5 Answers

  1. Read the book of Ecclesiastes, which is from the Old Testament. It was written by a man who had experienced many things in his life and found many things absolutely meaningless. But there were some things that he thought were really important, and that's what he wrote at the end.

  2. Albert Camus 'essay” The Myth of Sisyphus”. I recently read along with his works “The Stranger” and “Caligula”. Parses everything related to absurdism. You should definitely read it if you are interested in this topic.

  3. Read Blok's poems, the “Scary World” cycle. Or read the history, it's all so pointless, but merciless.. Read dystopias, Orwell, Huxley, etc.

  4. I can recommend the French philosopher of Romanian origin Emile Michel Cioran (Cioran). An existentialist, but in a very broad sense. It has nothing to do with Camus-Sartram. The main body of work is short syllogisms. But there are also “detailed” essays.

    I can also recommend P. Tillich's” Courage to Be”. The Protestant theologian thinks very intelligently about this problem. Without any propaganda attempts. One may disagree with its conclusions and concept, but it is interesting to read, even for a completely non-religious person (like me). The author has a very strong philosophical background and goes far beyond theology in the traditional sense.

    Lev Shestov also comes to mind. A unique phenomenon in Russian philosophy at the beginning of the last century. If for some reason passed by – be sure to read “Apotheosis of groundlessness”.

  5. I can recommend “Outsider” by A. Camus. I haven't got to the rest of his work yet. Anyway, read the existentialists.

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