15 Answers

  1. It is never too late to change the field of activity, even after 50 years, if there is a desire to develop and retrain. The world is changing rapidly, and the labor market is extremely sensitive to the needs of business and all spheres of life. In some industries, there is already a “personnel shortage”, a shortage of competent, highly qualified specialists, who are literally being hunted around the world.

    Therefore, there is no need to be afraid! It is important to answer the following questions::

    1. What do I really want?
    2. What does the ideal job look like for me? What areas are of genuine interest?Where would you like to develop?
    3. What functions and responsibilities would you like to perform? What is interesting to do?
    4. What exactly do I not want to face in my future activities?

    After choosing the desired direction, you need to study current vacancies and requirements for them on well-known personnel search sites.

    If you discover requirements and skills that you lack, you need to learn more and get the appropriate certificates. Nowadays, the education market offers convenient and affordable distance learning programs of varying duration and depth, which can be purchased from the comfort of your home.

    Remember: it is never too late to change your life, you just need to choose the development vector in accordance with your wishes, based on intuition and the needs of the labor market. And it is important to act, because who, if not you, will make your life interesting, rich and filled with career and personal achievements, wonderful events and meetings with amazing people?! Open up to the world, take action and don't be afraid of anything!

  2. Everyone knows Louis de Funes, but not everyone knows that until the age of 48 he worked at a gas station, i.e. well, a completely different activity compared to a world-class cinematic star

  3. It depends on how you are doing with your learning ability and where you have decided to go.

    When I was 35, I switched from copywriting to layout and programming. I have a fast processor, so I learned it easily. But more often it takes longer to learn, and you don't understand everything right away, so it's better to learn how to do something new first, and then quit your job.

    And of course, it doesn't work in every field. For example, starting a career as a neurosurgeon after 35 is already much more difficult than a career as a lawyer, because the flexibility of the joints of the fingers and a strong spine are not as necessary for a notary as for a person who can pick out bone fragments from other people's brains for several hours.

  4. Of course, everything is in your hands, as they say. First of all, at this age you have accumulated work experience, you already know what a mistake is, completely new professions have opened up. So this is the best age I think.

  5. Of course you can and it's never too late. Most people break out in a cold sweat at the thought of changing their lives. For many Russians, life after 30-40-50 years is over altogether — so many people think for some reason. I do not agree with this statement of the question. You can change your life 180 degrees at any age. I read an amazing story about an 80-year-old couple who were married for 55 years. The wife asked for a divorce, explaining that now she is ready to live for herself. She's got a taste of technology, started an Instagram account, and posts photos from Latin dance classes.

    We are not afraid of change, but of the responsibility it entails. Taking responsibility means giving up something, your usual lifestyle, people, and favorite things, but this is the only way to achieve concrete results.

  6. Can. If you feel that you are wasting energy at work or that you are not doing your own business, why not change your field of activity? If the planned changes change your life for the better, improve your emotional and mental state, then worries about changing jobs and getting used to new things will be justified. The choice must be made consciously. You need to understand yourself and your needs. The later you realize that it's time to change your life, the harder it is to take this step. The fear of the new, the fear of learning something complex for a long time, the difficulty of self-determination-this is all what you can face. Perhaps, having realized all your needs, you can find yourself without changing your job dramatically. Try adding a little creative expression to your everyday life, or try to solve extraordinary tasks in a routine process.

  7. Yes, no problem. Especially if you have the time and money. If you don't have to come from call to call and pay for food, you can still find options with prospects. The main thing is to understand what you don't like right now and doesn't allow you to develop (it can be both external and internal reasons) and eliminate these obstacles.

  8. In the United States, an average person makes 5 careers in his life. In Russia, it is less, but given the change in the speed of information processing in the age of new technologies, you will have to adapt more often and learn new professions several times in your life – completely normal and at an older age. This allows you to think flexibly

  9. That's just the way it should be. True, life did not ask me about my desires-but I mastered many types of activities. Start from scratch? apparently, you didn't succeed in your previous fields-any experience can be flexibly transformed and have advantages. And there comes a time when quantity turns into quality-you understand how to organize and do the work and the manager is not a stress for you, but a normal state of affairs.

  10. Quite.I went to university at 30 to get another major, and I don't regret it a bit.On the contrary, life began to boil,bubbled,horizons began to expand and there was an incredible desire to do something,to develop.That's what I needed.In my opinion,all these are stereotypes-it's late, the train has left,old age is just around the corner…It all depends on how the person feels.It is better to at least make some attempts,make an effort to do what interests you, rather than drag out the strap and go to work with daily disgust until retirement. So don't be afraid.

  11. depends on the person. if he wants to, why not? although, for example, I believe that at 30 you need to become conscious and constant, not to grab everything new, not to give up what you spent your youth on, but to refine and improve everything that you already have. but no one bothers to disagree with me and do whatever you want)

  12. Can. My mother worked as a representative for a pharmaceutical company, then quit for several years because of a big renovation, then a painful divorce followed. I went to a psychotherapist and after finishing my therapy I became so interested in this topic that I started studying gestalt myself and now I am gaining my first clients. And she's over forty, by the way! Of course, there were a lot of fears, but gestalt brings her real pleasure and interest, so she decided to take a chance and radically change her career. We support it, of course

  13. Well, what about the famous story of Colonel Sanders, who only after forty began to fry chicken, which now everyone knows as KFC, but there are only a few such stories in the world. All, well, i.e. 98-99% of “success” is made by people under thirty, whether it's business or science, not to mention sports. Personally, I am not familiar with any person who has managed to “start” in a new area after 35, and who has achieved at least some significant results.

  14. I sometimes see grandparents at the university under the age of 80-90. They go to lectures, listen, and learn. Not exact science, but still. And if at this age people can decide to start something new, then at 30-35 God himself ordered. Good luck.

  15. Yes, you can. But any change of activity is a rollback of 10-15 years ago. That is, you should be ready to sit down for textbooks, again. Or just rely on your friends.

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