2 Answers

  1. In general, religion was born a long time ago.People were generally afraid of what they didn't know.People at that time didn't know as much about the world as we do now.Imagine ancient people walking in the courtyard, and lightning strikes next to them.They think: hmm, this is actually xs what, let's call it Zeus!

    Plus, people have long noticed how religion and shared faith bring people together.And now with believers, people believe in God because of habit)

  2. the etymology of the word religion varies, but it seems to me that one of its successful definitions is the restoration of the connection re re-ligio. This definition captures the essence of the matter very well. Religion is establishing a connection with the Creator, the Supreme. Communication through faith, search, conversion, prayer, Revelation, Teaching, reverence, and so on. What are the reasons for being religious? The reason is most likely one-the realization of the futility of everything that happens at the level of matter, physics-someone likes to think that love is just chemistry and nothing personal, but to someone such explanations are considered absurd. The negation of everything super-material, there is only nature with its laws that came from nowhere and for some reason happened evolution up to self-knowledge – and that's all, there is nothing else. Nothing has a special purpose, everything is random, we came from oblivion, we'll hang out a little and dive back into oblivion-in my opinion, there is no more bitter idea.�

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