One Answer

  1. The meaning depends on the context, but in everyday life it is more often found in connection with banking operations.�


    Transaction – a generally accepted term in the financial world, which denotes the commission of an operation. The word comes from the English transaction – “business, transaction, agreement”.
    There is�few�types�operations�which�made�call�transactions.
    -�Bank”transaction“–”transfer of funds from one account to another . . .
    -�An accounting transaction is also a transfer of funds between accounts, but within the same company. …
    -�Transaction�on�market�valuable�securities�–�is the deal with those or other assets. The number of shares, bonds, or derivatives purchased or sold in a single transaction can be any number.
    In addition,the term “transaction” is widely used in credit card transactions. Moreover, it is customary to distinguish between online transactions, when there is an immediate connection with the processing center, and offline transactions, when this does not happen.

    Transaction�(English�transaction, from�Lat.�transactio�— agreement, contract)� is the minimum logically meaningful operation that makes sense and can only be performed completely.
    Until the end of the 20th century, the spelling “transaction” was usually used in Russian[1]. Recently, the spelling “transaction ” prevails”[2][3][4][5].

    Bank transaction— an operation that consists of transferring funds from one “account”to another; a purchase and sale transaction.
    ATM transaction�(Eng.AT ATM transaction)�— an operation to issue cash or provide another service through�an ATM[6].
    Transaction— an agreement (political, legal) accompanied by mutual concessions.

    Transaction (Computer science)�— a group of logically combined sequential operations for working with data that is processed or canceled entirely.

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