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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
You don't need to get too involved in school or work, you need to go out more, meet girls and start relationships. And then youth passes quickly: (
Tips for yourself!
Be less insecure and believe in yourself.
Take on everything that life offers.
Keep away from Destructive Friends (1986-1990)
Make your father quit smoking
1) Forget about dieting and weight loss. Of course, it's bad to be overweight, but 35 kg will not bring happiness. They will only kill your health
2) Don't get hung up on your studies! Learn only English (with it you will open up a lot of new opportunities) and what you need to enter the institute. Everything else is nonsense. These stupid lessons aren't worth your tears and nerves. It is better to sleep 8 hours, together 4, but do not make this stupid geography with society. All the same, you will forget about these grades, and the certificate (especially for the 9th grade) you'll throw it in the closet and forget it exists
3) Be brave! Don't let people take advantage of your kindness and hang around your neck. Feel free to say, ” No, I don't want to.” Remember: you don't have to participate in school concerts and productions. It's just that the teachers know you can't say no, and they take advantage of you
4) Spend more time with your grandmother. Don't fight with her or yell at her. You don't understand that she's right and only wants what's best for you. In half a year, when you're 14.5, she'll have a stroke and dementia. Unfortunately, you won't be able to spend the same amount of time with her
5) Don't let a boy in your class sexually harass you. Tell your parents and the Principal everything. Don't be patient!
6) Stop “running” after your alcoholic dad and begging him to stop drinking and come back to the family. He made his choice. It's sad to see that others have a dad and you don't( However, this is your life. No need to force anyone to do anything
7) No need to cut yourself, please. You'll have terrible scars for life
8) No need to impose on anyone and no need to run after anyone. If a person does not want to communicate with you/be friends, then you do not need to force them. He has every right to choose his own friends. If you try to impose yourself it will not lead to anything good
9) Don't give up your piano lessons. I would have learned to play beautifully much earlier
10) Don't be afraid to grow up. Live in the present, without thinking that you will become an adult and old
11) Worry less about the problems of others. There is no need to cry because of hungry people in Africa, because of dying animals, because of seriously ill people, and so on. Yes, I feel sorry for all of them, but please don't waste your energy on others. You have only you, your mother and a grandfather and a sick grandmother far away in Ukraine. Help others whenever possible, but don't get upset if you can't help someone
12) You are physically healthy. You only have flat feet and gastroduodenitis. Don't focus on your health
13) Say thank you to your mother for taking you to a psychiatrist and putting you in a mental hospital. This keeps you alive, not dead from exhaustion or suicide. There is no shame in going to a psychiatrist
14) Go at least a couple of times to hang out with classmates. Don't stay home alone 24/7
15) Appreciate life and your mother. She's the only one who truly loves you
Wear a hat, warm tights, and double socks in winter. Otherwise, you'll freeze your ass and feet off and they'll be freezing all their lives.
Do not be so sensitive to what the family says about each other, everyone has their own insults, cockroaches and views on life, adults are just as biased as teenagers.
Better prepare for the entrance exams, then you will go where you want, and not where it turned out.
I'm 40 and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I would have advised myself in 1994:
1. Learn math at school to enroll in a medical cosmetologist, and not a history teacher, in the future, will be in favor.
2. Separate yourself from your parents by getting a high-paying job and taking out a mortgage, not by getting married.
3. Live with your mind.
4. Being good for everyone is the stupidest thing to do, live up to your interests.
5. There is nothing to catch in this country, make a plan for earning money and learning English and, at the first opportunity, go for a card.
6. “Relationship building “and” nesting “can be shifted to “after 30”.
7. Spend money on high-quality clothes, leather shoes and good cosmetics – you will enjoy using them for a long time. Cheap garbage consumes many times more money.
8. Live consciously, think about what you are doing, at every moment of time.
Learn more about the world and people not only from books and computers, but also live.
Learn English – it will give you a good bonus when applying for a job.
Learn the programming language – there will always be a good source of income.
Do not engage in sports, but in physical education – you do not need to wear out the body.
Study psychology – you will be better versed in people and yourself.
Do some creative work, it will help to distract in the future from the daily hustle and bustle.
Drink as little alcohol as possible, don't smoke or eat junk food.
Like the main thing.
Probably don't waste your time thinking before you do anything. In addition, 14 years is the age when you can work, and here you need to carefully study employment contracts in order not to get into trouble.
My answer will be as universal as possible, which I think will be shared by many.
Better learn,don't make up your own problems and be aware of the real ones, don't give in to momentary moods, don't do introspection, look less at the female sex, you'll still see enough) whenever possible, don't talk to people you don't like.
In this case, the answer is simple,and it often sounds like a long time ago NOT TO RETREAT AND NOT TO GIVE UP, TO CONTINUE WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED BY IMPROVING ANY BUSINESS !!!This has been repeated since ancient times by all the peoples of the world, and those who do this will live longer even after death in memory.
I would print a lot. And I want to tell you a lot about what will happen if.
Firstly. I will tell myself that playing games is harmful. You'll lose a lot of time. And then you will say: – Why did I play these games, they did not bring me any benefit!
Minecraft, played a lot, built everything possible. It didn't bring anything. It took a long time.
Red Alert 2, and creating mods. What's the use? None at all! A very large part of the time was spent on this game.
Trackmania, well, created tracks, and abandoned them. It took a long time. Minus.
Warcraft 3, created maps, and triggers. There is no benefit. It took a long time.
Efficiency in games, zero. I wish I hadn't played. I spent a lot of time.
Secondly. Watch cartoons and videos, it will not be useful. Just a waste of time.
And wishes come true not instantly, but over time. With patience, diligence, hard work, and purpose.
Thirdly. I'm waiting for a certain moment in the future. More than ten years have passed, and nothing has happened.
That's what I'd say. Do it yourself, and don't wait for someone to do it for you!
Fourth. I would have helped him with anything. If there was a chance to stay with him.
I would help myself very well. And I will trust in it. I just didn't have any good friends. Just classmates and other people who don't care about me, because I don't know how to communicate, and I don't know how to properly enter a dialogue, conversation.
I would give anything to help myself in the past. But there is no such possibility.
I've been in wait mode for so many years that I'm starting to go crazy.
Why isn't it possible to be with yourself in another time?
I don't understand it. A sore subject for me. I just envy those people who are called gemini. And there is a part that we can find ourselves, in appearance, in character, in life, and so on.
I haven't found myself, yet.
Fifth. Don't cry, don't get upset. Everything will be ahead.
Don't react too sharply to problems. Don't take it personally. I can tell by the look of it.
Don't worry. Just engage in self-development.
Being lean, toned, flexible, athletic, and educated will only be a plus. And don't give up when it's hard. Overcome the difficulties that they were not.
Sixth. Be less selfish, and less whiny.
As you already know, you'd better stop reeling it in. It will not lead to the strengthening of the mind to disorder, but only vice versa.
Don't worry if it didn't work out. Try again and again.
Seventh. Follow these rules and you'll be a better person.
If you don't do what you said, you'll be like me.
And then you'll blame yourself for not following these rules.
Eighth. Ride your bike a lot more, and spend less time at your computer and laptop. You will be healthier, and your stamina and strength of mind will be on top. And then the confidence will be much higher than before. Trust and go to be better.
In the ninth. School will be hard. Better learn, and remember. It will come in handy in the future. And choose two or three important skills, and they will definitely help you live better than without them.
First, programming. Preferably in C Sharp. And then you will find the right languages to develop this skill.
Second, two de drawing. Draw, and then you will understand, you are capable of many things.
Third, three de drawing, modeling. When you are confident that you can model, then go ahead and do it.
Don't respond negatively to mistakes. Look closely at them, and extract the good stuff.
Find pluses in everything.
And at the end. I will say. I'll always be there for you. I'll come and remind you.
If there is such an opportunity.
Present time.
I'll love myself if I get the chance. In the meantime, I'm tired of looking at it. I see myself for many years, and there is no change at all.
Eh. What can you do. I lost my youth. Now I live in middle age.
I don't know what to do next. I don't see my future.
That's all. The issue isn't resolved, but it's now open.
I've never met anyone who typed like this before.
Thank you for your understanding, and for your negativity. I just found it hard to live.
Like this. I helped myself like this.
Apparently I'm the only one. Because, I still haven't found someone like me from the society.
1) Do not rely on anyone, they will all betray you or just leave.
2) Look less at the girls, they are only problems, and you will not stumble on that semi-mythical case-an exception anyway
3) Learn to sell everything that comes to hand will help
4) 11 classes of a Russian school you don't need nafig
5) Here everything will get worse and worse, and moving from the wilderness to Moscow/Peter won't help you, the dumpsters aren't much better
6) English the more – the better. And languages in general
7) Don't be shy about introversion, social phobia, and your tears
8) Forget your dreams of the best universities in the country and run somewhere, but abroad. You will understand, the main thing is to save your nerves and health in general.
What immediately came to mind, then wrote. Don't blame me
I was 14 years old a year ago, but there are some things that I would like to correct:
1) Do not think and do not think that your father will stop being an alcoholic
2) Do not drown in the daily routine, trying to change your family at the same time, you don't even really go out with your friends. Family is important, only you can't fix them, but you can take care of them, set priorities
3) Spit in the face of doubts, uncertainty, you like Anya, and this, logically, is mutual. More reasonable moderate audacity, do your business now, do not delay
4) Stop eating all sorts of rubbish, then the immune system suffers something, a good form does not get better, but for giving up alcohol in any form, thank you, even though I did not drink much
Buy 5 thousand bitcoins. Choose a different university. Read more. Spend more time with your grandfather. Try to understand the math, it will be useful to you.
Love communication and lies. Then you will not have cases when you can't communicate with a person or answer an inconvenient question. Make acquaintances and friendships mainly with adults, educated people.�
Start working as early as possible. Then you won't grow up “handsy”.
Start sexual intercourse with the fair sex already at the time of reading. Know this: the sooner , the easier it is. If you don't start, then you may not even start in adulthood – there will be no time to start a family, no “wishlist”.
Take care of yourself: run (this is unbearably difficult at first, but then you will understand the profit from this ;)), develop (read all the technical literature as much as you can. From the artist you can read the second book, imho you won't need it anymore). Focus on self-education.
Well I would give myself by the way yes.and on the advice of if.If you stop drinking apple juice and playing roblox, maybe it's time to start playing free fire.especially don't forget the most important thing,flush the toilet.
1) Do not listen to the opinion of others about their appearance. You're beautiful!(- ah!)
2) Try not to quarrel with your parents. Don't upset your mother and father!
3) Stop complaining about height, objects, appearance, or anything else. Don't ruin your life!
4) No dieting or weight loss. Just eat as much as you want, but healthy food!
5) Practice yoga. Well… just don't break something!
6) Be positive. Get out of the bad mood and clouds!
I do not know what else to add. These tips are not only for yourself, but also for others. Don't hesitate and be yourself! Good luck!
1 I would answer – do not dare to go to Rostov-it will be a terrible disaster and do not go with relatives far away they can ruin the trip.
2 Do not walk at night or early in the morning.
3 Do not interact with people if you do not feel kinship with the soul in the first few days of communication.
4 Do not trust your relatives they may betray you because they perceive your oddities as a disease.
5. Don't deny your dreams and interests.
6 Do not let strangers into the house it may be thieves.
7 Do not go to Saratov there is bad.
8 Do not go to the Crimea there is not very interesting and difficult.
9 Don't hurt your friends.
10 Don't deny your favorites, whoever they are.
11 Do not communicate with furfagami these are such zoophiles.
12 Do not communicate with fans of cartoons and games if they are different, there are few common interests.
13 You could have a tulpa, but know this is a big responsibility.
14 Yes, there was such a cartoon Reboot you can watch it.
15 There is also a good Digimona anime about digital monsters.
16 Don't listen to anyone but yourself and your friends.
17 You are stronger than you think and strength is meaning.
18 Avoid believers they are bad neighbors.
19 Don't be baptized that's bullshit.
20 Get to know yourself so you can do better sooner.
21 Revisit Disney sometime.
I've had too much trouble being gullible.
1. Continue to believe in yourself always,you will succeed.
2.Listen to yourself.Everyone else doesn't know what's best for you.
3.Take money from your mother and buy bitcoins.
4.Learn Ai programs…preferably everything and as best as possible.
5.Don't avoid
6.Live and don't be afraid of anything.
7.All responses will come in due course.
8. Face your fears.
9.Learn English.
10.Appreciate your life/parents/faith and be grateful for everything.
11.Accept life as a gift and a gift and never complain about it.The universe loves you.
12.Don't believe,don't be afraid, don't ask and fight to the end)
Thank God for everything. I wouldn't give them any ,because they will come back and tell their 14-year-old self that it's impossible and that's a fact.
God has arranged everything very wisely.
Being a humanist is not a shame;
The opinion of many people is not so important (in fact, you yourself are very reasonable and think correctly for your age);
Love and appreciate yourself, don't you dare belittle your abilities and success (no, this is not a sign of upbringing and good manners, but a road to low self-esteem and anxiety in fact from scratch);
Don't be afraid to fight for what you hold dear;
Stay at home less;
There is such a thing as an external course and lyceums at cool universities;
Learn the language (the topic about what you can't do is complete nonsense);
Do not be ashamed of your kindness and desire to help people;
Abstracting is not always good, reality is much more valuable;
If a person likes you, tell them (no, you won't look weird)
Get some sleep;
Don't slouch.
Put your dick on stories about the son of my mom's friend, you'll be better
Don't go to university at all, then you will regret the lost time of your youth
Well, if you buy at least a couple of Bitcoins, what a pity
Don't give up the sport when you want to come back – it will be a shame
Extend your foreign passport until the army girl starts running after you
Learn English, you will open up new horizons and do not have to catch up.
Read books, they will expand your understanding of this world and make it clear what you want from life.
Programming is yours, start learning it right now and you won't have to look for a job with such skills for a long time. After 2-3 years, you will start earning money on freelancing.
Don't get hung up on one thing, develop in different directions.
Get ready to move. Big and unexpected. Try to adapt to the nomadic lifestyle in advance.
Go to university. You don't even know where you'll be or who you'll meet.
Focus on languages, you have great abilities. Do not miss them, so as not to be on the edge in the future.
Don't interfere with the relationship. Yes, even if they ask for it. Yes, even if you liked it. Yes, even if it will be a light in the window for you, one and only. You'll regret it very much.
Keep playing the guitar. You won't believe where this is going to take you, either.
Don't be afraid of people, you'll learn to take care of yourself. Very useful.
“Don't start talking to that girl. Yes, she will give you a lot of emotions, but mostly you will listen to her complaints about life, and in the end she will break your heart.
-Don't worry about studying remotely, the student will get you grades.
“Don't talk to that aggressive jock girl. He'll beat you up.
The first thing I would like to say to myself is live, not live. Study and don't think you can't do anything. Don't be shy, your appearance doesn't mean anything. Believe in yourself and not others. The main thing is you can never lose yourself remember this, you have a head and a brain as long as you have them, nothing terrible will happen and you will never lose yourself.
Pray for yourself and your family every day, read the Bible and go to church
Do not consume alcoholic beverages and nicotine substances
Help your neighbor in difficult days
Success will come after you have invested time in a given GOAL
Keep a journal for experience reflection and results
It develops your personality and understanding of your life
Keep your word once said, Be reliable
Say yes, when you actually do
it, and be honest with yourself
Make mistakes and go to your goal
getting out of your comfort zone is success
you decide who you are
Plan well for what you have in mind
Organize your day in the form of Time Management
Focus on the most important things
Devote Sunday afternoon to a complete break from everything superfluous and focus on yourself and your real passion in Life
Write down on a dictaphone and tell it all the priorities that you want to get and repeat them in a whisper in front of the mirror for 4 weeks on the road and on the road
Tell the opportunity (problem) that you will solve it in the evening after spending 10 minutes
Study deeply-focus on happiness and follow the example of children interested in the world
Fall asleep at 10, get up at 5 in the morning constantly 7 days a week
Refrain from eating after 7-8 pm and drink water at least 3 hours before bedtime
Before going to bed, do not watch or read the news, and do not use your smartphone.
Pain is always a teacher, and failure is a sure path to success
Laugh more
for 5 minutes every day in front of the mirror (you can also tell jokes to yourself)
Live the day without observing time and understand the feeling of life
Always take risks, be brave as a warrior, brave the perfect life with ample opportunities
Be bold in your actions
Resist less
Focus on your goals
Read more books, articles, and wise advice
Learn to listen and understand the other person
Put all your problems on paper and they'll go away
Move forward and remember, the road will be mastered by the one who is walking, and not by the one who is standing and waiting
Children are the greatest gift of fate
Love and enjoy the road more than the goal itself
Work on your mistakes and fix them by noticing them personally
Live without regret and love your family
Be the master of your time and invest it only in those activities that are worth it. How many more times can you watch the full moon rise? Maybe twenty. And you keep thinking that there's no end in sight
Stay calm, you're so much higher than that
Wherever you are, be there entirely, and whoever you are, be better
Concentrate your attention
Learn to ask. After all, the person who asks looks like a fool for only five minutes. But the one who does not do this will remain a fool for life
There is one funny thing in life. If you choose the best, you'll get exactly that
Listen to self-development audiobooks along the way
Read filtered information, stay away from negativity to keep your mind clear
Set yourself specific goals that will encourage you to take further action
21 days is a great start for forming new skillshabits, �write on a piece of paper new skills that you would like to master and follow them for 21 days
To get rid of a bad habit, make it harder to interact with it
How does it work?!
For example, if you log in to instagram 30 times a day, then you should immediately delete it and install it again if your attraction tries to log in to it, this will make it much more difficult to log in, and in the future your desire to visit instagram with or without a hundred % will disappear
Learn the ability to forgive and this gift is good for you, it will fill you with energy and strength
A glass of fresh grapefruit juice in the morning is ideal for well-being, and for a great mood it is an apple, strawberry
Improve your environment
Wander through the forest it will charge you with energy you will be collected and change your thoughts for the better inhaling the aromas of leaves and the environment your health will become better and you will be a little kinder and more refreshed
Find yourself a mentor, a person who will go to the meeting to help with issues related to your life, inspire you to succeed and give valuable advice that will help you reach your goal and reach the next one with confidence
Do you want to get inspired and have a wonderful feeling imagine your short-term vacation, get away from the real and go into consciousness with the idea that you are now where you are happy you feel good you are surrounded by good people beautiful weather and then your consciousness will play along creating sounds of that atmosphere of powerful imagination and then you will be charged and in the present stay where your mind was you will have a great sense of peace of mind and a wonderful life
Gratuitously help people for good
Create a list of your idols that motivate you
Every day listen to music that inspires and gives a taste of joy causes a storm of emotions and makes you dance leading a daily positive mood
Create an approximate list of your current / future inheritance in advance
There is rarely a perfect moment. There is no time other than what is now, and there will never be another time other than what is now. If you're ever going to start preparing to accept what you want, then you need to start NOW.
Make three really good friends
Exercise daily
No matter how sad it sounds, but remember about death and use every day with maximum efficiency, if suddenly in some situation you feel a loss of control, imagine mentally that you are lying on your deathbed and abruptly go to reality, this will help defuse the situation and be more stable, because it is a look in the mirror that helps you get back on your feet and feel that everything is
Stop complaining and take full responsibility
Increase your importance, expand your territory, learn and absorb knowledge that others bypass
Be a better parent in the future
Take your life into your own hands and stop judging people
Be bold and decisive in unexpected situations
Find like minded people who will support you as much as you support them
We are built on five close people with whom we communicate daily
Create a code of daily behavior
Look on the bright side of life, even when surrounded by sadness
Become the director of your life, if you look ridiculous but do the right thing, keep doing it in spite of others, you are the master and captain of your life feel it
Learn from your mistakes, we are human beings and we tend to make mistakes, carefully learn from wise experience and progress further
Think about how important the phone call that you want to pick up will be distracted from your favorite business, do not break down like a firefighter �
Remember to rest means to restore your physical strength
Remember that a long sleep takes away your strength, wake up and do not fall asleep after the first opening of your eyes
Have dinner with your family creating favorable memories for the future
Pretend to be the best you are, take the image of the person you would like to become and copy it in the future you will transfer all his qualities to yourself
Take courses on the theory and practice of public speaking
Accept what cannot be changed
Be sure to plant a tree, during the great time you will see how a beautiful tree and your children grow
Find a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle and refresh yourself with charged thoughts for high achievements this place should warm your soul
By taking photos, you will capture the moments that you can return to years later, and relive them with the most pleasant feelings again and again
Leave negative emotions at the door of your home before you go in, �think about the good things
Collect quotes and post them where they will keep you on your way to success
Find your favorite business that you know best and rely only on yourself
Don't think like everyone else
You should be a creator, not a competitor
Believe in your ability to meet the unexpected
Devote your entire mind to acting in the present
Do everything perfectly that you can do every day, but do it without haste, worry, or fear. Go as fast as you can, but never rush
Remember that the moment you start rushing, you stop being a creator and become a competitor. Because of this, you “fall” back to the old level
Whatever you do, do it with the firm conviction that you are a progressive person
You need to make such an impression on others that they feel that working with you will help them grow as well
Every difficulty has the means to overcome it
Learn to tell when a person speaks under the influence of emotions, and when with a clear head
Remember that rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire a liability that they consider an asset
Be smart and no one will get the better of you
Who will you work for?, who will you make rich?
Words: how can I afford it? they will open the way for opportunities, excitement and dreams in the future.
Don't listen to poor or scared people
Remember, what ends up in your pockets depends on your head
The previous breath is important, but it's not nearly as important as the next one
More effort, not excuses
If you were able to present a brilliant idea, then you can implement it
Know that money and power are drawn to the one who attracts attention, and attention is drawn to the one who acts the most, and sooner or later he will achieve the greatest number of results
There is no weakness worse than procrastinating
You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve when you stop thinking, calculating, and procrastinating and just get down to business and get into the habit of acting right now.
Don't forget, the best way to repay those who wish you harm is to become so famous that every morning when they wake up, and every night before going to bed, they will hear your name, and they will have before their eyes the proof of your success
If you do anything other than ensure your long-term
success, you're putting everyone in your life at risk, including yourself.
Connect and work with those who are better than you, �only in this way can you become better
The word I can't will only derail you
Remember that successful people first devote themselves to something, and then think about what's what
Always be prepared for success, because when the chance comes, you need to catch it and not miss it
The only real problem you have is the unknown
Being quieter than water and lower than grass only leads to being quieter than water and lower than grass
Remember: success is your duty, your duty and your responsibility
1) If you decide not to talk about something, don't tell me. Ignore requests, insults, and pressure. If a person appreciates you, they will understand.
2) Get high from traveling. Soon you will lose this opportunity for a long time.
3) Spend time with your family. Fortunately, while you have it, it is quite large and friendly. But only for now.
4) Do not make friends on the principle of “no one else”. If you are open to communication , you will also find friends, believe me. Otherwise, you'll just lose yourself.
5) Don't faint at the word “school”. Maybe this is the best option.
6) Don't skimp on your hobbies. Write, draw, burn-it's all great. And useful.
7) Get involved in sports, finally. And know this: the older you get, the harder it gets.
Study well to pass the OGE for good grades and go to the lyceum, where you can make friends with smart and interesting people.
Learn to communicate with girls. Then this skill becomes more and more difficult to develop.
Don't fuck your brain with stupid unfounded thoughts.
Don't take your parents ' words so personally.�
Forget about other people's opinions.
Have more faith in yourself, in your own strength.�
GOS in college you will pass, do not worry, though 1 point is not enough �to 5, but then, you will graduate from the university with a red diploma. Basically.�
Do not take the initiative in a relationship, your man will find you himself, believe me.
And even better, after graduating from college, go to another city -I went to university there.�
take care of your parents. They are the only ones who always cares for you and loves you
My advice would be: learn to ask questions. Until you ask the right question yourself, no advice will help. And useless questions will create another “manilov” with great conceit and without any results in life.
Learn English and math, and also read Russian fiction, and world literature, too. You will need it in the future. Go to a secondary school to get a working specialty, and then go to HSE.
love and respect yourself. study more and read more. start earning extra money and moving away from your parents
, but
still keep smiling, be yourself and believe in the best
“Keep smoking weed. You've already tried it, and you like it. Don't go down the slippery slope of alcohol, even in the dorm. Your father is an alcoholic, and your genetics will kill you.
– Drop out of the institute earlier, and it is better not to enter it at all. PR and advertising are not your thing. It's not your place to deceive people to serve the interests of corporations. You still have a conscience, back in the 14s. Yours, as it turns out much later, is to forge knives and generally work with your hands, although you always thought that you would work with your head.
-Move to St. Petersburg. This is your city, you will immediately feel it with all your heart, you will often visit there in the future, without being able to move. And it will be infuriating here in Moscow.
– Don't do business with your friends and relatives. You'll lose both.
– Don't quit the sport. You'll gain 25 extra pounds, thanks to the beer you loved so much back in the dorm. And you will long and painfully remember what a handsome man was, and how the girls themselves wrote to you so that you were with them, and not they with you, trying to overcome alcoholism of the third degree.
“Don't write poetry. You'll start it early, back at 10, and the fact that you're exhausted at 23, even though you're a multi-award nominee, will kill you.
“Take care of your mother. She, as a child, as an obligatory appendage to you-soon the only one who will help you and generally be interested in how you are doing, and always wait for you.
None at all. I like who I am now, which means that no matter how much I missed in the past, it had to happen in order for me to be what I am now. There is no need to regret anything, because it is not clear how everything would have turned out under other circumstances. It is enough to go with the flow and not relax at all.
Only when you become an adult do you realize what you missed in the previous life period. I learned it by rote. This was very useful to me. When the family moved to a new place of service, it was necessary to participate in a competition for a new job. The auditorium with 120 students was close to the human resources department. I am a candidate of Physical and mathematical sciences, October 4 VTUZ. I applied to the OK for the first time. I was offered to hold a class in 214 classrooms, and then take part in the competition. For the previous four years, the family had served in a remote garrison. I wasn't working. Start. OK invited me to enter the classroom. The head of the department was already sitting there. What a blessing that I learned to automatism, by heart. You didn't need to participate in the contest. Worked for 30 years.
1) Don't regret anything.
Even if you didn't do your homework and preferred it – sticking to another book or talking to a friend. Don't be sorry.
2) Don't hold on to toxic people
They'll waste your time. And if you did communicate see point 1
3) Don't be afraid to read.
You will be bullied for reading slowly. They'll make fun of what you read, but remember: there are no bad books. Even if you start learning to read with Dontsova , it's not a bad thing
4) Don't be afraid to perform.
Even if it doesn't work out or it doesn't seem like it's yours. Don't be afraid, it will give you confidence
5) Be yourself. Be unique.
Learn foreign languages.Escape to Europe by train. Don't waste time studying.Studying is a waste of time. If the ancestors are wealthy, then there will be an education,and if the ancestors are hard workers, then even if you get a high school without bribes and gifts (this is generally unlikely), then you will be a beggar with a high school in this Mordor. Now it is bitter and insulting for the years wasted on studying and the missed chances for young people to find themselves in a developed country.
Don't discount your problems, your pains, and don't let others discount you and your problems.
No one cares about your extra weight
Stop loving all the guys you love
Be rude, hit me if you want nothing will happen
Don't be shy about your feelings
Don't be shy about yourself and go meet the guy you like but be prepared for failure, be prepared to endure pain and betrayal
Don't trust your friend and just break off the relationship with her
Don't put up with terrible words in your direction
Don't lose weight for the sake of others
Work, learn how to earn
money and read self-developing books
Learn Chinese, English, Korean
Don't feel sorry for your parents money that they owe you
Only feel sorry for yourself
Value yourself
Tell yourself every day that you're beautiful, you'll be fine and everything will turn out fine ' Cause it's really true
Watch Russian dramas with subtitles
Learn to trust yourself
Do not be afraid to get 3 and admit it to your parents, grades and school do not determine whether you are smart or not, if you did not study, it just means you are not interested, but it does not mean that you are not smart
Change your school
Get rid of toxic classmates who think you're weird) Believe me, you are not like that, you are absolutely normal and healthy, you are not a sick mental hospital this is your mother like that, she wants you to believe this lie
This is not so, you are a completely healthy person
You deserve love, don't waste your energy and time with undeserving people
Love yourself you're all alone
You think about what others think, no one cares, they will forget you in 3 seconds
Not everyone you love deserves you)
Don't fall in love until you move to Almaty
Go to college in Almaty
Don't be friendly if you don't want to be you don't owe them anything and they'll never help you in the future
Accept that your parents need you only for their own purposes
They want to make a slave out of tpb, don't fall for it, don't hate them either, let them go and don't let them control you
Don't be afraid, don't be lazy, don't hesitate to send your RESUME
Don't give up your run
Don't quit the sport
Don't quit dancing
Be gentle with your little sisters) especially with u
Don't choose a humanitarian course – you'll know it in an acceptable way, if you're not a moron, and you're not a moron, but a humanitarian specialist – not exactly what you can call a “sought-after specialist”, although, of course, it depends on the level. Math and physics are worse, but you can still do better in them, and the laws of nature do not change, it is useful to know them.
Find a tutor in physics and German.
Don't think too much about girls.
Take a chance to enroll in a normal Moscow university, or at least in a branch of MIPT, although in principle… and so it turned out quite well.
In short, if I advise myself that's all – I won't be… Zasim – know regretts. The only advice is sports, bro, you need it, don't make it up and don't be lazy. Well, about the girls, number three. And so-everything is good, my years are my wealth.
The main thing is to forget about all opinions. Everyone around you doesn't understand a damn thing about life, just like you do.
Don't be afraid to try what's interesting, even if it's a known failure.
Move to St. Petersburg as soon as possible. It's not as hard as it sounds.
Behave with girls more impudent, rude, fight with your upbringing, it is very harmful.
Well, if you imagine that I have a time machine or something else. Okay.�
Don't study until grade 11, get a profession after grade 9.
Learn English.
Don't stop running.
Don't reach out to people who push you away.
Don't say everything you think and think what you say.
Remember how you know something, separate facts from opinions.
Don't be afraid to want something difficult to achieve.
if you do not go into fiction in the style of “invest in dollars, buy bitcoins”, then I have only 3 tips: 1) once every six months go to the dentist, do not delay. it's cheap and will simplify your life very much 2) you don't need to work for 6 years in a fucking printing house, go straight to game Dev as a draftsman 3) buy fucked-up Zhiguli at 18, at 30 it becomes a pelvic floor shame and not cool.
Spend more time playing music. Don't be fooled by your friends who invite you to go out instead of developing. After all, what kind of friends are they to you if they don't care about your creativity?
Try not to be so gentle. Po-more self-confidence, you're a man!
Don't let any girl turn your head. This will slow you down and you will not be able to create, because all the attention will be on her. And if you break up, then never show your pain to anyone! Especially to her, otherwise you will fall in her eyes and she will remember you as a complete nonentity. Don't write to her at all, don't mention it. Get busy, it's distracting.
Stop swearing. Time is changing and in your 20s you will no longer wear wide jeans.
If you choose German as your second language instead of French, the French teacher will give up on you and you won't learn the language at all. Ask your mother to find a tutor in English and history. You'll need this. Develop your passion for programming, it will be VERY useful to you later (you will be surprised by what you will end up doing).�
The fact that you want to work all summer is commendable, but it's better to go out and have fun. You don't need the money, you'll still earn it.�
Stop putting on so much makeup, don't do it at all. And you don't need to grow your hair up to your buttocks, you're better off with short ones.�
Bad influences don't stick to you, that's good, but most importantly – don't fall in love with this boy with azure eyes, you'll spend seven years on him.
“They won't bother, everything will be fine. By the way, there is a very interesting historical period ahead, so it won't be boring. Learn English and don't start smoking, although you can decide for yourself. “