, life becomes much easier, more predictable and more productive.

  21. My grandmother often said, ” Without God, you can't get to the door.”In these difficult times, I often think of these words. After all, it is no longer fashionable to read the Bible and learn about God. But the Bible is a storehouse of wisdom, it contains the wisest and most useful thoughts.None of us are born with God's wisdom, but we can gain this quality by studying the Bible and reflecting on it. The wisest thought for me is the words from Scripture:”Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Most Holy One is what understanding is. “(Proverbs 9: 10). Do you think it's worth listening to the wisdom of this book?

  22. “Look at yourself and it will be enough for you.” Postulate for life. I.e. in any situation, look back at yourself and learn.. Also “Do what you say, don't say what you do.”

  23. This Eastern wisdom is familiar to everyone almost from childhood. But not everyone can put it into practice in our frenzied age. There is also a very good saying from the East: “Every person needs to know a lot about a little and a little about a lot.” It is also difficult to apply, because now such a flood of information is being poured out on us that sometimes there is no time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  24. I quote – No one breaks our hearts as much as our children when they disappoint us contrary to what we expected and attributed to them. Children often turn out to be more like us than we thought. They are also completely crippled. Quote author Jody Picault, writer. She has many wise thoughts in her books.

  25. “Don't believe it! Don't be afraid! Don't ask!” But it turns out differently for me – and I believe, and I'm afraid and I ask. However, not everything is so critical, I don't believe everyone, I'm afraid of specific things, and if I ask, it's not enough. However, this is already from the category of excuses

  26. “A person is used to asking himself: Who am I? There's a scientist, an American, a chauffeur, a Jew, an immigrant… And you should always ask yourself: am I a piece of shit?”

    I don't know if this aphorism meets your criteria for wisdom, but it has had a strong influence on me, yes.

  27. All people are different, and they see in each thing their pros and cons, their ways to solve the problem and their reasons not to solve it at all. People are very different.
    So whenever you decide something important, make sure that you see everything from the same angle. Talk to someone or mentally take the place of another, look at your problem – you will see a lot of new things and will be able to choose the best angle.
    “When the horizon narrows to a point, the person calls this point a point of view.”

  28. I don't remember where I came from, but I heard a thought that was firmly embedded in my brain:
    “A few women who have sex for money is prostitution;
    all women who have sex for money is culture.”

  29. Recently, in a wise book, I read this saying: “It is better for a man to meet a bear without children than a fool with his stupidity.”

    If you think about it, you understand how simple and deep this idea is. Sometimes, dealing with a stupid person can lead to more serious consequences than meeting a wild animal.

    Therefore, it is very important for us to keep track of who is in our circle of friends, since most of us were taught from childhood that bad communication spoils healthy habits.

  30. Just make a reservation: highlighting one wise thought (calling it “the most-most”) should not reduce the value of many others. Today we will remember one thing, the day after tomorrow another. There is not just one proverb in the world, but thousands of them.

    Now I would like to highlight a very wise idea that sounds like good advice:

    “Don't waste time. It's doing just fine without you.”

    Very wise, in my opinion. Because I have never understood people who spend years thinking about what to do with their free time, how to destroy it. That is, it turns out, as if it is more stupid to hold it: so that it runs very quickly and imperceptibly.

    I always think the opposite: how to expand it, fill it in, and make it more useful.

  31. “You need to carry a holiday with you”

    • Hemingway.

    If you have a holiday in your heart, people will be more attracted to you. A person is so arranged that he cannot exist without positive emotions. In our time, when there is a pandemic, cataclysms and other riots around, people so lack fun and celebration in life.

    If you miss a holiday in your life, create one and always carry it with you.

    “Everything you dream about is on the other side of your fear.— – Jack Canfield

    There is such a parable

    Once a Man and a Dream became friends.

    “Let's go get the Blue Bird of Fortune,” Dream said.

    “Come on!” The Man said.

    In pursuit of a Blue Bird, they once soared over the abyss. The man was afraid.

    — I'm going to fall into the abyss… I want to go back!” — Stop it! ” he shouted.

    Dream was alarmed:

    — Don't think about falling, hold on to me and think about the Bluebird!

    The person had to decide: to continue to despair or, holding on to the Dream, to fly on; to live as if jumping over the abyss, or to live without taking their feet off the ground.

    And in life as well. Sometimes many of our dreams don't come true because we're afraid of them.

    Someone dreams of children, but at the same time is afraid “What if I will be a bad mother”

    someone wants a promotion, but fear says “Can I…”,

    someone dreams of a car, but is afraid to pass on the right.

    Don't be afraid to dream and believe that DREAMS COME TRUE.

    I wish you good luck and that all your dreams come true.

    1. “Few things in the world are important for a long time. “(Remark)

    2. “Don't know what to do? Do what you must, and come what may.”The authorship is attributed to a lot of great ones, there are also many options. I like this one. This is a very clear instruction for any unclear situation.

  32. Those who understand life are no longer in a hurry.

    For example I'm never in a hurry at airports) The simplest example, but still. When a huge queue lines up at the gate to aeroprota, I calmly sit and read the news or some terrible story on the Internet, from time to time looking at how soon the queue will end there or not. This way I sit comfortably while everyone else is waiting in line, and those who have passed the queue crowd into a cold(winter) or hot (summer) bus and wait for the last person to pass through the control while I sit in comfort and read =)

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